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Posts posted by TAnn

  1. I am so sorry about this horrible news. The road ahead will be a bit bumpy, but please know that we are all here to help you over those bumps and on to smooth sailing!


  2. Bruce,

    I don't know what type of insurance problems you are having in TN, however I can tell you that in Texas they have what is called the Texas Health Risk Pool and it is administered by Blue Cross Blue Shield. I had to get this insurance for myself. They take anyone who has a preexisting condition as long as you had insurance within the last 63 days. I don't know if Tennessee has anything like that, but you could call a Insurance Sales Rep and he could let you know your options.

    I agree with the others, get as many tests, etc. before your insurance runs out.

    Good Luck,


  3. Melanie,

    I am so sorry to hear that you are feeling so miserable. Have you had any follow up scans to see how the chemo did? I would be concerned at this point that you are still running a fever. Did your onc. ever change your antibiotics??

    It's never too late to get a 2nd opinion. I'm glad you are searching for a new doctor. It's so very hard to stay positive when you feel so miserable. Please let us know if you find another dr.


  4. Maureen,

    I know how nervous it is to be waiting for those results after WBR. Please remember that the first scan may not be the most accurate.

    Remember my first scan said the mets had grown, but the 2nd MRI 4 weeks later said "maybe a little smaller", but stable.

    I've sent my prayers your way that your scans come back "empty headed". We all need that positive news to help us to continue on with the fight. Please let us know when you get your results.


  5. I love the new picture. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. It helps to actually "see" who you are talking about and he looks like a very nice and loving grandfather.


  6. My experience with my clinical trial was that by definition, a clinical trial is using an experimental drug, which is almost never (except for Jimben's) covered by insurance. The drug company sponsoring the trial usually pays for anything that would not be considered "routine", such as dr. appts., blood work, routine scans, etc.

    I agree with the others, your oncologist needs to help expedite this.

    Good luck!


  7. Ry,

    Tell John "Welcome to the Tarceva Bunch!" So glad the scans were still stable. I also had left over Iressa when I was switched to Tarceva. I decided to have them around in case the Tarceva treated me badly, I'd have a back up.

    Tell John to stock up on all those skin remedies. Tarceva is not easy on the skin, much worse than Iressa.


  8. Beth,

    Like Fay, I also went to the Aveeno products. I'm using the Aveeno body wash for dry skin. I also wash my scalp w/it (since I have no hair) and it makes my skin feel better. I also use Aquaphor on my extremely dry skin on my face, side, and in between my fingers.

    Fay, I also get the "bumps" in my nose, I had that w/Iressa too. So far the only place they like to show up on my face is right on the edge of my lips and my chin. The rest of my face is just dry, feels like it's going to crack wide open if I smile!!!

    We are on this journey together. I'm so glad we can compare notes.


  9. Cathy,

    I am so sorry about the trial. I know from experience they are very specific about the criteria for trials and stick with the protocol no matter what. Don't give up. They will find something for you. Have you asked about Alitma?


  10. Bill,

    I'm so sorry to hear of your wife's progression. If she was on Gemzar/Carbo and had progression I'm sure the docs would not put her back on that.

    I had Taxol/Carboplatin and had no shrinkage and I had Taxotere and had 31% shrinkage, however as soon as I stopped Taxotere, I had growth. I was put on Iressa in May, 04 and have remained stable. In Jan. I started Tarceva and will find out how I'm doing on Feb. 2nd.

    Iressa and Tarceva are much easier to tolerate and I've had MUCH better success with it.


  11. Charlie,

    Stable sounds good to me. Have you ever had the fluid removed from your pleural effusion? Keep close watch on it, we waited too long to deal with it and the fluid quickly encased my entire right lung. The Denver Catheter was no fun, but it worked....fluid has not come back yet. However due to the amount of fluid I carried around, the bottom portion of my right lung collapsed and still has pockets of fluid that are "trapped".

    Hope they give you some options for dealing w/the fluid at your next appointment. Congratulations on Stable!!!


  12. You never really know what your kids are thinking when you have cancer. My son doesn't like to talk about it, and even though I've asked, he says he "can't" come to my doctor appointments. He is 19, and as most teenagers I've felt that he cares, but his priorities are on himself, you know "It's ALL about him". He is my only child and we are very close and he takes good care of me.

    Imagine my surprise when he showed me his "away message" that he posts on the internet for his "buddy list". When his "buddies" click on his away message they can see what he wrote.

    This is from my son, Sean:

    You've taught me everything in life I need

    You are always here to comfort me

    Without you, what kind of man would I be

    You gave me guidance

    And showed me what I need to succeed

    I wish that moment in your life would never have occurred

    I can still see your face when the moment you heard

    That you've been diagnosed with that 6 letter word

    Still you're strong and for almost 2 years now you're holdin on

    I'll pray to God for the cure

    Because you're the world's best mom!

    I Love My Mommy :)

    Indulge me, it was such a sweet thing for him to do. Thanks for letting me share.


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