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Posts posted by Karma1976

  1. Lobsters are a wonderful thought!! Reminds me of when I brought my dad a lobster roll from Faniuel Hall, Got two of them and had lunch with him during my break. The doctors were jealous...So sorry to hear. I hope all works out!! Sending good thoughts.

  2. Ok do we have a particular date that might work?? My sister used to live in watertown. I was her offically pet sitter so I spent a lot of time there. The boston commons would be great! even the charles. I rememebr trying to find out if there is a permit needed or what? Also can we pick mutiple organizations to donate $$ to?? How do we get a tax write off for people who will want it. I have so many questions on what will be needed to get it done.

  3. You have an amazing husband!

    I heard things before about the gamma knife (not really a knife) that have helped in brain met? Not sure how it is now but I know 2 years ago I heard really hopeful things about it.

    My thoughts are with you!!

  4. Thank you...her biopsy is done and 72 hours we will know! I also have a good feeling about it. I told her that too. She has been very good about getting her mamograms every year (sometimes earlier)She said it did not hurt but they had a problem with bleeding (yikes) they got it under control though. She is on her way home to rest. Thank you all!!!

  5. I agree I am going to town on the abc message board about peter jenning, the stigma on there is amazing. ABC (my fav. new station-well was) is awful on it coverage. BUT cnn has been the only news station I have seen that has done anything other then talking about the smoking aspect. It is amazingly sad and so frustrating. I yell at my TV!! I said to people on the board who are like people quit now in honor of him (which is great)... BUT if statistics are true, then 50% are FORMER SMOKERS who will be diagnosed with lung cancer. Smokers have a lower lung cancer rate? why the heck is that if it is SOLELY smoking related. So when it is wonderful to quit....will there be options for them if god forbid they have to face it too? I told them once they quit to donate the $$ they would have used to buy even one pack to lung cancer research...start a freaking walk. DO something other then posting the dangers of smoking (we all know that message that is not the issue)...get involved then.

  6. Agreed!!!

    and now I have a craving for those candy cigarettes...anyone else remember puffing on those like they were real cause you wanted to feel cool? OY VE! The gum ones were my favorite cause you could blow smoke off the powder on the gum. Really a bad message to kids.

  7. Of course quit but the stigma is unneeded and hurts this form of cancer for funding. I mean that is the same to say a woman over 35 who never had kids and gets breast cancer they should be ashamed since she put herself at risk...they say it does, why did they not listen. I just hate that stereotype.

    Why should anyone care if my dad smoked or not? Does that make him a bad person if he ever did? To me when you ask that question and get a yes answer. It is like a justification. Would it make them say oh, well then I am in the clear...when that is false. We ALL know smoking causes lung cancer..no brainer there, but what ELSE does.

    My dad quit smoking 15 years prior to his diagnosis. he had regular check ups and the doctors were good about screening him. My dad also worked at a plant, and all his life lived a block from a well know cancer causing plant. So was it the smoking? Or was it and outside factor? we never had an autopsy done cause we felt it was too intrusive and had been thru enough. BUT i can say yea he smoked he got lung cancer. But is that the only possibility? I will never know until we get some real funding and help.

    I understand what you are saying but I think it is really no ones business if they smoked or not. It is only a question to ease their mind that they are not at risk...

  8. It is very frustrating I know. Do not give up!!! Positive enegry has been known to do wonders!! Just try to block out all the bad (easier said then done I know) But when I would get frustrated, I would write a letter to a paper or to an organization about lung cancer. Take the anger out for good.

  9. This is what I am SAYING!!! UGH. It is like a hit or miss. Why could a person live in a smoking household all their life and not one of them get lung cancer? Are they just lucky? But Dana Reeves walked pass someone outside smoking so that is the cause of her lung cancer. Some rachity smoker blew smoke in this poor innocent womans face and gave her lung cancer...JEESH. That is all they want to do. I mean can they just say the words. "We are unsure of why Dana Reeves has lung cancer...we do not know cause we do not have enough DATA to know. Lung cancer is under funded so we are left with only a few option boxes to choose from on our exam form.

    Here is something else funny. Some one posted on the abc board

    I think someone should create a bracelet (like the yellow Livestrong ones) that says "Quit For Life" and have Peter Jennings name on it somehow. Lime green would be a good color. Proceeds could go to an organization that supports cessation of tobacco use and/or lung cancer research. What do you think?

    Haha I had to laugh but I did give them the info for the breathe deep braclets plus told them about the clear color we use, as well as November being lung cancer awareness month if they want to organize something in his honor for lung cancer research.

  10. Wow CNN is to be commended this is GREAT!! ABC has been teeing me off with their coverage. "Peter Jennings death prompts millions to quit" OK that is GREAT but what are we going to do for them if they get it??? 50% of lung cancer diagnosis are former smokers. so great they quit, but we still have no funding to learn more and have better tools to fight the disease or detect it early. GREAT Coverage ABC, keep focusing on the fact that Dana Reeves might have sung in a smokey club prompting her cancer not the fact that their could be a hormonal link to lung cancer.

    I am sorry but I for some reason have this gut feeling that there really is a LOT more to lung cancer then smoking. a LOT more. Do I think it is a huge contributor...absolutely. BUT I think there is plenty more risks no one ever thought about so it is easier to say you smoked. Did you ever take one drag of a cigarette in your life..whelp that is why you have lung cancer. Seems too easy to me.

  11. I think it might be an effective approach to maybe do a public service announcement? An approach from people who were JUST as shocked to find out when they or their loved one were diagnosed with this type of cancer that it is NOT only for smokers!! That is not to say to not include the fact that smoking is obvious a huge factor but we really need to break that stigma.

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