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Posts posted by TAnn

  1. Hi Sean and Welcome!

    Like Ginny, my son's name is also Sean, so you have 2 on your side! The news on your dad sounds like it is all good news so far. Like Don said, stable is good!

    I can't answer the questions you have posed, but hope to see updates on your dad as you get them.

    Glad you found us.


  2. What wonderful news! And what a wonderful doctor for lifting all your spirits by being so positive and proactive. I hope the chemo works wonders and doesn't cause too many side effects. So glad your dad is in good spirits.


  3. Dolly,

    Usually low white blood counts do not cause fatigue. It means that the body can not fight off infection. I had this happen while on chemo, but not Iressa. I had Nupogen (sp) shots to bring my white cell count back up along with antibiotics. Have they put him on antibiotics for the bacterial infection?

    Keep us posted....


  4. Cheryl,

    I did a google search for you and did not have much luck. Most of the articles I came across were about kidney cancer that metastises to the lung.

    But I know for sure the chemo attacks the whole body. That is why they put me on chemo. Since I have a malignant pleural effusion, I could have cancer cells anywhere in the body. Therefore, no radiation, no surgery.

    Sorry, wish I could have found some helpful info for you!


  5. I agree with all the wisdom already offered here. I am hoping that the tests come back benign also, but if you need us, we are here for you. There is no better place to come for love, support and comfort.

    And remember, there is no such thing as a "stupid" question. If you have a question, ask it. That's what the doctors are there for, and if you think of something else, ask us....there is a wealth of information on this board.

    Wishing you all the best news on your biopsy. Please keep us informed.


  6. Please know how serious dehydration is. Start giving her gatorade right away and insist on talking to the nurse right away. When I was on chemo I became severely dehydrated and it caused my heart rate to soar to 165. (Normal is 75-80). I was immediately started on iv fluids.

    Also, the antibiotics can be making her feel out of sorts too. Hope she feels better soon.


  7. When I was on chemo, my dr. put me on Senekot-S every night before bedtime. Worked like a charm to keep things regular. The brand name Senekot has not been available in stores for a while, but any store brand Senna-S will work fine. I still take it every night.

    Andrea is right, it is cyclacle as far as the side effects. I always felt bad for about a week and a half, then a little better for a week and a half, just in time to get chemo again! :roll:

    Tell your dad to hang in there. We are thinking about him.


  8. Cheryl,

    I am so sorry that you are starting to feel the effects of the chemo. Thankfully, nothing too bad. Remember that chemo builds up in your system over time, so the more chemo you have, the worse the side effects become. I usually felt ok after the first 2, then a little worse by the 3rd and my blood counts ALWAYS took a dive by the 4th cycle.

    Isn't Docetaxel the clinical name for Taxotere??? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that it was. If that is the case, the side effects from Taxotere were not as bad as Taxol (Placetaxel - sp?) for me.

    And I agree, if only chemo could leave the hair on our heads alone, and get rid of the leg hair........ :lol:

    Hope you are feeling better real soon. Don't overdo it at work, your body needs all the rest it can get. Tell Jack to keep up the good work too!


  9. Oh Becky,

    I am so sorry that you are going through so much right now. You have been a constant source of laughter, support and friendship and I will miss you and your posts terribly.

    I understand needing a break. The news of late has brought me down as well. Please recharge your batteries and come back when you are ready.

    Good luck with the new puppy and the housebuilding.

    Your Friend,


  10. Sharyn,

    Praying that your father gets back home soon. I know that you must be upset that his doc is on vacation, but I'm sure the covering doc will do everything that needs to be done. I'm so sorry you are going through this. My prayers are with your family.


  11. Renee,

    It seems like when it rains it pours huh? I'm praying that Scott can find some comfort. Hopefully fixing the a/c will help. Hope the humidity isn't too bad, that can make it harder to breath.

    Let us know how all the tests turn out.


  12. Great, just great.....

    Chemo put me into what we thought was permanent menopause, but just found out at the end of July, that my body has healed from the chemo and my monthly cycles have returned. The gyno-oncologist put me on birth control pills to regulate me since it's been 1 year and 2 months since having a cycle.

    Now I'm wondering if I should get off them??????

    My next CT scan is beginning of Sept. Hope the news is still good and this hasn't caused the tumor to grow!


  13. Beth,

    I also got both steroids, benadryl, anti-nausea drugs and also Ativan to calm me down before I had the Taxol/Carbo chemo. I suggest that they slow the drip down. The benadryl causes burning at the IV site and will make you very sleepy, (for me that was a good thing), but you may have a better reaction if they slow down the drip for all the meds.

    Just a suggestion, Good Luck!


  14. I had terrible numbness in my feet and toes while on Taxol/Carbo. The numbness started to be less noticable after I was off the chemo for about 2 months, I haven't had that chemo since August of 2003 and I have complete feeling in my feet and toes again!

    (It didn't take that long to regain feeling, probably about 3-5 months after chemo)


  15. Fay,

    I'm sorry I'm a little late in responding to your post. I am so sorry you had such horrible pain on the CT/PET scan. I know how you feel about the crying. When I had the Denver Catheter in, I had to have just a plain chest CT scan. I was in so much pain from the catheter that I needed help lying down on the machine. Then the pain was so intense in that position, I had a hard time keeping still (from crying) so that they could do the scan. If it had been 30 minutes, I could never have done it. Then I had to have help getting up, also very painful. The tech was very nice and walked me back to the area where they take out the IV. HOWEVER, it only brought attention from the others waiting to have their scans done to the poor little crying girl. I was humiliated. I had a hard time getting myself together after that. Not to mention the fact that I wasn't totally convinced at the time that all that pain was from the catheter. So fear was also part of the "crying episode". Turns out the pain was most definately from the catheter.

    Just wanted you to know that you are not alone in the "crying game" :lol:


  16. Jamie,

    I agree with Kim. Now that they know your dad has had a reaction, they should give him Benadryl in the IV before they administer the Taxotere. (by the way, you spelled it right!)

    I had Taxotere once every 3 weeks for 5 cycles out of a recommended 6. I did not have the allergic reaction, and didn't have problems with nausea either. The main problem I had was the low blood counts. (I actually ended up in the hospital after the 5th cycle, I had no white blood cells left.) The good news was that my tumor shrunk 31% while on Taxotere.

    Hope your dad's side effects are minimal.


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