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Posts posted by TAnn

  1. Cheryl,

    Keeping everything crossed for good results on your upcoming scans. It is such a stressful time, waiting on those results, but you have had such a positive attitude that I know you will see good results.

    I had my first scans since WBR last week, going tomorrow for results, so I know how nervous you are. Will include you in my prayers.


  2. Sandy,

    Hoping that the PET scan comes back benign. I know waiting for yet another test is pure torture. I'll be praying for you. Try not to worry until you know what you are dealing with. (I know, easier said than done :roll: )


  3. Don,

    You and Lucie are in my prayers. This is yet another bump in the road for her. I guess on the positive side, there is only 1 lesion and they should be able to get that with gamma knife, or stereotactic radiation. The side effects are probably not so bad.

    Glad you had a good Thanksgiving. Please keep us posted.


  4. I am so sorry to hear that your employer is continuing with their quest to get you out! It is not fair and is something you shouldn't have to deal with. I agree with Ry, get your attorney involved. In the meantime, hold your head high, you are stronger than you think. Just the fact that you CAN work everyday is a major accomplishment. We are all here for you. Try to relax and just enjoy your holiday. You deserve some time off.


  5. Lisa,

    I am so sorry to hear all that you are going through. Ahmed is so blessed to have you in his corner. You are so strong and this strength will get you and Ahmed through this. I can't believe the difference in opinions of the doctors. What a nightmare!

    You are in my prayers.


  6. Stable means that the tumor is not growing and the cancer is contained, not spreading. Yes, it basically means you are living with the disease without progression.


  7. Thank you Katie and Rick. So sorry that those weathermen turned out to be right!!!!!

    I also have not seen ANYTHING about lung cancer in the local media, even after I've e-mailed them about LCAM. It is so frustrating. However, I'm still seeing stories about breast cancer........


  8. Tami,

    I am so sorry that you are feeling so down today. Sounds like you have every reason to. Please know that your friends HERE are with you and send lots of Happy Birthday wishes your way!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  9. Francine,

    We all worry while waiting for those test results and imagine all kinds of things that may show up. Please try not to worry until there is something to worry about! It is good to hear from you and I am sending positive thoughts and prayers your way for good results. Please keep us posted.


  10. Tracy,

    Iressa is a pill that you take once a day. Soooo much better than chemo. People have different reactions to it as far as side effects. The most common are diahrea (sp?), and an acne like rash. For me the rash hasn't been too bad and the diahrea comes and goes but nothing intolerable. Others have had severe reactions and have had to be taken off the drug.

    However, when it works, it really works. Like Ry said, her husband has been stable for close to 2 years, (or is it more now?) I've been on it since May and still holding stable. It is definately worth a try.

    The best part, NO iv's, NO nausea, NO low blood counts etc...... :lol:


  11. Carleen,

    So glad to hear from you. You and Keith have been through it!!! I hope with all my heart that the new chemo gives Keith some improvement and the results from the radiation and wbr will be good news. You both are in my thoughts and prayers and I will continue to pray for you both to have "extra strength" through this rough time! I don't know how Keith is still working. WBR has really worn me out. I have not worked since starting chemo 19 months ago. Missed too many days and disability was a better option for me. Keep your chin up and remember we are always here for you both.


  12. Beth,

    I had my last treatment of Oct. 15th. I am still amazed at how tired I am. Some days are better than others. Also my ears are ringing all the time and that gets me kinda frustrated. I've been told that the fatigue can take a couple of months before you start to feel better.

    Hope this helps,


  13. I also just finished with 10 treatments of wbr. Extreme fatigue is one of the side effects and it also hit me after treatment. I have not experienced the problem of always being cold. I would definately talk to the doctor about it. They may need to check him out!


  14. Rick, Elaine,

    In Texas, if you have a pre-existing condition an insurance company can not deny you coverage IF you had previous coverage within 63 days. In other words, they give you 63 days and then they don't have to cover you with a pre-existing condition. My health insurance cancelled us with no notice (not just me, but my husbands entire company). I was without insurance for 30 days. We ended up having to get into the Texas Health Risk Pool. It is expensive, but they cover anyone w/pre-existing conditions as long as you have had coverage within 63 days. It is an individual policy.

    I don't know if other states offer this type of insurance coverage, it is administered by Blue Cross/Blue Shield and thank goodness my doctor and MD Anderson were covered.

    I also became pretty educated in the ERISA laws during this time as the company's insurance was self-funded. Big Mess!


  15. Cheryl,

    I still say you hit the nail on the head when you said that the insurance rates will go up. They absolutely will go up when the policy renews because you are now considered high risk. Therefore, the employer's share of the premiums will go up, making you a liability, not an asset.

    I feel SURE that this is what is behind their actions. If they can get you out of the workplace and on Cobra before the new policy takes effect, usually January 1st, then the "high-risk" employee will no longer be on the policy, and the rates won't skyrocket.

    Trust me, I speak from experience. I hope you can get this resolved before they can take any action, which I agree with Ry, they are opening themselves up for a lawsuit which will in the end cost them way more than the new premiums would have!


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