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Posts posted by TAnn

  1. Fay,

    Playing the Celtic War Drum AND Recorder???? If you can do it at the same time then you are The Woman! Have a wonderful pity party, get all those stored up tears out and make room for more. I'm so sorry that you are having this reaction to the Tarceva. Hopefully a little break will help your tummy get healed.

    Take care and looking forward to a good post on Monday from the Renewed and Refreshed Fay!


  2. David,

    This is not the news you were hoping for. I know how devastated you must be right now, but I see that positive attitude shining through. My prayers have been sent for you. I hope for your continued strength and a wonderful day at the circus.


  3. Carbo/Taxol was my first line chemo treatment also. It is really strong, and there are alot of pre-meds that they give you in your iv prior to administering the actual chemo. That is why it takes so long. Some people do very well on this chemo. I did not have any shrinkage, however and the side effects, nausea, hair loss, fatigue, metallic taste were pretty hard on me. Others, however, have continued to work through treatment, so it just differs.....


  4. Cathy,

    Wow! That sounds like it is a very tedious process, but worth it if it works!

    You are one brave girl. I really admire your positive outlook. Good luck with the future treatments, and stay off that foot!

    Isn't it great to have a day to rest and not go anywhere????


  5. It seems like forever since I've had any really good news to report. Well, today I have some!!!!!!!!

    My doctor just called to let me know the results of my latest brain MRI. He said that 3 of my tumors have shrunk significantly and are almost not visible and 2 are gone!!!! Oh, I've forgotten how good it feels to get some good news. It really brings your spirits up!!!!! :lol::lol::lol:

    Beth and Addie, stay positive, some good news is just around the corner for you both too! :wink:


  6. Ry,

    Tarceva is much stronger than Iressa. I did very well on Iressa and have had problems with Tarceva also. I have not experienced coughing up blood, but I can tell you that the diarreah was worse when I first started it. My doctor put me on Previcid for the "sour stomach" that I was experiencing and I think that has counter-acted the diarreah from the Tarceva, so that department is pretty good most days.

    I really didn't experience a rash with Iressa, but Tarceva is really doing a number on me. I've started using Oil of Olay Shower Conditioner. It's like a hair conditioner for your skin, and you put it on like lotion in the shower and then rinse it off. It really has helped the dry skin. Thankfully, the rash has attacked my body and left my face alone, so I'm not complaining there.

    Hoping your doctor can give you some relief, or reduce the dosage to 100mg is always an option.


  7. I think it is because there is absolutely NOTHING else on during the day. At least with the food network, you can learn something. You know how they always say, "Oh, I wish we had smell-a-vision" it smells so good in this studio", well, I'm glad that we can't smell it. I can look at it, just not smell it.

    So, I say it's because it's the only thing on.......anyone else?


  8. Beth,

    So glad to hear your first chemo went good. Sounds like you are in good spirits and that's a good sign. Thank goodness you have your mom to help you. Hoping that the worst of your side effects is feeling a little tired, and the best that there are NO side effects!

    Take a nice nap and enjoy your nutty buddy!


  9. Beth,

    Your surgeon sounds like a wonderful man. Very level headed. I think doing the chemo and seeing the effects is a good start. I pray that all goes well with the Alitma and you have total success with it.

    I'm thinking of you all the time......hang in there!


  10. Beth,

    I'm sorry it has taken me so long to respond. You are always on my mind and in my prayers though. This disease is full of ups and downs. Just keep in mind that the downs are always followed by the ups! I know how hard it is to "gear-up" for another treatment and I'm definately wishing you didn't have to be tortured anymore. But Alitma may be your magic bullet, then you will be back on the "up" swing.

    Let us know how you are doing, and remember how many are here to support you.


  11. T,

    I had whole brain radiation in October and have experienced ringing in the ears ever since. The balance problem could also be related to the radiation. Remember when you have whole brain radiation, you destroy some of the good cells along w/the bad. My eyesight has also gotten worse and my short term memory is definately pretty much gone.

    Also, I wanted to mention that the dizziness and balance problem could also be due to dehydration. Chemo will dehydrate you, so make sure she gets plenty of fluids.

    Good luck, and welcome to the boards.


  12. Addie,

    I don't know about the needle biopsy, but am sending prayers that all goes well. I can relate to the hair, since being diagnosed in April of 03, I've had hair only about 4 months! Still waiting for it to grow back from wbr in October!!!!

    Best of luck on your new battle plan. Keep us posted.


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