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Posts posted by TAnn

  1. Elaine,

    I am glad to hear that your appointment with skinny butt went better than you thought it would. I am also glad that she actually "listened" to your questions and concerns. Maybe she won't be so bad after all and is probably one of those doctors that loves a challenge, which unfortunately it sounds like you are :wink: .

    Thanks for keeping us posted, and am glad your hubby has the new job. He will grow to like it, or at least tolerate it!


  2. Cheryl,

    So glad you saw a lawyer. I'm sure you felt "armed" when you went in to talk w/your employer this time. Hope they come to their senses. Now they know you are "on" to them, they will have to watch their step.

    Keep up the good work!


  3. Elaine,

    I agree. You should be able to present your dr. with any info and questions that you feel would help with your symptoms. We always ask lots of questions, mention things we see on the internet and once I e-mailed an article on estrogen and lung cancer and what his thoughts were. He called me back and we discussed it and he did not seem offended at all!

    * Although he has always been great one time he did threaten to come to our house and take away our internet privlages (sp?)! :lol: He says we are always prepared and armed with questions.


  4. I started at the end of October requesting to see some stories on lung cancer from our local abc station. They probably had 2-3 stories every week on breast cancer in October. I have sent 2 follow up e-mails since and still no response.



  5. Oh gosh! Y'all are really making me miss the 'ol soccer season! My son played for 14 years! He just graduated from high school in May, so we no longer spend every spare moment on the soccer field. All you soccer moms know what I mean! :wink:

    Anyway, congrats to your husbands team. That is so exciting! Nothing better than those High School soccer games in the freezing weather!


  6. Oh Debi,

    I can really feel your pain. You should not feel guilty at all. Your cat was 15 and lived a good life. You actually saved him from any further suffering and for that you should be comforted. I have a sick pet too who is also 15 and I may have to make the same decision, hopefully not too soon. You will grieve as I know I will. Feel free to pm me if you need to. I pray that you can get through this difficult time and that you can be there for your son.


  7. Just want you all to know how much I appreciate your kind words and encouragement.

    My dog seems to have perked up with the steroids! He is wagging his tail and walking around more and not coughing as much (although the cough is still there). I am really glad to see him doing so much better.

    Now I know how much we all love our pets. They are a part of us. You are all a great group of people. Your pets should be proud! :wink:


  8. Dave,

    What an excellent article. Has ALL of the info and facts all in one article. I printed it up. I am currently trying to get my local ABC news station to do a story, ANY story on lung cancer for Lung Cancer Awareness Month. I also happened to mention in my e-mail to them that the 2-3 stories per week in October for Breast Cancer Awareness Month were very interesting.

    Unfortunately, still no response. Imagine that!


  9. Cheryl,

    I am so sorry that you are having to deal with this. My thought are this:

    It's November, does your health insurance renew in January? My bet is that the rates are going up, and you are high risk. Sounds like they are definately planning something. (Like trying to keep their health insurance rates down!) I agree with everyone else. Get a lawyer to let you know your rights.

    Also, does your employer offer short or long term disability? Mine did and it helped tremendously, also the long term disability helped me get Social Security Disability, they have a company that does nothing but that.

    Please let us know what happens.


  10. Fay,

    Thank you for your kind words regarding my dog. I know you know how difficult it is to see your pet in pain and suffering. He seems to be in better spirits today. Hopefully the steroids will treat him better than they treated me. I hope Houdini is feeling better as well. What type of dog is he?

    Don't worry about your comments on Texas. I honestly did not take offense nor did I take it personally. Just wanted you to know that even though Texas is definately a Bush state, not all of us are his fans! I really try to take it all with a grain of salt. Politics is a crooked business, no matter which side you are on. But, thank you for being concerned about my feelings. That is why I love this board.

    Take care Fay,


  11. Today I had to take my very best friend in the world to the doctor. He has not been doing very well and has a large swollen area behind his ear. This best friend is my 15 year old lhasa apso, Caesar. He really has declined recently, has been coughing alot, been very lethargic. She did a needle biopsy of what she thought was a very enlarged lymph node, but did not get much of a sample and she decided it is "something" very abnormal, and possibly a tumor. He is so old, that confirmation of cancer could only be done by sending a piece (biopsy) to a pathology lab and I just didn't want to put him through all that. Her solution is to put him on steroids. I told her what ever makes him comfortable. Then I asked all my questions, since I just finished those terrible things!

    What are the odds, me and my dog? We are definately "suffering" together. She said she thinks he will "bounce" back with the steroids, and that he may start eating alot, which would be ok. I just don't want to have to make "THAT" decision right now. It breaks my heart.

    Thanks for listening.......


  12. Fay,

    I can tell you for sure I am not clueless. Nor am I a Republican. However, I was very disappointed in the Democratic Nominee this campaign, so I did not vote for either. Probably not the right thing to do, but that is my right. I vote for the person, not the party. (Not very popular here in Texas :? )

    On a brighter note, did anyone see ABC's evening news. The current administration has moved many obstacles to obtain a new and promising drug in the fight against lung cancer from (of all places) Cuba. It sounds very similar to the GVAX vaccine, but promises to increase survival rates by as much as 8 months, which is alot by most standards. The catch was that the United States would not pay Cuba for the drug to be brought to the US in money, but in food and medical supplies. I think it was a doctor in California that got the ball rolling on this one.

    Of course once the drug gets here early next year they will put it in trials, but it is a step in the right direction.


  13. Elaine,

    I am so sorry you and your husband are going through this. It is truly amazing the way people can act when it comes down to the almighty dollar! I have experienced this myself since being diagnosed with lung cancer. I agree with everyone else. Contact a lawyer. See what your rights are. I think it is horrible that you did not seek treatment because the premiums would go up for your husband's company. Looking back, do you think you should have? If the premiums went up, I think that employer would have had a more difficult time getting rid of your husband. Then it would have been obvious and documented why and that's illegal! It makes me so mad that our lives are taken down to money.

    Please let me know if there is anything I can do. That employer deserves whatever he gets!


  14. Cathy,

    When my doctor put me on Iressa, the first thing I said to him was that I was scared this was my "last" option. He immediately said, "absolutely not!" "I have many other options, but we will cross that road when we get to it. I have already researched, (alot on this board), and when Iressa stops working for me, I will talk to him about Alitma, if he thinks I have to go back on chemo. It seems to work for alot of people and has less side effects, which I'm all for! Also, I think Jimben says it's only a 30 minute IV drip. Not too bad.

    Don't be discouraged, there are many trials and options out there. Talk w/your doctor and do some research. Keep your faith and I hope the reduced dosage of Iressa does the trick for you!


  15. Jean,

    I also was recently diagnosed with brain mets. I have undergone 10 whole brain radiation treatments. I was on Iressa when the brain mets were found. Mine are very small. I had a brain MRI done due to headaches that I was having.

    Is your husband having whole brain radiation?

    I was taken off Iressa during wbr and am now back on it. There is some evidence that Iressa can help combat brain tumors. Lung cancer is well known to met to the brain. Unless symptoms are present, most doctors don't regularly do brain MRI's, from what I understand.

    My prayers are with you and your husband that the radiation does the trick.


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