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Posts posted by TAnn

  1. Cindy,

    First of all I am so happy to see your post. Ned is always welcome here!

    I have suffered from migraines since I was in the 3rd grade. Back then the only thing to take was Tylenol, which does nothing. I suffered for so many years and one day we went to a baseball game and they were handing out free samples of "Goody's Powders". Have you heard of them? They are over the counter and it is a powder with basically a combination of aspirin, acetametaphin(sp) and lots of caffeine.

    It works, I promise. It has been my saving grace. I've tried numerous prescription migraine meds, but Goody's works better. When I had my first meeting with my onc. the first thing I told him is that he had to let me keep taking my "Goody's" for my migraines. He hadn't heard of it! Of course he agreed, whatever works.

    Because it is a powder it gets into your system immediately. I have rarely had a case that it didn't get rid of my migraine in 10 minutes. I have turned so many people on to this that I should be the national spokesman. THEY WORK!! The worst part is that it is a powder, but I became a pro at just pouring it on the back of my tongue and like Becky said swigged a Diet Coke with it. You also have the added benefit of an energy boost! :wink:

    Hope you can find them in your neck of the woods.


  2. Lori,

    Tarceva's purpose is to a) target the tumor(s) and shrink them, (B) target the tumor(s) and stop them from growing and progressing and © as preventative maintenance after surgery or NED.

    It is not a trial and has been approved. Put it on your list to ask the doctor about.

    The search for trials is very difficult. I was in a trial and I can tell you that it is very intense to be in one. I had appointments at the hospital at least once a week, sometimes twice a week. They are constantly monitoring you, so be prepared to make a big commitment of time when you start a trial.

    Good luck and keep us posted on the treatment you find for your beautiful mom.


  3. Beth,

    I have only had radiation to the head, so I can't do much for you except tell you that I hope you improve with each day and can go on w/your life!

    You have really had a rough time and it's time that you were on the mend for a good long time. Sending my prayers for that......


  4. Thank you Fay, for keeping us ALL strong. Your words ring so true. I am hoping that the rash settles down for you soon. I just started Tarceva 150mg. I'll keep you updated on how it treats me. I will also be re-reading your post to give me strength in the coming weeks.


  5. Carrie,

    Thank you for your good wishes. I have a few side effects still from the wbr. The main one is fatigue. I also still have some headaches and my ears ring all the time. I don't know if wbr had anything to do with it, but I can't read anything without my glasses anymore, before it may have been a little out of focus, but now, I can't see it at all.

    I had my last radiation treatment on Oct. 15 and my hair STILL hasn't even started to grow back, nothing, not even a sprig!

    I did have steroids during radiation and was weaned off when I was done. I ate alot, couldn't sleep, wasn't too nice and couldn't turn my brain off. That is all much better now without the steroids.

    How about you, has your hair grown back yet? Hope this helps.


  6. Di,

    I had totally the opposite response. I started chemo in April '03, quit having periods by June of '03. I had my last official chemo on Feb. 11, 2004. The gynocologist said at that time that I was done, complete menopause. I had the hot flashes to prove it! Well, my period came back in July, 2004, 2 days before we were to leave to St. Thomas on the 1st vacation I've been on in 8 years!!!!! My doctors were really surprised, but said since I'm only 42, it isn't unreasonable.

    Now I am back to having regular cycles after being in complete menopause for 13 months!


  7. Another quick note: (I meant to put this in my original post, but that short term memory loss is creeping up on me! :wink: )

    Thought you all might like to know that Tarceva is much more expensive than Iressa. The pharmacist says "they're new, they're hot and they can pretty much charge whatever they want!"

    For Iressa my copay was $25.00

    for Tarceva it is $125.00

    But if I didn't have insurance it would cost $3,200.00/month! :o



  8. Cheryl,

    I hope you have good luck with the wbr. I guess I got it in really high doses since I only had it for 10 treatments. Sounds like yours is 15 at a lower dose. You will do just fine with it. It is really afterwards that it "hits ya". The worst part is getting up every day and going to the treatment center. (oh, and those steroids!) Did they tell you that you couldn't drive? I'm not supposed to and my husband makes sure that I dont! :roll:

    Glad you have a good plan and maybe the wbr will do the trick and you won't need stereotactic radiation, the wbr will "wipe em out"!

