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Posts posted by TAnn

  1. I know that this is an important question for you. It was for me too. I am the patient and wanted to have some kind of an idea of what I was looking at. My doctor did a very detailed explanation of the "statistics" and said that the "average" for people with my diagnosis and stage was less than 1 year. So, I thought in my head, well I'm definately not average, I have no other health problems so I am going to at least DOUBLE that! I am now at 17 months past diagnosis. Pretty good huh?

    Don't put too much stock in the statistics. You really have to weigh your mom's situation against any generalized statistics.

    Hope this helps!


  2. Lori,

    Welcome! You will have so much support from the people here it will be overwhelming! So glad you found us. I agree with the others, sounds like your husband is very strong. I hope the chemo doesn't give him too many side effects.

    Look forward to the updates!


  3. Karen,

    My doc said that the lesions are all over. Not in one area. And they are so small (2-3mm) that stereotactic (gamma knife) would not be able to "pinpoint" them and get a good aim. And of course there are too many. So, nothing went my way there!


  4. Beth,

    Did you read Connie B's bio??? 9 YEARS! And still going strong, and we are blessed to have her here to keep on supporting all of us. Keep your chin up, you are almost through. You have a good chance of beating this, and from the looks of things, you are tough enough to do it!

    Hang in there,


  5. Many, many heartfelt thanks to all of you great friends. I didn't sleep much last night, even after taking an Ambien. Just kept thinking that I have so much to do, in case the WBR zaps the good cells too. But like you all said, maybe I will respond well since they are so small. I hope so. Didn't know about the mask thing, kinda makes it even scarier :?

    I'll let you know what the radiation onc. says tomorrow. Maybe he has a better alternative than WBR. (Wishful thinking!)


  6. I just got the call today from my onc. to tell me the results of the brain MRI I had done a week ago. I have 6 brain mets. He says they are VERY small, in fact so small that he can hardly believe they would cause any symptoms....like the headaches. But, leave it to me to "throw 'em for a loop".....

    I have a consult with the radiation dept. on Wednesday to discuss WBR. I know many of you have had this procedure and I would sure appreciate anything you can tell me about what to expect and what questions I should ask. And what the actual procedure itself is like. I have not had any kind of radiation at all, so I am clueless and scared :cry: .

    Thank you and I am praying for all of us...


  7. I agree with Snowflake. My tumor NEVER showed up on the x-rays. (Still doesn't). It you are really that worried, please ask your doctor to "Humor" you as Snowflake said and get a CT scan. Chances are anything that may be going on will show up there.

    Could be the aches and pains are due to your increased exercising???

    Please keep us posted.


  8. Kim,

    I really hope that your mom will be able to come to this site for information and support. I see that she was just diagnosed in June, so it may take her a while to feel comfortable. I know it took me a while, I didn't think I could help anyone in the beginning because everything was so new to me. Boy am I glad I joined. Like you said, it helps knowing you are not alone in this fight.

    I know what you mean about how she feels regarding the "outcome" of her treatment. I am the patient, but my mom is the same way as your mom. She keeps telling me that I am going to be cured. Of course then I have to be the one to tell her the reality of this disease, but I also understand that this is the way she can deal with it. Very difficult for me!

    Anyway, I pray that your mom's treatments go very well and that she has shrinkage with them. Please keep us posted.


  9. One year.... Way to go Dean! :D:D

    Your words are always an inspiration to me. I am glad that you are doing ok. Glad you are eating too! Keep up the good work and it was wonderful to hear from you.


  10. Rich,

    WBR is Whole Brain Radiation. Many on this sight have had it or their loved ones have for brain mets.

    I know, some of these abbreviations can be overwhelming. Don't ever be shy to ask, that's what we are here for!


  11. Cindi,

    I have never had a VATS, but have had 4 thorencenthesis (sp?). They are no fun, but are over pretty quick. If you are going into the operating room for yours, you will probably get a "good" sedative and THAT is a GOOD thing. I am hoping and praying that all comes out well, and will pray for your continued strength. Please keep us posted.


  12. I have been on Iressa since May. My side effects have been relatively mild. My "rash" is really just a pimple here and there and diahrea only occassionally. My main side effect is fatigue. I feel tired most of the time. Iressa has kept me stable so far.


  13. Lilgna,

    Thank you for asking the question. I hope everything comes out ok for you. I had a brain MRI a week ago. I haven't heard anything yet. I know I should call, but right now I guess I just don't want to know. Had it done because of headaches, usually everyday, and different from the usual headaches I used to always get before cancer. I'm just thinking "no news is good news". I know it doesn't take this long to get the results and feel that my dr. would have called by now if there is a problem, unless he is on vacation or something. Maybe he is waiting for my next appt. to discuss things, which isn't until Oct. 6th. Anyway, thanks for all who posted, even though now I'm a little scared.... :(


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