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Posts posted by TAnn

  1. Jamie,

    Glad to hear that your dad is moving on with his treatment and starting the preventative chemo. Keep in mind that chemo affects everyone differently. What may make some very sick, others have been able to breeze through and actually work during treatment. (Not so for me!)

    Anyway, if you find out the name of the chemo, we could probably give you better information.

    Best of luck to your dad, and glad to hear the good news.....


  2. Cat,

    I would love to do the show. I am a never smoker, young (42) sorta :wink: and kept being told, you are young and a non smoker, you are just fine!

    I think that angle needs to be addressed also. That the medical community ignores the fact that lung cancer can be a possibility in non smokers, especially women. Mine was diagnosed at stage IIIB/IV.

    Count me in!


  3. I am deeply saddened by this very unexpected news. This cannot be happening.

    I send my prayers and condolences to David's wife and family.

    My Deepest Sympathy,


  4. Sharon,

    I have been on Iressa for 3 full months now. I only had a small pimple here and there after about 1 month and now after 3 months I have a small rash on my chest. Some places on my skin are dryer than others and I have the big "D" only occassionally. (I should call it the "off and on "D"" :)

    Anyway, hoping your dad has minimal side effects and that Iressa does the trick for him.


  5. Gail,

    I can "feel" exactly what you are going through. My "only" child is also starting college this semester. However, due to my circumstance he has decided to get his first couple of years credits at the local community college, to be close to me. (It's the same classes anyway) I feel very honored. He and I have always been very close, and he could have very easily chosen to get away from all of this "cancer", but chose not to.

    Funny also that my husband found this sight for me and now worries that I will get too depressed when I read all the bad news. I tell him that I get depressed, but it also makes me feel better. He will still tell me, you need to stay off that site for a while. You are getting too upset. (But here I am! :wink:

    Keep coming back and talking, sharing, crying, venting.....whatever you need. We all understand..................


  6. Joni,

    Thank you for sharing your husband's letter. It is so inspiring. He was blessed, as many do not find the peace of the Lord when they need to. You have shared a beautiful lesson......


  7. Hi everyone!

    I've been on a nice vacation for the past week. We went to the Virgin Islands for a much needed getaway. We decided to go now, while I'm feeling well, and before my son starts his college classes.

    We stayed with my husband's boss and his wife, they own a home on St. Thomas, overlooking the ocean on a beautiful cliff. It was the perfect set up, they have a guest house with 2 bedrooms and 3 baths, and a small kitchenette and they have the "main" house. That helped with privacy and not getting in each other's way. My son brought along a friend and they had a great time.

    I was so glad that I was able to "keep up" with everyone, (I did slow everyone down a little bit). I did not go on the fishing trip, but wish I did. My son caught a Marlin, about 210 pounds!!!! I hope my husband got good pictures!

    All in all it was very nice to get away, but there's NO PLACE LIKE HOME!

    I was in shock upon coming back to the boards and seeing all the bad news, I was praying for everyone while we were gone and wondering how T-Bone, Rob and Bean-Si (Cat) were all doing. I am so saddened by the news of T-Bone and Rob (Tess's husband) and am furious with Cat's doctor. David A's loss of his pet hit me hard too.

    I'm going to try to catch up with everyone and get back to reality. It's good to be back.


  8. jd,

    Welcome to the boards. You have come to the right place and will get lots of help and support.

    It sounds like you are in a very tough spot. Your dad is in denial right now. The best way to deal with this disease is through education. You are on the right path. The Mayo clinic sounds like they are definately on your father's side. The other doc just doesn't want to send his patients to the competition. Sounds like he's in it for the money, ego.....

    I hope you can convince your dad to see the docs at the Mayo clinic. The other doctor does NOT have your dad's best interest in mind. He needs to get treatment as soon as possible. Not treating brain mets because of no symptoms sounds WRONG to me......

    Good luck with your dad, and we are here for you :cry:


  9. Charlotte,

    I am praying that your brother has good news as far as mets go and that surgery is an option.

    So sorry to hear that your husband is in so much pain. Insist that the onc. see him tomorrow. Pain is bad. Not eating is bad. I'm sure they can change his meds to make him more comfortable and he will want to eat again.

    Wish you were not going through so much right now. Am praying for you and your family.


  10. Rich,

    Glad to hear that the surgery went well! Sounds like the outcome will be positive. I know you must be in alot of pain and discomfort right now and I hope you get better with each day.

    Welcome back, glad to see you posting again and wishing you a speedy recovery.


  11. Becky,

    Thanks for your input. I think preparing for the vacation alone has stressed me out. And don't worry, I'm going no matter what, I just don't want to be in for that flood after such a long drought (if you know what I mean). The dr. said if all looks good on the ultrasound, she may be able to prescribe something for that.....I hope!.....


  12. Ok Ladies,

    I went into premature menopause when I started chemo over 1 year ago. I haven't had my cycle for 1 year and 2 months! Today I woke up with my period. Has anyone ever gone that long and then started having cycles again? I called my gyno and she is ordering an ultrasound tomorrow morning.

    We are supposed to leave on Saturday for a much needed beach vacation. I really didn't think I'd be dealing with this now, and especially before the first vacation I've had in years!

    Your experience and input would be very much appreciated!


  13. Cheryl,

    Glad to hear that all went well with your first treatment. I really hope you keep your hair too. I lost all of mine with my first chemo, then had a break and got it back, (very short) and then went on chemo again and lost it again. Now that I'm on Iressa, I've got it back again and just had it hi-lighted yesterday. It was still pretty short to do a good job, but it covered the gray and I feel blonde again!

    I agree with Ginney that you are our hero. You show so much courage and strength that it picks me up to read your posts. Keep up the good work!


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