    Sending prayers,


  9. I saw the doctor yesterday to get the results of the brain MRI. The tumors are stable and some "appear to be slightly smaller" according to the report. Keeping in mind that mine are very small to begin with, I don't read alot into that. So basically the news is stable. I can live with stable....

    We also discussed Tarceva. He went into the big explanation of the Iressa news, not knowing that we were armed with info, thanks to everyone here, and we were finishing his sentences before he could ...

    Anyway, we decided to switch to Tarceva. I am on 150mg. and am really scared about the side effects. Here is what he said about what he and the other doctors at MD Anderson are doing about Iressa:

    If a patient has received substantial benefit from Iressa, meaning substantial tumor shrinkage and stabilization of disease, then Iressa has benefitted them and they should stay with Iressa.

    If a patient has received minimum benefit from Iressa, meaning very little, if any, tumor shrinkage but has remained stable it would be beneficial to switch to Tarceva as it has "proven" extended survival rate.

    Therefore, we agreed and made the switch.

    He said that Iressa and Tarceva are exactly the same drug, they target the tumor in exactly the same way. The only difference is that Iressa is formulated in different dosages than Tarceva. ie: Iressa's 250mg dosage is lower than Tarceva's 150mg dosage. The medication dosage is stronger in Tarceva and therefore the benefit is better. If I have bad side effects, he will switch me to the 100mg dose. After reading the Tarceva website, I see that it is available all the way up to 1000mg. Can you imagine?????

    Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. I will keep you updated on my side effects.


  10. Beth and Andrea,

    Thank you so much for thinking of me. I had my MRI yesterday and have my dr. appt. first thing tomorrow morning to find out the results. I will also talk w/him about Iressa vs Tarceva and see if he wants to switch me.

    Hopefully I'll have some good news to post tomorrow....


  11. Cathy,

    So glad you had some good news to share. My tumor is in my upper right lung and I have had that shoulder blade pain from the beginning. I think the tumor must be pressing on a nerve, maybe the same for you. I don't like to take the strong narcotic pain relievers, so far Advil has been working for me.

    Let us know your plan of attack!


  12. Lori,

    I am so sorry to hear that the news was not good. Your mom is very brave. Let me know if you end up coming to MD Anderson. I can give you some tips on how to navigate the facility. You can go to their website on your own and check out their trials. Just go to www.mdanderson.com and go to the thoracic department and click on clinical trials. They give you the requirements and goals for each trial.

    My prayers are with you and your mom.


  13. Lori,

    I've been on Iressa since May 04. It has now held me stable for 8 months! (Wow! I haven't counted it up in a while :wink: ) I really think there are options for your mom. You may ask about Tarceva, which Rich told you about. Your mom may be one of us who respond.

    Good luck with your search.


  14. Hey Beth, what would we do without our families? When I was having wbr, my husband followed me into the kitchen one day and just kept staring at me. I finally asked "what are you doing?"

    He said, "Just making sure the microwave doesn't come on when you walk by it!" :lol:

    I won't even go into the bald jokes I get......


  15. Cheryl,

    You know my story, and I don't want you to be scared by it. Tomorrow I go for my 2nd MRI since completing WBR and I am CONFIDENT that it will show better results than the 1st one. Regardless, we are in this together. I feel your fear, I live your pain and I know the scary thoughts you are having right now. We can't give up or give in. I won't allow it!

    The steroids will make your mind go a million miles a minute. It just won't turn off. Did your doctor give you any medication for sleeping such as Ambien? I found that helped me. I feel most of what you are thinking about and feeling is from those darn steroids. I hated them. But they will bring down any swelling and you won't have headaches as bad. (I still have them and that scares me)

    Please know that I am here for you. We can compare notes. I sent you my e-mail in a pm, please feel free to contact me if you need to. I'll listen to all your fears and frustrations, because I'm going through the same thing.

    I'm going to quote T-Bone: "Praying for us All"


  16. Usually when a lung cancer patient gets a CT scan it is of the chest and abdomen. If symptoms arise, then they will do a brain MRI. You could always ask your mom if when she gets the CT does she go all the way into the machine, or do they stop at the top of her chest? That will tell you! (You go in feet first and they usually stop at the neck)

    The best of luck to you and your mom.


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