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Posts posted by TAnn

  1. Janet,

    Oh my goodness! I'm sitting here with my mouth open :o ! I can't believe all that Ron has been through. He is a strong and brave warrior. Tell him to keep shhhing that fat lady. Like Cindi said, I hope that doc has his *ss in a sling over this.

    May Ron continue to heal and feel better. I bet he feels so much better with all that fluid gone, wow!


  2. Betty,

    I am so sorry to read your news. It must have been so hard for you to send this post. May you be free from pain and know that we are all praying for you. You are an inspiration and have always been a bright light for so many of us here.

    God Bless,


  3. I have gone through the hair loss thing 3 times. My first treatment was Taxol/Carbo. It didn't start to fall out until the week before the 2nd treatment. I was stubborn and didn't want to shave, hoping that it would just "thin". Well, mine fell out in clumps, but it took days and days. It was miserable taking a shower because my hands would be full of hair, and I really looked ridiculous. When I finished that chemo regimine, I had a short break and my hair started coming back in. It was looking pretty full and then I was put on Taxotere. This time as soon as it started falling out, I used an electric razor to shave it. It saved me the days and days of agony of "waiting" for it to all fall out.

    The 3rd time, I had been on Iressa for quite a few months and my hair was actually back, for real, I was even getting it hilighted! But then I had to have whole brain radiation and the slow fall out started again, so once again I shaved it.

    For me, I found that shaving with an electric razor was the best, it really is a trauma for your hair to be falling out in big clumps day after day. It's been 6 1/2 months since that radiation and I finally have a little fuzz. I would really like to have hair again, but since I haven't had any for pretty much 2 years now, I probably would have a hard time with the blow dryer! :shock:

    Good luck,


  4. Beth you are so right. We just found out that my husband's mom has breast cancer. She found out 1 week ago and is having surgery tomorrow. My poor husband, first his wife and now his mom. It's just not fair.

    If anyone has a spare prayer or two, I sure would appreciate sending a few my mother-in-laws way.


  5. Frank Frank Frank,

    You really had us worried! Sounds like you have had quite a time. Thank goodness all was taken care of. It must have been quite scary with the heart thing, but you are strong and are back to tell us your great jokes and keep John sober!

    Seriously, welcome back. Get better w/the "other end" quickly.


  6. Beth,

    I'm with ya on that barium stuff! When I go for a ct scan, the other people in the waiting room who are drinking their barium always give me looks like, "Hey! why doesn't SHE have to drink this stuff???" I tell them, I'm lucky (?) I'm only here for a chest ct! Always look at the bright side!

    Praying for good results!


  7. Don and Lucie,

    Sounds like you got thrown back into reality with a bang when you got back from your trip. Don, you take care of yourself, Lucie and all of us need you! So sorry about Lucie's leg, praying the radiation gives her some relief. Glad to hear you have wonderful friends and neighbors to help out. You never know where your next "angel" will show up! Get plenty of rest!


  8. Cindi,

    What a wonderful surprise! I've been going about the day and totally forgot how important it is! Sooooo, thanks to all of you have gotten me this far and make mine a frozen margarita w/salt!


  9. CathyR,

    I am so sorry you had to go through a thorencentesis. I know you must be feeling pain, especially when you breath right now. It will start to feel better usually the 2nd day after the procedure.

    I am so sad to hear about your progression. What is your next plan of action? I'm sending prayers for you and keep up the good attitude. You inspire me.


  10. Saw the doc yesterday and got my latest scan results. There is "change" from the previous scan. They have noted what my doc referred to as "fluff" around my original primary tumor. It is not clear what this "fluff" represents at this time, but said it could be what is called Lymphangitic Spread. I asked a question about this on Ask the Experts and got a very good description of what it is.

    Since they are unsure of whether this is possible spread or scar tissue or what, I am staying on Tarceva for another 6 weeks and will then will re-scan both chest and brain.

    Slight increase in pleural fluid and very slight increase in nodules in other lung, but they are still very very small.

    That's the update for now.


  11. It makes sense that if your mom is unable to tolerate the side effects of the current chemo due to low counts, then it is not a benefit to her. (Especially isn't a benefit if she can't get the treatment) I'm not sure how many treatments she's already had, but they usually give a short "break" before starting another regimine.

    I was on Taxol/Carbo and could not complete the 6 course regimine and then went to Taxotere and also could only get 5 of 6 treatments due to the low counts. It's not uncommon.

    I know that you are concerned, but it sounds like the doc's are working in her best interest.


  12. Cheers to Charlie D. Congratulations on 1 year.

    On Sunday it will be my 2 year anniversary from Diagnosis. I sure wouldn't mind a few toasts to that! Never thought I'd be here this long!

    (You all know how that feels!!)


  13. Cindi,

    Why oh why do we have to deal with so many of life's issues and lung cancer at the same time? I think one begets the other. I am sending my prayers that this move will be a fresh new start for you. I wish you could get some help. Packing and moving and all that goes with it is so much to handle, especially for one person. God will give you the strength you need to get through this, both physical and mental, and when you reach the other side, you will see how strong you really are.

    Hang in there......

    And I'm so glad you are feeling better!


  14. Thank you Pattie for letting us know about Frank. I am sending my prayers for Frank to be home by the weekend! Stay strong Frank!


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