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Posts posted by TAnn

  1. Nancy,

    Wishing you well on your pci treatments. I brought my mask home, maybe I'll think of something to do with it for halloween. I'm not sure what the difference is in pci treatments and the wbr treatments that I just finished, but I hope you breeze through it. I am really feeling the effects this week, as opposed to when I was actually getting the treatments!??

    Short term memory loss was a slight issue before I was diagnosed w/brain mets, I think it was from the chemo, probably the cancer too, but definately I think chemo has some causes to it too.

    Good luck with everything....


  2. Cat,

    I am so sorry about the news. I just finished my wbr for my brain mets. You can do it. It is scary, but the procedure is only about 30 seconds. I am praying for you, my friend.



  3. I've had 2 types of chemo, taxol/carboplatin and taxotere. Taxol/carbo did not shrink anything, taxotere showed some slight shrinkage, but after being off of it for a couple of months, progression. I then went on Iressa which has held me stable for 4 months with the lung tumor. Unfortunately, I was just diagnosed with 6 brain mets and completed 10 rounds of wbr, but am still continuing with the Iressa.

    It is worth looking in to. It has worked for many of us on the boards.

    Sorry you have to be here and hoping for a good treatment that brings shrinkage to you!


  4. What wonderful news! Congratulations! Who cares where those darn cancer cells went???? THEY'RE GONE!!!!

    So happy for you and thanks for letting us know, it continues to give me hope to read everyone's great news!


  5. Ris,

    Well, I have alot of information on pleural effusions. That is how my cancer was diagnosed. I have had 4 thorencentesis done and eventually had to have a catheter inserted to drain the fluid at home over about a month and a half every day. Fortunately, so far the draining from the catheter has worked and my fluid has not reaccumulated. My fluid was malignant. However, pleural effusions can be benign and usually are caused by cancer, infection and even radiation. Anything that "upsets" the lung can cause an effusion.

    I am praying that your mom's chest tube will result in complete drainage and that she will start to feel better real soon. Boy it sure feels better to breath once all that fluid is gone! I am so sorry that she is going through this, please let her know that I'm thinking of her and KNOW how she feels! :cry:


  6. Hi everyone,

    Today was my 10th and last whole brain radiation treatment! I got to "ring the bell" to signify that I'm done!!!! :lol::lol: The tech's were all really nice and took pictures and made it feel like an accomplishment.

    I am feeling extreme fatigue, but I guess I did ok. My head feels swollen and I take Advil for the pain, but starting Sunday, I get to start weaning off the Decadron, so I'm hoping that alone will make me feel better. Just keeping my fingers and toes crossed that this worked. I'm looking forward to just sleeping for the next few days, with no hospital appointments to have to get up and go to.

    I've been keeping up w/everyone, just not up to posting too much.

    Guess I'll be shaving the old head in the next couple of days..... :cry:


  7. Fay,

    I am so sorry I'm late with this post!!! Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you. You have been through so much, you deserve this fantastic news and all the joy that goes with it............

    Our prayers continue to be answered.......So glad you are a member of the empty head club :wink:


  8. Hi everyone,

    I just completed my 3rd whole brain radiation today. I guess things are going ok. I feel a little "foggy" and my head feels swollen, and of course I could go on and on about how the steroids are making me feel :evil: .....

    Today was such a long day, they mis-scheduled my appointment w/the rad. onc. and I was supposed to be "in and out" real quick. Turned out to be an 8 hour day. When they finally took me back for radiation I said, "I'm sick, I'm tired, I've been here 8 hours and I'M ON STERIODS!!!!!" :shock: That poor tech, ......

    The fatigue is really getting to me too. You can probably tell by this post that I'm having a hard time concentrating (or getting my point across) very frustrating!

    Also, just for some info, my oncologist took me OFF Iressa while undergoing wbr. He said they still don't know the effects of both and don't want to take any risk. I will start back on Iressa when I'm done with my treatments. I am scheduled for a total of 10.

    Please know that I'm thinking of everyone, even though I'm not posting too much.


  9. Cindi,

    If you have a pleural effusion, that will DEFINATELY cause you to be short of breath. The fluid puts pressure on the lung and makes it more difficult to breath, especially when you are doing even the simplest of things.

    I have had a pleural effusion since diagnosis, some days are worse than others. I had a catheter put in to drain the fluid back in April/May '04 and the fluid has not come back, yet..... but there is still some that we could not drain.

    You must keep an eye on these effusions as I am sure your doctor is doing through regular x-rays. Mine progressed so that my entire lung was encased in fluid. Talk about hard to breath!!!!! Try not to do too much at one time, and take it slow. I hope that your breathing gets better soon.


  10. I've been on Iressa since May and really wouldn't call what I have a "rash". Just a pimple that shows up every now and then, then goes away. Probably the same reaction your dad is getting. It just hits some worse than others. Hopefully, this will continue for your dad.


  11. Thank you David for your continued support. You are truly an inspiration. A note on Lance's book, I read it during my first chemo treatments, and was feeling really sick. I just kept thinking, "I'm just a normal gal, mom, wife with a normal life. I AM NOT Lance Armstrong, who is probably in better shape physically than 95% of the human race. I actually got discouraged. But, I made it through that chemo, and another chemo regimine and am about to face my 3rd bout of baldness with WBR next week! (Maybe I AM as strong as Lance! :wink: )


  12. Darn, how disappointing to think your done and then find out you are only half way there! It is good that Lucie is handling the chemo so well. You are both so strong. Let her know that I am praying for her and hope all the tests and scans show improvement.


  13. Very well said Ginny. Lisa I could not be happier for your very Amazing news. This type of progress is beyond what we "hope" for. I am so glad that Ahmed is feeling better. We all need to hang on to hope. But I can certainly understand losing your way every now and then. We are only human. Like Becky says, the monster still manage to come out, we just have to kick 'em back under the bed and muster more strength every day. It is a daily, or even hourly battle.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts, doubts and HOPES!


  14. I was on a clinical trial that included Taxotere with ZD-7474, an oral antiogenisis. Usually the day after the administratin of the Taxotere I got a red "flush" on my cheeks. It usually lasted only 1 or 2 days after the administration of the Taxotere. HOWEVER, I was also taking dexamethasone, a steriod, 1 day before, the day of and the day after chemo. I have just been put on dexamathesone again as I am going to start whole brain radiation soon and I woke up this morning with the "flush" face. Maybe it's the steroids???


  15. Didn't have to ask. Treated me like an annual physical. Had 1 x-ray, seemed fine. Had 2nd, 3rd and 4th, still could not see tumor. (This because I kept going back practically demanding that SOMETHING was wrong!)

    Finally was referred to a pulmonologist that looked at the 4th ex-ray and immediately noticed a slight "shadow" that didn't look right and HE was the one to send me to CT where the tumor finally showed up. 4 radiologists did not pick up on what he saw right away. sheesh!


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