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Posts posted by TAnn

  1. TeeTaa,

    My thoughts and prayers are with Terry, Ann, the kids and of course all of the family. Your family's closeness and support for each other is overwhelming. I for one feel that we are blessed to have gotten to know you all. May God bless your family and Terry. May you find peace knowing that Terry will no longer be in pain.


  2. Please let T-Bone know that he is in my prayers. I've been thinking about him constantly. Thank you for keeping us updated, I'm sure you have many things on your mind right now.

    I am praying for your family as well.....


  3. Cheryl,

    So glad to hear the news that your fluid came back NON CANCEROUS!!!

    What a relief! I am still worried about the pericardial tissue with cancer cells. I'm not sure exactly what the pericardial tissue is??

    Wishing you the best with the new chemo. 40 minutes every 3 weeks isn't too bad. Praying that your side effects are minimal.


  4. When my doctor put me on Iressa, that is the first question I asked..."Is this my last option?" He answered with a very positive "Absolutely NOT"! He said if Iressa does not work, he has more options up his sleeve including more clinical trials.

    Just like chemo, everyone reacts differently to Iressa. Hope your husband has very few side effects.


  5. Don,

    I am so sorry to hear that Lucie had a difficult time with this chemo session. But, I am glad to hear that you got the nausea under control. You were absolutely right to monitor the speed of the drip, if it is too fast it can definately cause those bouts of nausea...too much meds at once.

    Is Lucie being treated at MD Anderson? I was just wondering because I know how packed the chemo (infusion) departments are, but that's no excuse to speed the drip. Anytime I had problems with the nurses in the chemo rooms I always let my doctor know about it.

    Hope Lucie tolerates the chemo well and she sure is lucky to have you in her corner.


  6. Joni,

    From a different perspective (me being the sick one) I am truly touched by all of the posts. You are all such wonderful wives, husbands, daughters, sons and you should all know that your care and love is what got your loved one through the absolute worst times.

    So Joni, do not be so hard on yourself. You are wonderful. Robert knew this (and still does) and your love for him shows in all that you do. It's ok to be "numb" right now. You will have to deal with your emotions soon enough, and God and your Angel Robert will get you through it.

    Curtis, you said it all....live each day to the fullest.

    Caretakers are "our" strength.

    God Bless you All!


  7. So glad to hear that Steve survived the paracentesis. It sounds just like the procedure I had to drain the fluid from around my lung (thorencentesis).

    Sounds like Steve did better than I, I had problems every time. (Had it done 4 times)

    Hope the Iressa works, it is sooooo much better than being on chemo!

    Here's to that gallon of ice-cream! :lol: (Chocolate???) yum!


  8. Good News Francine!

    So glad you are home and on the mend. Hope your pain is more managable now and eventually pain free.

    p.s. I would have done the same thing with the bone issue. No More Pain, Please!

    May you continue to make remarkable strides in your recovery!


  9. Cheryl,

    What wonderful news. So glad you found a pro-active doctor and that he has several options for you. The good news about trials is that they really treat you well, you are constantly monitored and they will do ct scans more frequently.

    Get used to the medical facility, you will be there ALOT. It is very reassuring to know that they are on top of things. (I had some kind of appointment at least once a week, sometimes twice a week!)

    Keep us posted and keep the faith!


  10. I am currently on Iressa. I've been taking it for about 2 1/2 months. I have had very few side effects, and definately feel a whole lot better on Iressa than with any of the chemo's I've been on.

    I have a little bit of dry skin, an occassional pimple and diahrea off and on, but nothing too bad. I also get very tired, but still not as bad as chemo.

    I had my first CT scan after being on it for 2 months and it showed some shrinkage in my primary tumor and stable for the "spots" in the other lung.

    I am very happy being on this. A pill once a day sure beats those horrible IV's, low blood counts, red blood cell shots, white blood cell shots........ I just pray that I can stay on it for a while.

    Hope this helps!


  11. Ginny,

    Seems like those "easy" procedures are never as "easy" as they say they are gonna be!!!! (Maybe they mean easy for the dr.)!

    Glad you are feeling better and hope you are "un-tethered" by now. You certainly didn't need this right now. Glad Earl is doing ok. Hope the "goods" continue.....


