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Posts posted by TAnn

  1. Charolette,

    Please know that my prayers are coming your way. I hope and pray that Rich is comfortable and starts to feel better with the fluids. If the dehydration gets worse, get him on IV fluids. It helps instantly.


  2. Baydreamer,

    Just wanted to give you a big warm welcome to the boards. It is great that you found us and have already had some very helpful information sent your way by our wonderful members. I can't advise you on the surgery or radiation as I am not a candidate for either, but wanted you to know I'm here to support you while you go on this new journey with your dad. He is lucky to have you to support him.


  3. Sending all my positive thoughts your way for your ct scan tomorrow. Hopefully yours will be good news like mine were yesterday. I was really nervous over the long weekend awaiting the results!

    I'm sure you will have good news!


  4. Just a thought,

    I wonder if the survival rate has anything to do with the fact that those of us on Iressa are not suffering the life threatening side effects of chemo. Our immune systems are not compromised, we are not prone to infection, our blood counts stay up, we have our appetite, if we get a cold it more than likely won't turn into pneumonia. An ER nurse once told me, (during my frequent trips to the ER while on chemo) that 80% of cancer deaths are not from the cancer, but from complications from infections.

    Any comments?


  5. David and Karen,

    Like everyone said, you both are an asset to this board and you should not let the words of someone who is obviously not dealing well with this disease affect you. We all know the kind words and support you have shared with us all and thank you both for all the "handholding" you have done. I for one could not get by without it.


  6. Just got back from my doctor's appointment to get the results from my latest CT scan. I am still stable, so the news is all good! Yeah Iressa! However, (isn't there always a however?) I told the doc that I have had a headache in the same area of my head every day for about 2 1/2 weeks now, so he thought it would be good to get a MRI of the brain just to be on the safe side. He said it would be highly unusual to have stable everything in the lungs and have something pop up in the brain, but we need to check it since it is a new symptom. I personally think it is hormonal.

    Anyway, glad to be able to post some good news!


  7. Beth,

    Glad to hear you made it through the chemo so well. It sounds like you had some very caring nurses to help you along the way. Thank God for blessing us with them. They come few and far between!

    May you have much success with the Taxotere with few side effects. At least now you know what you will go through with the next 3. That fear of the unknown can be horrible!

    Keep us posted!


    p.s. - I pm'd Beth regarding my feelings about Bill's very inappropriate post. I support and agree with all who have posted about this. I hope he reads these and maybe will apologize, because even though he responded to Beth's post, he was addressing all of us who are going through this horrible disease and the terrifying treatments.

  8. Oh yes Lisa, have your son post. I wish mine would. He hasn't been taking this very well and I think it would help him. I think it just scares him right now. Your son sound like he is facing this 'head-on" and is to be commended.

    Wherever you post, it will get read. I usually post in the NSCLC thread, but alot of people post in General. It is really your preference, and depending what type of post it is.

    Good luck with everything,


  9. Lisa,

    I am so sorry that you have had to come here, but glad you found us. It sounds like your husband has a very wonderful wife and caregiver in his corner. This is so important.

    I was also diagnosed at age 41, never smoked, stage IIIB NSCLC w/malignant pleural effusion. Dr's said "statistics" say less than a year. Well it's been 16 months, so ignore those "statistics!" I have been on Iressa since May and so far so good for me. I just had a CT scan on Friday and will find out if I am still stable on Wednesday the 8th. Don't give up, and as some very wise people told me, when Iressa works, IT WORKS!

    Keep us posted on Ahmed's progress. Welcome to the site!


  10. Kate,

    I am so sorry that you have been through this nightmare over the past 2 weeks. I really don't think this is the behavior of a competent doctor. It sounds to me like he should have been concerned enough to see J. at some point during this time. Please consider seeking a 2nd opinion, I think you may be surprised that another doctor will give you the care you are entitled to.

    I'm still shocked that they didn't think it was a big deal to have facial problems immediately after the 1st chemo J. had. My dr. would have had me come in right away. They make it clear to me that they want to know every "little" thing that is different during chemo. I really hope that you are successful at finding another doctor. This one scares me. You and J. deserve much much better.


  11. Don,

    Sending prayers that the next scans are nothing but good news. Your Lucie is an amazing woman. I have not been able to have 6 of any chemos yet, it really wipes me out, and look at Lucie, doing fine.

    Sounds like you found a good medication for the depression and hot flashes. Hope Lucie continues to be comfortable.

    Keep up the good work, Don.


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