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Posts posted by Karma1976

  1. would have been my dad's 60 Birthday. We went out to dinner in honor of it. so weird!! It was weird cause he was 58 when he passed. less then 2 months shy of his b-ay..so last year we celebarted his 59th but I feel like the 60 crept up. Anyway Happy Birthday Dad you are missed. Meant to put this on yestedray BUT work was busy!!

  2. I am sure someone can shed light on this...do not know how accurate or what this thing is BUT wanted to post

    Lung Cancer Clinical Trial

    At some point in the past you used the NexProfiler Treatment Option Tool for Lung Cancer. At the time you registered for this treatment decision tool, you indicated that you would be interested in being contacted by NexCura, which operates the NexProfiler Tool for Cancer, for opportunities to participate in clinical research specific to the treatment of lung cancer.

    I am writing to let you know that a Phase 3 clinical trial for non small-cell lung cancer is currently enrolling at clinical sites throughout the United States. The trial, known as the ASSIST-2 trial, is studying an investigational cancer drug called TLK286 (or Telcyta™). TLK286 was discovered and is being developed by Telik, Inc.

    Telik has created a Web site — www.ASSIST-2Trial.com — to provide detailed information about the ASSIST-2 clinical trial and TLK286.

    In order to be eligible to be considered for enrollment in the ASSIST-2 trial, you must meet all these criteria:

    You must be 18 years of age or older.

    You must be diagnosed with non small-cell lung cancer.

    You must have recurrent non-small cell lung cancer that can be measured with a CT scan, MRI scan or physical exam.

    You must have received two prior chemotherapy regimens.

    The two chemotherapy regimens must have included a platinum agent and docetaxel.

    You have never received TLK286 or Iressa®.

    If you are interested in learning more about this study, please visit — www.ASSIST-2Trial.com

    If you have any questions or concerns about this e-mail, please contact:

    E-mail: info@education.nexcura.com

    Address: Patient Information Services,

    1725 Westlake Avenue North, Suite 300, Seattle WA 98109

    If you wish to review NexCura's Privacy Statement, visit: http://www.NexCura.com/nexcura/Nexcura_Privacy.asp

  3. I agree I am not sure when it gets easier, but even after a year, a day does not go by where I do not think about my dad or this disease. I try to do things now in life that he would have enjoyed. Tomorrow since it is the one year...I am thinking of maybe taking the day off and going bowling...sounds weird i know, but when we were kids we went to this specific bowling alley and bowled. he enjoyed teaching us very much so I might go back to that place...and bowl and take my mom along. (my sisters can not get off work which I think is sad) So it is my way of connecting with him, not letting the day be a day of total sadness but one of honoring him and things he enjoyed. He would have liked that better. So I do not think for any of us this is going to get easy and I am here for every single one of you, BUT when we feel sad...let yourself be sad...but then maybe try to do an activity that brought both of you such joy!!

  4. Tomorrow is the official one year anniversary of my dad's death. May 25th at 12:55 am, but today is the day and long night of his final stages of life, so it is also very weird for me. I keep looking at the clock. I remember the call i got at 10 AM from my hystercial mom telling me to get home from the cape. (it was memorial day weekend and i was away on my annual trip with college friends) so it is a VERY weird day for me. I am not sure I should be in work. I am thinking of taking tomorrow off, so if i am not around then i am out. I just keeping playing the day in my head, which i wish i was not but i can not help it.

    So today and tomorrow if you could, please give your loved one an extra hug for me!!!!

    In Memory of James F. Santilli

    July 8, 1944 - May 25, 2003

    God saw you getting tired

    And a cure was not to be

    So he put His arms around you

    And whispered "Come to Me"

    A golden heart stopped beating

    Hard working hands at rest

    God broke our hearts

    to prove to us

    He only takes the best


  5. Becky, Yes it is Janine!!! good job. I do not think so I asked the doctor that and he said no. My dad had TONS of follow ups over the years too from his mouth and throat cancer. which is why it shocked us when he was dx! He even had the year before a pollup removed from his colon, so PLENTY of ct scans and x-rays, blood work and such so it was odd when it was a stage IV cancer. usually something tips it off when your at the doctors that much and getting scans you would think, only thing was a cough the month before my mom said to check out when he went for his yearly physical...but again he got dx in January so a cough for a month is not out of the ordinary.

  6. They never gave my family and answer. It took me AWHILE to get the doctor to change it. He was his doctor for not even 24 hours when he got transferred. it said respitory arrest, head and neck cancer...which was completely false. he had mouth and throat cancer 10 years before that, so i think the guy just looked quick and jotted it down...it also took him 2 days to sign it, so my poor dad was in their morgue for longer then he should have been!!! Jerks! But i was so shocked to see others with a problem! So NOW i am curious!!

  7. I noticed others who had this problem...well my family did too!!! Just thought I would see how many of us had to correct this problem!

    MAKE SURE they correct it too, cause a.) it goes to the the vital record office in your state which then in turns uses that info for statistics!!and b.) it is your family medical record!! which is important.

    I was mad too cause NOW we have to pay for the new copy of the death certificate!

  8. I am probably going to post this where I did in activism BUT for my sisters wedding she was planning on donating money to lung cancer research. I suggested lung cancer pins for the guests with a note stating where the money went. She got the "plastic" pins from ALCASE. They are just gold outline hollow stickers??? I though they were actual pins??? She needs something cost effective too since she wants to donate the money that would have gone to favors to lung cancer. Any suggestions OR places to get pins? There were a few suggested but they were closer to the $5 range.

  9. I am probably going to post this where I did in activism BUT for my sisters wedding she was planning on donating money to lung cancer research. I suggested lung cancer pins for the guetss with a note stating where the money went. She got the "plastic" pins from ALCASE. They are just gold outline hollow stickers??? I though they were actual pins??? She needs something cost effective too since she wants to donate the money that would have gone to favors to lung cancer. Any suggestions OR places to get pins? There were a few suggested but they were closer to the $5 range.

  10. oh nice. My sister is not giving favors at her wedding but rather a note stating how they donated it to research and wanted to include a pin. There are about 260 invited to the wedding.

  11. I am so sorry for your loss! we are all here for you any time. Your mother was an amazing person. She was always there to comfort us when we needed her and we will do the same for you and your family!

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