  12. Teacake,

    I'm glad to hear that Terry has had a better afternoon than last night. I hope he continues to improve so that he may go home pain free :lol:

    Ann is probably still looking for her house! With all the crew there sprucing it up, she probably doesn't recognize it!!! :D

    Terry is so lucky to have such a wonderful support system in all of you.


  13. Cheryl,

    Yes, I do have a malignant pleural effusion. I don't have a pericardial effusion. Acutally, my malignant pleural effusion is how I was diagnosed.

    They took a sample of the fluid and found tumor cells. No bronchoscopy or other biopsy. You said you have pleural effusions, does this mean you have an effusion in both lungs?

    My best advice to you....DON'T look up malignant pleural effusions on the internet. They scared the &%#$ out of me! But on the positive side, I am a 1 year 3 month survivor, I had the Denver Catheter put in to drain the fluid at home. The tube was in for about 5 1/2 weeks, until we were no longer getting any fluid to drain. The tube was removed, and it has been 2 months and the fluid has not come back. That is a GREAT thing, and now we wish we would have addressed the fluid much earlier in the game. (We waited to have the catheter until my lung was completely encased in fluid.)

    Remember, a pleural effusion is fluid in the LINING of the lung. Not fluid IN the lung. It is caused by the cancer. It can be cancerous, like mine with tumor cells or non cancerous. They (the oncologists) consider it a part of the circulatory system, so it is automatically a stage IIIB/IV if malignant.

    It causes shortness of breath due to the pressure being put on the lung. The lower lobe of my lung actually collapsed due to the large amount of fluid and did not re-inflate (probably not the right term) after drainage.

    I hope this information is informative and not scary. Please be strong. And remember, some effusions are reduced and or eliminated by chemo.

    Please feel free to pm me if you need anything at all, even if only to scream!

    I am praying for you,


  14. So sorry to hear the bad news. Not what you were expecting I know, but we just can't predict what this stupid disease is going to throw our way. Praying for success with the RFA.


  15. Ginny,

    I am so sorry that you and Earl are going through this. May God be with you and bless you with the strength that you will need. You have a wonderful husband who loves you and he has a beautiful wonderful wife. You both are both blessed.

    My prayers are with you both.


  16. Cheryl,

    I was on Taxotere in combination with clinical trial ZD-6474. It was a double blind trial so I don't know if I was getting the ZD-6474 or not (we don't think I was).

    Anyway, the taxotere was not that bad. It is only about a 1 hour drip, with a small dose of dexamethasone (2 the day before chemo, 2 the day of and 2 the day after). No other premeds were needed.

    I would have to say that compared to carbo/taxol it is not that bad at all. Nausea wasn't an issue, I lost my hair (kinda in a "male balding pattern") which I hated, and my blood counts dropped really bad after the 4th & 5th treatments. But it was very tolerable. AND I had 31% shrinkage while on it.

    I have also heard really positive things about Tarceva and Avistan, would definately check in to that. I am planning to bring it up to my dr. if the Iressa stops working.

    Hope this helps,


  17. Cheryl,

    So sorry I'm a little late, but Welcome Home!!! I wish you didn't have to go through so much right now, but praying that the taxotere does give you some shrinkage.

    Let me know if I can help you with any pleural effusion questions. Thank goodness you have those horrible tubes out!


  18. Andrea,

    I am on Iressa and also experience fatigue. Some days are worse than others. My doctor said it was most definately a side effect of Iressa. Also, if your mom experiences moderate to extreme shortness of breath, this could be caused by a pleural effusion. My main symptom from the pleural effusion was a cough and shortness of breath. To the point that I would have to rest after getting out of the shower or doing just minor things. Since having the Denver catheter put in and all the fluid drained, my shortness of breath is much better. The tube has been out 2 months now and no reaccumulation of fluid :lol:

    Hope this helps,


  19. Looks like you are getting a concensus. I too think you should insist on a CT scan. ALOT of people on this website can tell you that their tumors were not picked up on an x-ray (including mine) My tumor is still not showing up on x-rays.

    If your doctor still does not want to do a CT scan, switch doctors. He is not looking out for your best interest. Like Margaret said, the CT scan also picks up the upper abdomen which includes the liver. It is very important to be vigilant in keeping up with any new growths, don't let the cancer get the upper hand!

    Good Luck,


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