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Posts posted by TAnn

  1. Charlie,

    I am so sorry to hear about your progression. I've been on Taxotere also, it was easier than the Taxol, but I also experienced the muscle aches, neuropathy, hair loss, mouth sores, all the common side effects from the "older" chemo's. However, I experience the same type of muscle aches with Alimta, but as you know everyone is different.

    No experience with the Navelbine, sorry. Why are they waiting to start you for a couple of months? Haven't you been off Alimta since June? Sorry you have to get back on the chemo regimine. It sucks.


  2. I am sitting here in shock. I am so sad to hear this. I thought Beth was just taking a break, I am so sorry. She has such a wonderful spirit, she always found a way to fight whatever she was going through, and she went through so much. Too young....

    My deepest and most heartfelt sympathies to Kurt and the children. We loved Beth here and will miss her deeply.


  3. Cindi,

    You're home!!!!! :D:lol::D Wow, it sounds like you were at a spa or something... Did you say back rubs???? On my 6 day hospital stay, I was lucky to get my water pitcher refilled!

    No seriously, I am so glad the docs found out what was producing that fluid, to be honest I didn't understand alot of what you were talking about, but I'm glad THEY know what they are talking about!!! :wink:

    I agree with the others here about your wounds, they will heal alot faster with some "air drying"!

    Here's to fast healing and quick recovery "clink" "clink"!!


  4. I can tell you all that the human spirit is alive and well here in Houston. We as a city have taken in tens of thousands of evacuees and the state of Texas has received over 200,000.

    These people have been through so much, it must have been horrible to ride out this storm and have nothing, not even a drink of water left.

    My prayers are with them....


  5. So glad you are finally home for some REAL R&R. Those hospitals are exhausting! You must feel overwhelmed just to be back in your own bed! Enjoy the next week or so and take good care of yourself and get strong!!!!


  6. Pat and Brian,

    I'm a little late here, but know that I'm always thinking of you both. The shots are going to work. Be prepared for some bone pain with those shots. They get the white counts back up by stimulating the bone marrow and it can be quite painful. They gave me 1 shot in the hospital, Neupogen and my counts shot way up.

    Better to wait until his body can handle the new chemo, otherwise the complications could be terrible.

    Have a nice relaxing weekend....


  7. I was on Tarceva for 6 months and had both the rash and the diarrhea. It seemed to cycle with both getting better and then a new outbreak and new bouts w/diarrhea. I never had to take anything as it usually only lasted a day.

    Also, fatigue with Tarceva is common.

    Good luck with the treatment and I hope that you are one of the one's it works on!


  8. Geri,

    Hmmmmm, I'm still here. I live in Houston too, not too far from Don & Lucie. What do ya think Don??? How HAS Lucie and I survived living in this "third world country"?? Must be the margaritas that's keeping us going!! :P

    Well, Houston is almost as big as a country. It takes me 1 1/2 hours to get to my doctor appointment in rush hour traffic.....


  9. Hi Kathleen,

    I am so sorry to hear that your mom has been diagnosed with this horrible disease. This website is a wonderful source of information and support. Please try to educate yourself as far as the treatments and side effects go. We have tons of information for you.

    Don't give up hope. Look at Don Wood's posts about his strong and courageous Lucie. She is a real source of hope for all of us here.

    There is plenty to be afraid of, but we are all here to help you and your family through this.



  10. When you go on chemo your body goes into sort of a "cycle". You feel ok for the first few days, then your white and red blood counts drop on about the 10th day. (It's probably different for everyone) This is the time to avoid anything germy: crowded places like malls, movie theaters and restaurants and small children. Your body can't fight the infectious germs.

    As far as I know, when they refer to avoiding the chicken, fish and beef, I believe they are referring to the "handling" of raw foods. My family would never let me touch raw meats when I was/am on chemo.

    Then you go back into an "up swing" and you usually know you are doing better because you are "feeling" better.

    It's better to be safe than sorry. I've taken all the precautions and still wound up in the ER with high fevers, neutrapenic fever and so on. And that is no fun.

    The condom things is probably like the others said, you don't want to get preggers while he is on chemo and to prevent any infection to him that may be lurking, and in a "healthy" person would not even be an issue.

    Hope this helps,


  11. I am also having noticable vision problems since WBR. From what I understand vision problems can be due to WBR, medications, and chemo. I know that Iressa causes vision problems in some people too.

    I saw my doc today and he is referring me to an opthamologist (sp) to check things out.


  12. Jimben,

    So glad to hear you are feeling better. I've been wondering how you've been doing. So is this round of chemo tough? You always handle everything so easily.....

    It's great that you felt good enough to go fishing in this heat!!!! You gotta LOVE it 8)


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