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Posts posted by TAnn

  1. Bill,

    I'm sorry to hear that your wife is having these complications. How did the chest x-ray come out? Is she coughing more than usual? That is usually how I can tell if my pleural effusion is back or increased.

    I'll hope and pray that the Tarceva is still working and that her body is just getting used to the medication and that's why the rash is gone.

    Let us know...


  2. Thank you all for the prayers and good wishes. Yesterday was a long day, they were running behind by about 3 hours, so I spent about 9 hours there.

    Funny thing happened in the MRI, they told me to take off my watch, but I could leave my rings on. I had my wedding ring and a sterling silver ring on. Once I was in the machine and the test started that finger that the sterling silver ring was on was practially jumping off my hand. The ring was moving with every pulse! I had to push that little ball thingy and have the tech take off my ring with out moving at all! :D He said it was ok, nothing was messed up, but now he knows to tell everyone to take everything off! (Funny my wedding ring had no reaction)

    I won't find out any results until this coming Wednesday, first thing in the morning.


  3. Hi all,

    Tomorrow I go in for my MRI of the head and chest CT, bloodwork and X-ray. I have a strong feeling it's not going to be good news as my symptoms have increased daily. My last scan was 6 weeks ago with some suspisious looking "fluff" and this is to confirm their thinking of whether it is progression or scar tissue.

    I'll have to admit, I'm nervous about this one.....

    Thank you all for your support!


  4. Bill,

    The last time I saw my doc he said they are starting to see that many patients who have been on Tarceva for more than a few months, (I've been on it for 5)

    are starting to see the rash calm down a bit.

    I had very dry skin in the beginning, but now have no problem with that. I think your wife is just finally adjusting to the Tarceva.

    Sounds like good news to me.


  5. Fay,

    Waiting is the worst, no doubt. It just gives our imagination the opportunity to run away with horrible thoughts and scenerios.

    Hope you've received the news by now and praying for you to be a member of the EHC!


  6. Addie,

    Now that you mention it, my nails were nice and strong while on chemo. The one thing I experienced while I was on Taxotere was that not only did they get stronger, they also became quite colorful!

    After every treatment, it left a "stripe" on my nails. The were pink and white striped for several months while I was on Taxotere and a couple of months afterward too. Like the rings on a tree trunk, the stripes went horizontal. I thought it was quite the fashion statement! 8)


  7. Taxol/Carbo was my first course of treatment. I had problems with my blood counts and had to stop after the 5th treatment. It held me stable, no shrinkage and like Beth, my tumor started growing again only a couple of months after completing it.

    Hope it works for your mom.


  8. Melanie

    I am so sorry you have been in so much pain, but am glad to hear you got some help and the pain is better. I'll be praying for you and your husband's strength. Please know we are thinking of you.

    Thank you Cindi for letting us know about Melanie...


  9. CathyR,

    Wow, I agree w/Addie, your hair is very responsive! Hopefully that means the radiation is working just as quickly. My hair fell out the day after my 10th and last treatment.

    Addie, you are right about it taking longer to come back. My wbr was in October and I'm just NOW starting to get fuzz. (6 MONTHS!!!) And, I'm thinking about joining the band "The White Stripes" because it is really black all over with a "stripe" of white hair down the top of my head. (From the crown to the forhead! :shock: ) I look like the bride of frankenstein or something!

    Hang in there Cathy, your attitude is so uplifting to me. Keep up the fight girl!!!!


  10. Janet,

    My doc prescribed me Ambien to help me sleep. I don't know the drug you mentioned that Ron is on, so I don't know if there are any interactions that he needs to be aware of.

    But, sleep is essential in this battle. Ask his doc if he can take some sort of sleep aid. The usual dosage for Ambien is 10mg, but I have the 5mg tablets and only take one. It works great.

    Best of luck,


  11. Melanie,

    I am thinking of you right now as you are probably getting your first Gemzar treatment. I could feel your trepadation in your post. I know how hard it is to gear up for yet another treatment, and by now you are mentally exhausted. Keep coming here to vent. We've all been there at one time or another.

    I, myself, may be heading back into chemo within the next few weeks and really don't know if I can handle it either. But, I know my husband and son won't let me give up and they keep me strong and focused.

    I am praying for you and praying that the Gemzar slows the beast down giving you some relief and comfort.


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