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Posts posted by TAnn

  1. Well it's been a little over 3 months since I finished whole brain radiation and I'm noticing that my short term memory seems to be getting a little worse. I'll ask my son a question and 5 minutes later forget that I asked. (Boy does he love that, "Mom, you just asked me that!" :roll: )

    It is getting very frustrating. When I try to remember something, my mind is just "blank". I have no reference point, you know when you are trying to remember something you think of where you were, what you were watching, something to kick in the memory....well mine is just..... "blank". I feel so stupid sometimes. I know why they call it "short term", I can remember what happened 2 weeks ago, but not 5 minutes ago.

    I am assuming that this will not get better with time. Anything with the brain is permanent, I think. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    I saw on the news the other night that "studies" indicate that women who have (1) alcholic drink per day (any kind, wine, beer, margarita...) had less problems with their memories in later years than women who do not drink at all. But they emphasized the (1) drink!

    Maybe after all these years of not drinking, I should start! :P

    Anyone else having these memory troubles after whole brain radiation?


  2. Fay,

    I can not tell you how happy I am for you!!!! What a wonderful day that you can hear those wonderful words "No Evidence of Recurrent Disease"!

    I can't believe I'm saying this, but now I'm looking FORWARD to getting my next CT scan on Jan. 28th to see how Tarceva has treated me! I never thought I'd say that! :lol:



  3. Melanie,

    When you are going through chemo, your white blood cell count goes very low and you are prone to any type of infection hanging around. When I was on chemo, I started running a fever in the middle of the night. It went up to about 102 and then went down to about 100 pretty quickly, so we decided to just wait and call the dr. in the morning. Boy did I get the finger pointed at me! They told us how important it is to get to the hospital immediately when your temp goes above 100.5 and sent us to the ER at MD Anderson anyway. I was put on 2 broad spectrum antibiotics and had to return to the hospital every day for 10 days for them to check my blood counts. On one occassion, they admitted me due to neutropenic fever. I was in the hospital for 3 days. No fun, but I got hooked to those IV antibiotics and it did the trick.

    Please, if your doctor doesn't seem too concerned, call your ER department and see if they should see you.


  4. Beth,

    It sounds like the 100mg is treating you a little better. I'm on 150mg and it looks like I have the measles. My chest has tiny little bumps, my belly(from one side to the other) has large bumps and I also have quite a few on my arms and some on my legs. Small ones on my upper back and none on my lower back. (yet-I'm guessin!) My face has a sunburn type rash on my cheeks and over my nose. Skin is really dry all over. Little bumps like my lips and chin too.

    I don't even recognize myself in the mirror anymore, add to that a bald head (will my hair EVER come back?) and I'm quite a sight! 8)

    I, for one, am just hoping that the rash calms down by Spring, or I'll never get to wear short sleeves again!

    Hang in there, I'm on this ride with ya!


  5. I am so sorry to hear that horrible word "progression" again. You have the right attitude to fight this and I hope you find a Cancer Center with the right option for you.

    Talking from experience, please have the pleural effusion taken care of. I let mine go too long and it eventually encased my entire lung. Thankfully the Denver Catheter worked and I have not had any fluid return since having it. Let us know your plan of action. Wishing you all the best.


  6. Go to Walgreens and get some face masks that will cover your nose and mouth so that you can be around your mom. Most of the patients that I see at MD Anderson this time of year wear them to protect themselves against all those bugs going around while they are on chemo and their immunities are lowered.

    Enjoy your visit w/your mom and hoping that she tolerates the chemo w/minimal side effects.


  7. Charlie,

    I was looking for an update, but WOW! I didn't expect one so soon. I am so glad to hear that all went well with the surgery. You are so strong to h endure this on top of cancer. Hoping that the new treatment you receive will be successful AND kind to you!


  8. Bo,

    I was on Iressa for 8 months and did very well with it. I had "slight" shrinkage at first and then remained stable. I had very little rash and some moderate tummy trouble.

    Since the study came out about Iressa, my doctor at MD Anderson decided to switch me to Tarceva. Iressa and Tarceva are the exact same drug and work in the exact same way. The difference is that the dosage is formulated differently. Iressa 250mg has less dosage than Tarceva 150 mg. You get more of the medication in the Tarceva dosage, which is why they get better survival rates, and why the side effects are worse with Tarceva.

    I've only been on it 10 days, so I will see how it treats me in the long run. Right now I feel like a walking pimple!

    Hope this helps.


  9. Beth,

    Hoping and praying that the MRI shows an "empty head". However, you don't want to wait until there are more or more severe symptoms. Get it checked now, pray that it is nothing, and get on with living!!!!! :lol:


  10. Cheryl,

    I have been looking for your post. Sounds like a very stressful day. Maybe you should talk to your doctor about the Temodar. I researched that drug when I was going through wbr and it had alot of nasty side effects associated with it. Could be the Temodar that is making you feel so bad. Was the wbr quick like mine? Since you have to go everyday, you will get used to it and you won't be so nervous. Just get alot of sleep (I know, if the steroids will let you) and drink lots of water.

    Let me know if I can help you......


  11. Thought for those of you interested in how Tarceva is treating us folks I'd report in:

    I've been on Tarceva for about 7 days now. I have the rash. Most of the bumps are on my mid-section (belly and lower back) with a few scattered on my arms, hands and chest. Little bumbs around my lips and my chin. (This is where Iressa liked to show up too!)

    My face is experiencing a "sunburn" type of rash. It really hurts. It stings when I wash it, it stings when I put lotion on it, I even tried Aloe Vera and that made it sting too. Any suggestions?

    Only a little bit of the tummy trouble. I have noticed that I don't have much of an appetite either. And as always, I still have the extreme fatigue.

    I would have to say that so far, Tarveva and Iressa are treating me about the same, I have a few more "bumps" with the Tarceva, but Iressa was giving me a bit more tummy trouble......

    I'm not complaining, I always know ......It Could Be Worse! :shock:


  12. David,

    I think that if the Doctor isn't sure what it is, that is good. You have had so much done in that area, couldn't it be scar tissue? I know how scared you are but find out exactly what you're dealing with before you panic. Unfortunately, it means another form of torture in the manner of a biopsy. Yuk.... but at least you will know for sure. In the meantime, we are not gonna start calling you "pea brain" yet! :lol:

    I will send prayers your way. So sorry that you have yet 1 more thing to worry about.


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