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Posts posted by TAnn

  1. Peggy,

    I'm glad the doctors have agreed to try the Novalis treatment again. This has been such a hard road and you and your husband are so strong. I hope that this will not be too hard and it brings some improvement.


  2. I extend my deepest condolences to the Chapman family. David was a true warrior, fighter and source of endless support for all of us here. I will miss him. I am so sorry.


  3. I had similar symptoms after WBR. In the first month or two after completing WBR I felt a little dizzy at times and even fell a couple of times. It has gotten much much better with time. That's the thing with WBR, it keeps working for a few months after treatment is finished, then you have to get the steroids out of your system and THEN you start to feel somewhat "with it" again.

    I still have the short term memory loss, I "think" it's getting better now, but I don't really remember! :P

    Give your mom some time to heal and I'm sure you will start to see some improvement soon.


  4. Darn, Darn and Double Darn! I was hoping for good news on the infiltrate thing. Seems to me they must still be small if he is letting you get scanned again in a few weeks. That's a good thing.

    Just for the record, I've had "multiple nodules" in my left lung since diagnosis and they watch them w/every scan, but have remained pretty stable for the past 2 years. Something to think about, Cindi!


  5. Jim,

    By posting your good news, you give the rest of hope and a new incentive to fight. Please keep posting every single piece of good news you can. There just can't be too much good news around here.

    You have always inspired me with your "never-give-up" attitude and I couldn't be happier for you.

    You kicked cancer's *ss!


  6. Gina,

    I did not have the talc procedure. My doctor says that it doesn't always work. Instead they put in what's called a Denver Catheter. I'm going to be honest, I hated it, but it solved my effusion issue for over a year now.

    Basically they insert a drainage tube into your pleural space and you have to drain it yourself every day until no more fluid drains. It only takes about an hour to have the tube put in. No hospital stays, no invasive surgery. This process creates some friction between the lung and the pleural lining and causes it to become sealed.

    I had the tube in for 5 1/2 weeks, then had it removed and haven't had to have any more drainings on the lung. Some people only have to have it in for a few days, some a couple of months, it just depends how fast you are accumulating fluid.

    I developed fluid quite rapidly, like you, before having the catheter I had 4 draining procedures.

    Feel free to pm me and I'll give you more info. I think you should ask your doc about this option if you don't want to go through the surgery and hospital stay.


  7. My PCP offered me anti-depressants. Said I was just a stressed working mom. I was too young (at age 40!) for anything serious. AND THIS WAS A WOMAN DOC!

    I kept going back to her, about once every other week until she finally referred me to a pulmonologist who immediately sent me for a ct scan and found my tumor. I wasted 3 months with that PCP!.

    Tell your friend to either insist on a referral or find another doc.


  8. Carleen,

    Welcome back. I was so glad to see your post and so happy to see that Keith is still in the battle. I think we were all worried that it was bad news and that's why we didn't hear from you.

    Sounds like you needed us as much as we needed to hear from you. The feelings and emotions you feeling are what is to be expected considering all you've been through. This is no cake-walk, that's for sure. You are only human, and it's my personal opinion that maybe not God, but life in general can definately give us more than we can handle.

    I know you probably feel that you can not take one more thing being thrown at you right now. I feel the same way everyday. I fake my way through each day, trying to be upbeat, non-complaining and strong.

    It's the only way to get through it. But you must know Carleen that we can not ALWAYS be all things for all people. We must be able to be weak at times, let our guard down and reach out for comfort from our loved ones and friends and then restore and re-energize for the next battle.

    Come back as much as you can. Glad you're back.


  9. Did y'all know that today is National Cancer Survivor's Day??? I didn't. There was a small article in the Houston paper today written by a local columnist who is also a colon cancer survivor.

    This includes all of us who are fighting the battle every day, whether we are stable, active disease or NED, we are SURVIVORS!!!!

    Let's celebrate our survivorship together!!!!


  10. Elaine!!! I was so glad to see you are back. You have been through tooo much. You are right, you shouldn't have to fight the medical community AND cancer.

    I hope you get the answers you are looking for. We are here for you and you can post your fears and concerns and updates no matter how long they are.

    I also lost my beloved dog in December. He was 15 years old and we too had been through so much together. He had cancer. I miss him sooo much, but we have a new puppy (got him in February) and he is such a sweet dog. He brings me smiles and happiness.

    Take care Elaine and keep in touch.


  11. Peggy,

    Sounds like getting the pain under control is top priority. Hopefully the radiation will help like it did w/Lucie and he can regain some strength before they start the chemo.

    Praying for you both...


  12. Karen and Dave,

    You are in my prayers. This is just so unfair. This beast called cancer.....I hate it. Karen, you have such strength and fortitude and hope that I know it will help Dave get through these really painful days.

    You have tons of support from all of us here and I hope that our prayers help in Dave's comfort and your strength. Know that we are all here for you, whenever you need us, good or bad, ALWAYS!


  13. Cindi,

    Sounds like the procedure wasn't too bad. I'm glad to know that your breathing is better and you are able to walk that new apartment better. You must stay positive about the results. Most effusions are not cancerous and can be caused by previous radiation, infection or cancer in our lungs. But, remember I was diagnosed 2 years ago with a malignant pleural effusion, I'm still here fighting :P . CharlieD's effusion resolved after starting Alimta. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you, your nurses sound like they were wonderful. Much better experience than I had......

    Get some rest,


  14. Frank,

    You've got my vote on the Tarceva. Why not try it, you already know what the chemo is going to do to your body. There are options for us and our doctors have a responsibility to try each and every one of them.

    Stay strong my friend.


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