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Posts posted by TAnn

  1. Cathy,

    You've been on my mind all week. You are such a bright light. I'm so glad you had a good week, but I'm even more glad you shared it with us.

    Keeping you in my prayers....


  2. Peggy,

    You must be the strongest person I know. When faced with so much, you still find the positive and manage to spread that positive attitude to the rest of us. Thank you for your words. I needed them today.

    I hope the operation is successful for your son and that his recovery is speedy. 14 days in the hospital is more than enough.


  3. I have to agree w/everyone else. When I go for my dr visits, he always asks me " have you noticed any swelling in your feet or ankles?" I asked him why he asks me that on every visit and he said that swelling can be a sign of blood clots. (Which is very common in lung cancer) I don't want to scare you, but it is something that should be checked.


  4. Peggy,

    It sounds like you have enough to worry about right now. We can handle things here for a while. Prayers sent for you and your son. Hope the new hospital has the answers.

    Take care of yourself too!


  5. Bill,

    I agree with Ry, your wife sounds like she needs some antibiotic eye drops. Could it be that she just picked up an infection and it is not related to the Tarceva. It is allergy season right now and I've had the "itchy eye" thing off and on for a few weeks now.

    Also, my husband has a bad problem with dry eyes and uses eye drops called "Naphcon A" by Alcon. They are a bit expensive but have been the only drops to give him some relief.

    Please keep us posted.


  6. When I first started Tarceva (in January) I had the really bad dry skin. I used Aveeno products including the body wash and it seemed to help a little. But like John, the dry skin is no longer a problem at all. The rash, well that's a different story.....

    Hang in there. Hope the Tarveva does wonders for you.


  7. Sharon,

    You must do whatever you need in order to find your peace. I totally understand and want you to know that you have been a huge source of support for me.

    Thank you for all that you have given us.

    May you be comforted by your sweet memories of your wonderful father.


  8. I've had Taxotere. I had 5 of 6 treatments. My blood counts went way down, I lost my hair, really fatigued. Had to stop because my counts were so low I had to go into the hospital with an infection.

    BUT......... I had 30% shrinkage!

    It is only about a 45 minute drip and only 1 pre-med, so as far as that goes, it was pretty easy.


  9. Frank,

    I'm with you Frank. I hope the next hospital will have a more aggressive way of thinking and have many options to offer you. It seems there are other chemo's you haven't tried and Tarceva and Alimta, etc. Ask about ALL of your options, don't settle for anything less.


  10. (((((((((((Jen))))))))))))))))

    We are all here for you. Hang on.... Those of us who are in the same boat know how you feel. Once you get over the shock, I know you will put on those fighing gloves and start the battle again.

    I agree with Karen, I haven't heard of the docs using Tarceva in SCLC, but I think it's worth a try. The worst side effects are the rash and tummy trouble.

    Please, let us know how you are doing.


  11. CharlieD,

    This is fantastic news! Shrinkage is a great word, isn't it???? :D I'll have a frozen margarita with salt please!

    This is very encouraging to me, as my symptoms are beginning to worsen and I believe my next course of action is also Alimta.

    Thanks for the good news!


  12. I understand how scared and concerned you are. I also have a pleural effusion. A pleural effusion is not fluid IN the lung, it is fluid that has gathered in the pleural lining AROUND the outside of the lung. If it becomes too large, the fluid puts pressure on the lung and it causes shortness of breath and lots of pain. I've had alot of trouble with my effusion. You can read my profile or pm me if you have questions.

    I agree with Fay, have your brother ask about the drugs for boosting the blood counts. I also had problems w/counts while doing chemo. I had the same that Fay had.

    Your family is in for a very bumpy ride, but I'm so glad that you found our website and that we can help with as many questions as we can. Good Luck to you and your brother.


  13. Frank,

    Don't worry about posting if you're not up to it. We are all here whenever you need us and you just need to concentrate on getting rid of that darn infection, and in turn, the catheter. Sounds like the chemo is really running your counts down.

    Sending prayers,


  14. Melanie,

    I ditto what Addie and Ry said. Give yourself a little time to heal. Maybe the swelling is what is causing the eye problems. Thank goodness you have no cancer anywhere else. This disease is scary and when you find out you have it, you are on the biggest rollercoaster ride of your life.

    So glad you posted so that we could be here for you, to support you and listen to your fears. I'm only 6 years older than you and have been battling this disease for 2 years. I also have brain mets. Stay positive and keep coming here for support. We are here for you.


  15. CathyR,

    You are an inspiration to me and all of us here. I am sorry, so so sorry that this terrible disease has progressed so quickly. I am truly in shock. Please know that I am praying for you and you are always in my thoughts. You have been a brave warrior in this battle. May God Bless You.


  16. Beth,

    You are almost there kid. The news is sounding good. Shrunk "alot"! That is the best news to hear, right?? Sounds like you are tolerating pretty well, and even though you don't feel good right now, you will start feeling better soon. Don't forget that chemo is cumulative, so the more you have the longer it takes to feel better. Drink lots of water and like CharlieD take lots of naps. Give your body time to heal and fight!!!!!


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