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Posts posted by TAnn

  1. Bill,

    It sounds like your wife's rash is similar to mine. Mostly on the "trunk" of my body and arms and legs...hmmm....guess that's everything but the head! Anyway, I've been on Tarceva for approx. 3 months now and the rash sort of cycles. Really bad breakout, then those bumps heal for a few days and then another bad breakout. I have not had any trouble at all with blood counts with Iressa or Tarceva. I have not heard that this is an issue for those of us on Tarceva. My symptoms started less than a week after starting Tarceva and are much worse than the side effects of Iressa.

    So glad to hear of the improvements in your wife's condition. Hope the weaning off of the pain meds goes smoothly. That's a good sign!


  2. I had WBR for NSCLC and was under the impression that the radiation causes the brain to swell and the steroids help to prevent this. I don't know if it is different for SCLC, but I wouldn't think so.

    Good luck to your mom.


  3. Peggy,

    This news must have been hard to take. I agree with the others that your onc. might switch him to Tarceva. My dr. says any growth, even if slight means the current treatment stopped working. He can still ride his motorcycle, he just may have to pull over more often to itch.

    Let us know on Friday what the plan is.........


  4. Addie,

    Really glad to hear your counts are up and you are doing ok. It's amazing how much better you feel when your blood counts are up isn't it? I am sending positive thoughts for the brain MRI. It does sound like you just need to eat more to get rid of the light headedness.

    Yep, I remember from back in the day that if you don't get those eggs off asap, it will do permanent damage. Sorry you have to deal with that right now.


  5. Bill,

    Yes, that does sound like the Tarceva rash. Her skin may get really really dry also. My dr. prescribed clindamycin (sp) gel and it seems to help, however I would need a "vat" of it because I have the rash all over. I mainly use it for my face and the rash tends to go away faster with it. Also use moisturizing body wash instead of soap. Aveeno products work for me. They always used to recomment the oatmeal baths for the kids when they had the chicken pox. It does help alot.

    Hope your wife responds to the Tarceva.


  6. Elaine,

    So good to see your post. You have been through so much lately. I actually saw a news story on SJS. I think a little girl took Advil and had the same type of reaction. She did not survive. God Bless you and your son and keep us updated on your health. We have all been concerned about you.


  7. Karen,

    I was prescribed oxycontin and it totally knocked me out. I hated it. Remember that it is a pain med that has to build up in your system. It is time released and sometimes takes 2-3 days to take effect. I didn't like the fact that I HAD to take it twice a day, everyday, even if the pain was better. I chose not to take it and took Advil instead. I still had alot of pain, but was able to mentally function during the day. I prefer a pain med that I can take "as needed". Dave probably has consistant pain and the oxycontin is good for reducing that type of pain.

    Good luck, and see if he can get a dosage reduction if necessary. He may not need such a strong dosage.

    Thoughts and Prayers,


  8. CathyR,

    Hoping and praying that the vaccine is working for you. You are right about participating in a trial, it is very tedious and you have to endure daily injections. Keep strong and let us know how you are doing.


  9. Angie,

    First of all , prayers have been sent for your dad and family. I'm so sorry to hear of the new complications.

    You are NOT whining!!! You are expressing your fears, concerns and asking for support in the only place I know of that can relate to what you are going through. That's why we are all here. If none of us needed to whine, we wouldn't need this wonderful site! Keep coming to us, we are here to hold you up when you think it is just too difficult.

    Take care of yourself.


  10. Bill,

    I am deeply saddened by the news of your wife's rapid decline. You are a wonderful husband and caregiver. I don't know much about the hospice rules, perhaps Ry could be of some help.

    Will keep you and your wife in my thoughts and prayers.


  11. Ry,

    I am so glad to hear that John is doing better. It must have been very scary to be coughing up blood. I didn't know that it was "expected" with lung cancer, especially since John has done so well for so long.

    How is the Tarceva treating him? It seems to have a cycle w/me. Really bad break outs, tummy trouble, fatigue, then as the bumps are healing I feel better for a few days, then back to the bad effects.

    Oh well, all in a day's fight! :lol:


  12. Melanie,

    So glad your gamma knife went well. Ouch, sounds like the after effects are pretty yucky! Get plenty of rest and I just know your scans are going to come back with an "empty head"! Thanks for keeping us posted. Sorry to hear about your friend.

    Take Care,


  13. Karen,

    I think you can definately send your scans and pathology reports to MD Anderson for their opinion. I'm being treated there now. You probably need to get a referral or a doctor's name and check w/your insurance. If you call MD Anderson, they will be happy to give you all the information you need. Please let me know if I can help with anything.

    You can check their website for contact information at www.mdanderson.com


  14. Fay,

    I completely agree that we should share the details. I always wonder if it's only me suffering from specific side effects. It can only help!

    I have not had a rash w/Tarceva that "hurt". Mine is really bad and when the bumps go through their cycle, they turn into a bruise before leaving and making way for new "bumps" The bruising doesn't hurt, though. I'd be concerned about the swelling. I have not had alot of swelling with the rash.

    I've been on Tarceva for 2 full months now and the good news is that my really DRY skin is much better now. I use Aveeno shower gel and it seems to be working quite well. Oil of Olay also has a skin conditioner that you put on in the shower and rinse off. It feels really good on the yucky skin!

    My biggest complaint lately with the Tarceva is the bumps are in my nose and it is really drying out and bleeding. Last night could hardly breath!

    Good Luck Fay, hang in there!


  15. Fay,

    I completely agree that we should share the details. I always wonder if it's only me suffering from specific side effects. It can only help!

    I have not had a rash w/Tarceva that "hurt". Mine is really bad and when the bumps go through their cycle, they turn into a bruise before leaving and making way for new "bumps" The bruising doesn't hurt, though. I'd be concerned about the swelling. I have not had alot of swelling with the rash.

    I've been on Tarceva for 2 full months now and the good news is that my really DRY skin is much better now. I use Aveeno shower gel and it seems to be working quite well. Oil of Olay also has a skin conditioner that you put on in the shower and rinse off. It feels really good on the yucky skin!

    Good Luck Fay, hang in there!


  16. Charlie,

    So glad to hear your progress w/Alitma is going well. I was wondering if you have the same problems with low blood counts on Alitma, like Taxol and Taxotere?? It doesn't sound like it! :) You are strong and I know this will work for you.

    Will be watching for your post next week about scans. It's good that you already noticed your breathing was better!


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