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Posts posted by TAnn

  1. OH NO Joni...This news is devastating. I am sorry that Robert has taken a turn for the worse. I will be saying prayers for you and Robert and Alex.

    I'm glad that you found a place that you are comfortable with and that you have help from Robert's sister.

    Please know that I am here for you if you need anything.


  2. T-Bone,

    I am so sorry that you have to go through this horrible pain. I think it is a good idea to withhold the chemo until your pain is better. Could some of the pain be caused by the taxotere??? Maybe you will feel better with a break from that. The more you have, the worse you feel.

    I am saying a prayer for you right now for some relief!!!


  3. Jack,

    Thank you for the update on Cheryl. I am angry for you both at that onc. that did not tell you about the cancerous spot on her kidney, and for 3 MONTHS??? Why they didn't think they should mention it to you or start some sort of treatment is beyond me....

    Also, did the doctor say whether or not the pleural effusion had tumor cells in it? If it doesn't, then they can't use it for the GVAX. On the other hand, it would be good news if it comes back clean.

    Hope Cheryl continues to feel better with each day and is home soon. I can sympathize with her having the chest tube. Let me know if y'all have any questions on that front, I'd be happy to help with anything that I can, having been there, done that.


  4. Barbara,

    Waiting is the absolute worst! My doctor always schedules my appointment with him 2 or 3 days after any scans and lets me know the results in his office.

    I would say that since it is an MRI and a CT scan, they will tell you the results in the office so that you can discuss the results and appropriate actions in person.

    Hoping for good news!


  5. T-Bone,

    At least you were able to enjoy some of the 4th celebrations! I hope the pain management folks can make you more comfortable. Pain makes you feel worse than you already do and relief is a MUST.

    Take care,


  6. Jim,

    Sounds like you and I had a good day! :lol: Congratulations on your shrinkage and hope you enjoy your fishing trip as much as I enjoy my vacation! 8)

    Let's keep up the good work!


  7. I have been on Iressa for 2 months now and just got the results of my first CT scan since starting Iressa.

    The news is GREAT! The primary tumor is stable, in fact, the doctor said it appeared to have shrunk "a little" and the spots in the other lung have remained stable.

    I was so worried because I haven't been experiencing the bad rash or side effects, so you can imagine how thrilled I was to hear the good news.

    I thought my husband was going to do his "happy dance" right there in the office.

    We told him we would have been happy with stable, but to have shrinkage is a true blessing. Never give up, never stop praying.

    My next CT scan is in 2 months, so for now I have a 2 month reprive....

    We hope to start planning a vacation now. We all could use one 8)

    Thanks for letting me share the good news with all of you.


  8. Jack,

    Hope Cheryl's surgery will have her back home to you soon. Thank goodness for Doctor's that are on OUR side. Hope the GVAX works! I know that y'all are in Dallas, so it is convenient too.

    Let Cheryl know that I am thinking about her and praying for a speedy recovery and even speedier homecoming!!!!


  9. I've been on Iressa for 2 full months now. I did not have any side effects until the end of the first month. I still don't have what you would call a rash, just a pimple that pops up here and there.

    I also have not had any problems with diarhea, in fact I'm still taking Senekot (Walgreens brand) every night to stay regular.

    Of course I admit I'm a bit worried if it's working with little side effects, but have to stay positive and just be happy that I feel good!

    Good Luck and I hope the side effects are minimal.

    Mr. Ry, you must be setting some kind of record! I think of you every morning when I take my pill and hope I get even half as much time stable as you have! Way to Go!


  10. Cheryl,

    I hope you have good news about your CT scans today. I also had my CT scan today. First one since starting Iressa.

    You are carrying quite a load in your life. I think you would be "abnormal" if you didn't think about the monster every now and then. Especially when you are feeling so bad. I'm sure you are exhausted and that is usually when the sad feelings creep in.

    We all have those days, I think I have them more and more lately. But then, like you, I remember all that I have been blessed with and am able to "carry on".

    Please let us know how your scans come out, good or bad we are here for you!


  11. T-Bone,

    So glad to hear you are feeling better. Hope the bronchitis subsides quickly so that you can enjoy your chemo break. I know when I was on Taxotere, I felt worse the more chemo I had. In fact, I was hospitalized after my 5th treatment with infection due to NO white blood cells.

    Thanks for the update, and eat, eat, eat!!!!!


  12. Hi T-Bone,

    Glad to hear that you are doing better. The ER is never a fun place to be, all the sticks and pokes.....Yuk!

    My cancer was not caught on x-ray's either. Seems I've read posts on this board about the fact that x-rays are really outdated when it comes to determining lung cancer. Mine was found when I had a CT scan. I saw those films and there it was bright as can be.... a 3cm tumor in the upper right lung. Don't know why x-rays don't pick it up.

    Anyway, heavy coughing could have caused you to tear a blood vessel. Not fun.....

    Take Care,


  13. Lucie and Don,

    HAPPY 45TH ANNIVERSARY!!!! Hope you and Lucie enjoy your special dinner tonight and create happy memories.

    I am sorry to hear about Lucie's rib pain and hope the pet/ct come back with good news. (Or at least manageable news...)

    Glad you are back on the boards!


  14. Phyllis,

    I am so sorry to hear what a horrible time you have been having. That hospital experience sounds like a nightmare. I don't blame you for being traumatized.

    Let your oncologist know about how you were treated in the ER. Does he work out of the same hospital?

    I hope and pray for you to have some good news and that you can still do the RFA treatment.

    Please do not hesitate to let us know if we can be of any help.


  15. Ginny,

    I am so sorry to hear that you and the Earl are going through such difficult times. Please let him know that he is a huge inspiration and his fighting spirit touches me greatly.

    I will be thinking of you in the next few days with the new treatments.


  16. Lil Mo,

    I was on taxotere along with a clinical trial drug also. I did 5 rounds once every three weeks. Fay was right, it will affect your nails. My hair feel out, but kind of like an old man's balding pattern. ALL my hair fell out with Taxol/Carboplatin.

    One of the main things you need to remember is that chemo tends to lower your white and red blood cell counts. I actually ended up in the hospital for a few days until my white cells came back up. You probably will experience some fatigue also due to red blood counts going down.

    You will also have to avoid crowds, and being around alot of people to reduce the risk of infection.

    Welcome to the boards, I read your story on "My Story" and was very moved by it. I also have a malignant pleural effusion and was wondering how yours completely went away?

    Good Luck with your treatments and may you have great success!


  17. David,

    A friend of mine knows someone who has had very good results with the drug Alitma. It seems to be working very well for those with mesothelioma.

    I agree with Norme, why not start right away. Too long away from chemo just gives everything time to regenerate.

    Of course only you know what's best for you! :)

    Hope all of you Michiganders (???) have a blast!


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