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Posts posted by TAnn

  1. Last year I was on chemo when flu season rolled around. My oncologist recommended getting the shot during my "good" period between chemo cycles. So, I had my shot just prior to the next scheduled chemo, after making sure my blood counts were all up and good of course!


  2. Kim,

    Thank you for posting. That clears things up for all of us "foggy headed" chemo survivors! I knew that chemo brain is a real condition. They even had a story about it on our local news here in Houston not too long ago. As for it going away with time, the jury is still out on that one. My last chemo treatment was February 11th. .......still foggy......


  3. Bruce,

    Glad you are home and resting. Hospitals are the worst aren't they? So sorry you had to go through all that, but it sounds like they were more than thorough (sp?).

    Get plenty of rest and schedule those yucky tests!


  4. Beth,

    You have really been through the ringer and more. I know you think you can't possibly handle any more. You are tired, worn out, discouraged and wondering if it is all worth it. YES! YOU are worth it. You were in the lucky small percentile that was able to have surgery and a chance at a cure. Hit it with all you can get and don't let even (1) small microbe of a cancer cell hang around anywhere in your body.

    I agree with the others that say if the doctors recommend chemo, then give it another try. Maybe you would be a candidate for Iressa??? Have you spoken with your doctors about that option? Doesn't hurt to ask, and for me the side effects have been minimal.

    Let us know what you ultimately decide, as only you can. But we are with you to help get you through it.


  5. David,

    Hoping the chemo "washes" out real soon. Drink plenty of water or gatorade, this helps the process! Hang in there, it will get better. Sending prayers your way. Just try to sleep as much as possible.


  6. James,

    So sorry to hear about your mom. I agree with Don, you and your mom should look into finding a doctor that will agressively treat her. There is always hope. I was given less than a year and I just made it to 17 months!

    Keep up the hope and let us know if we can be of any help.


  7. Kim,

    The best way I can explain "my" chemo-brain is that I sometimes feel a little "foggy" :? Sometimes I can't remember details of a conversation or my husband will ask me questions like "who sings that song......?" and when I try to think of the person, my brain just goes blank, when I know that I know the answer. So basically it makes you feel a little foggy and some light memory problems. for me that is!


  8. Beth,

    What a horrible reaction to the chemo! :o Hoping that the new course of treatment gives you very little side effects. Do they think it was an allergic reaction? Don't think I've heard of such horrible pain with Taxotere. I know some have had severe allergic reaction to it though.

    Thanks for keeping us posted and hope you are feeling better now.


  9. Lisa,

    I am hoping you are at the doctor today with Ahmed. You were absolutely right to tell the doctor about the episode in the car. ANY change in behavior or new symptom should be reported to the doctor. It is always better to be cautious and have it be a reaction to the meds or something minor than to do nothing and have it be serious. Either way, it sounds like his doctors are wanting to start a treatment right away.

    My prayers are with you and Ahmed and your wonderful son. Please keep coming here and we will give you all the support we can muster :wink:

    If you need to rant or cry or just vent, feel free to pm me. Good Luck.


  10. Nell,

    I agree with you and hope that Bob's wife gets him to an oncologist right away. Treatment postponed is never a good idea. It just gives this beast time to advance. Hopefully she will find a good oncologist that is agressive with treatments.

    Keep us posted on Bob's progress.


  11. Bruce,

    Sounds like you were sicker than you thought. Hoping your hospital stay is short and you are home real soon. Being in the hospital is the worst!

    Praying for a speedy recovery, take care of yourself and do what those doctors say!


  12. Kim,

    I have been wondering about this too. Also, if chemo does not get to the brain, how do they explain "chemo head"? After 2 types of chemo, my memory is definately not that good. Maybe John can help us with this??



  13. Theresa,

    You are doing the right thing by getting the CT scan. There is only one way to find out exactly what this is and an x-ray is definately not a good enough test to determine exactly what is going on. On the other hand, don't worry too much until you have all the information. See what the ct scan says and go from there.

    Hoping it is absolutely nothing like his doctor says, but as we all know, doing nothing is not the route to go!


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