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Posts posted by TAnn

  1. Angie,

    I am hoping I can give you a little bit of perspective from the patient's point of view. I read your post last night and thought about it literally all night long. (I had a ct scan today, so I was also nervous about that).

    I am also 16 months from diagnosis. I am stage IV and have been on 2 different types of chemo and now Iressa (and a clinical trial thrown in there too) Your dad has had alot of treatment over the last 16 months. I know that when you finish with a treatment and you feel horrible. You are so relieved that you will not be "tortured" for at least a couple of months that you just want to jump up and down (of course you can't :wink: ) The absolute LAST thing you want to think about is going to get another test that has the possibility of sending you right back to the tortures of treatment. And believe me, chemo is torture.

    I am sorry for rambling on, but try to understand where your dad is coming from. His anger is not directed towards you. (I know it feels that way right now) He is mad at where he is, he is scared of the possibilities that the MRI could pose and he probably needs a little room to breathe. Of course I think he should go for the MRI, but I'm just trying to put you in his shoes and explain why he reacted the way he did. He's mad at the cancer, not you. He wants to LIVE and not just exist in a state of feeling horrible from treatment. Don't worry, he will enjoy this break, and get his engine revved up again and then he will be ready for the new attack.

    I really hope this has helped. I'm sorry I've rambled on, as it is hard to type into words what I'm trying to express. I really hope I didn't upset you, that is not my intention at all. My prayers are with you all.


  2. Hoping all goes well with your dad. I have had a thorencentesis (4 of them). They are not fun, but don't take long and they will give him a local anesthetic for the pain. It will make him more comfortable. Hoping this is only a short stay and he is back at home to enjoy the long weekend!


  3. Cheryl,

    Happy Belated Birthday! So glad to hear that your day was made soooo special. What a great group of friends and family you have with you. Sounds like a great day on the boat. I guess we got all the rain down here in Houston over the weekend! :lol:

    Keeping everything crossed for your ct tomorrow. Mine is Friday, so I'll definately be thinking of ya!


  4. mj,

    Although I can't help you with the wbr questions, hopefully I can help you w/the Iressa questions. My dr. did a ct scan 2 months after I started Iressa and it already showed some slight improvement at that time. I'm getting ready to have my 2nd ct scan since starting Iressa in May and am hoping for the same good news. There is an ointment that my dr. prescribed in case I got the bad rash, (which I luckily have not) that is supposed to really help. Talk to your onc. about this as I can't remember the name of it....sorry :? .

    Hoping your mom has minimal side effects from the Iressa and it works for her.


  5. Angie,

    It sounds like your dad has had his share of chemo for a while! I know he will welcome this break and hopefully the Iressa will work for him with few side effects.

    I know that chemo can cause "chemo-brain" (we call it chemo-head in my house). I have had a problem with memory since being on chemo. I've not had chemo since February, but still have a hard time remembering things. For instance, we are big movie buffs, before cancer that's what we did on the weekends. Now my husband will ask me "who was in that move ....??? I can't answer those type of questions. It is all a jumble in my head. However, I would definately mention it to your dad's onc. since his symptoms seem to be more severe.

    Wishing your dad well and tell him to enjoy the break!


  6. Mona,

    I was also on Carbo/Taxol. I was scheduled for 6 treatments also. Mine were scheduled once every 3 weeks. I only tolerated 5 of the 6 treatments though. I agree w/Don about taking something for the tummy. No need to suffer like that.

    Good luck and keep us posted.


  7. Tammy,

    I am so sorry to hear of your mom's passing. Your time together was truly a blessing. My most sincere condolenses go out to you and your family.

    Please keep coming to the board for support. We are here for you.


  8. Shelly,

    Your sister and you have been through so much. Poor thing, the pain must be horrible. But every day will bring her a little more strength and a little less pain. Praying that they got it all and all that's left is some reconstruction!


  9. Andrea,

    So sorry to hear that Iressa gave your mom such a hard time. Sure sounds like her body can use this break. Don't worry too much, remember those of us who can't have surgery also have to have chemo and treatment breaks from time to time to let our bodies heal.

    Here's hoping your mom feels 100% better with the break!


  10. Isn't it funny the way the public relations people put the spin on these news items. We all know that doctors do not just remove a "cancerous tumor" from the lung. They remove the entire lobe, or a portion of it and usually lymph nodes in the surrounding areas. I notice he had his surgery at MD Anderson, where I am being treated. I really find it hard to believe they would do surgery and say, ok, "you're cured!"

    This is why we have such a hard time getting the facts out about lung cancer. Cheryl is right, he would be a good candidate to spokesperson our lc issues.

    Doubt that will happen. Just my opinion. Thanks for listening.


  11. Hey Tina,

    Welcome back. Glad you weren't gone too long. Hoping that they find a clinical trial at Vanderbilt for Charlie.

    Seen any soccer games recently????


  12. Melinda,

    There is nothing worse than not being able to do the things you are used to doing. Not to mention the fact that there is absolutely NOTHING on tv right now except relentless repeats.

    Just remember, Geoff is concerned about you and you are not a burden. You have just gotten a glimpse into my everyday reality. I know exactly how you feel. You can't help feeling like you are a burden. You can't do the things you need to do, and you have to rely on others to help you. Some days for me are worse than others. When I see my husband so tired from staying up with me all night and getting up at the crack of dawn to go to work and trying to be with me on EVERY doctor appointment, I just feel awful, guilty, useless. (Sorry, I'm trying to cheer you up! :wink: ) Anyway, the bottom line is that you would do the same for him, as would I. That's what we do for the ones we love.

    Remember, this too shall pass. In the meantime, enjoy the relaxation and ignore the cobwebs!!!!

    And all of us here appreciate all of the useful info you have posted recently!


    Take care and hope you heal up real soon!

  13. Dean,

    Thank you for your wonderful post full of inspiration and hope. I pray that the blood pressure comes back up and the local creatures continue to visit you!

    Wishing you comfort and love on your journey. As you have given that and more to me and the others on this board.


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