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Everything posted by shiva34

  1. I am so sorry to hear this i hope that you are able to find some peace and comfort in the difficult days ahead.
  2. don i know where you and it is a tough place. i would agree with everyone else and look for some help. friday will be three months since my mom died and it is still hard. I also remember when she was sick and her final days and that is very hard to deal with. I am just starting to remember other times the good times i had with her. My family and i often sit, talk and laugh about her. I would reach out to somebody because it will ease your pain. I hope that you find strength, peace and comfort in these difficult days.
  3. i am so sorry for your loss. I hope that you are able to find some peace and comfort in the difficult days ahead
  4. just wanted to welcome you. we are close to the same age and i just lost my mother. I can identify with you feelings but try to stay positive things might not be as bad as they seem.
  5. i am so sorry for your loss. your brother will be missed here your family has been in my thoughts. I hope that you are able to find peace and comfort during the difficult days ahead welcome to the board glad to see that you joined
  9. i am so sorry to hear this. I hope that you and your family can find peace and comfort in the difficult days ahead
  10. i am also praying for all floridians safety through this weather
  11. i think that things have blown out of proportion. I am sure that no offense was intended. This post was started by a caring person trying to look out for another who, like so many of us, is going through a hard time right now. I believe there are around 1300 members if each member donated $1 a month this site would take in $1300 dollars. The amount of support that i have recieved here is worth far more than that. katie and rick you guys are doing great.
  12. my mother was on the duragesic patch 100 mg but it really didn't work for her; so they gave her the mscontin (morphine) which stop her pain.
  13. shiva34

    TBone has died.

    i am so sad to hear this news. I hope that you all find peace and comfort at this difficult time.
  14. i will keep your family in my prayers and hope that you all find some comfort during this difficult time.
  15. i think that you need to let go of some of the what if's. Your mother knows what is best for her and she needs your support. I know that i always thought that my mom should do more to fight but i supported her in any decision she made. It wasn't until after her passing that i truly realized that she was not capable of fighting; she was too sick. Enjoy the time you have with her and don't spend too much time worring about the future. it helped me to know that i did everything i could to make her happy and that i made everyday count.
  16. i recently lost my mother and i remember that in one of our last conversations she told me that things would not be as bad as i had imagined after her passing and she was right. Much like you I have been able to live and do all the things i would normally do. i don't sit crying because i know that she would not want that and i am sure your husband would agree.
  17. i wanted to thank you all for creating such a create place. It gave me great strenght to read all you posts. Unfortunately my mother passed away on 7/8. she was at home and surrounded by her family as she wanted. She will be missed. thank you for all the support
  18. has anyone experienced confusion and slurred speech while on the duragesic patch? My mom was on the patch for the last few days and became very confused and her speech is slurred. thanks for any info you all might have
  19. i am so sorry to hear this i am praying for the both of you
  20. i have been looking around here and gathered a lot of could information for a few weeks now. My mom was dx with adenocarcinoma stage 4 with mets to bones in late april. she started radiation and chemo (carbo/taxa) but had to stop after 1st chemo because of low blood counts. She has been extremely tired since then. The doctor said that she needs to be built up before she can continue with chemo. So she is currently on iressa and we are hoping that it works. Next appointment in july then we should know if iressa is working. just looking for some positive thoughts todays. thanks
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