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Posts posted by Karma1976

  1. Shannon, we are all here for you. Lately i have been extremely bad. I think after a few months the "well at least they are not suffering" thoughts go away and all you want is that person back.

    I have had some pretty weird dreams. it was of the 3 people i knew who passed away close to me. they were all there talking to me and it was weird i woke up and thought am I alive? or am I dead? did some pile of poo fall frm an airplane and into my bedroom and killed me and I have no clue it happened? hey i love on top of logan so it could happen. weird stuff. I think about having a day with him where we can just hang? I mean honestly why is that too much to ask? :shock: I know but that is what kills me. you think your going to be fine but then you actually stop and think they really are not here anymore....tough to bear. shannon i am here for you anything!!!!!! :D

  2. Shellie PLEASE KEEP POSTING! I feel the same way sometimes, but I feel i have an obligation here to keep up on everyone else. These people have become my family so maybe I am not on all the time, but i pop in. Please continue to pop in!!!

  3. Mainecoon,

    I can not even express how sorry i am!!! Your talking about it brought up a lot of memories for me with my dad, what keeps me going somedays is knowing I was there for him and even though he was not conscious he knew i was there since he waited for honestly EVERYBODY to be there. It honestly i think is the hardest thing to ever go thru and i hurt for you!!! I hurt for your children and her cat (pets know too, they know) If you ever need a friend i am here, always remember that you have 400 friends who are willing to listen!!!!

    so so sorry again, Margaret sounds like and amazing amazing person whom was very loved!


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