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Posts posted by Karma1976

  1. I have wrote, emailed and conversed with Boston Legislators and plan on really making a buzz about the fact that it is great they have smoking bans in bars now BUT if they want to really to get people on the band wagon (since smokers are bull and i kind of do not blame them it is their right to be able to smoke in a smoking section but i digress) well i write to make the ban worth it weight and take any fines they get and donate the money to lung cancer research! Hey when you get angry do something I say.

  2. Shelley, first i must say VENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we all have to do it!!! it is funny casue we always feel bad when we let our emotions get the best of us! what are we suppose to do be chipper all the time when our loved one is sick???????? NEVER feel bad. with that said. if you need a friend i am here always, for any one of you!

  3. OH MY GOD I AM IN SHOCK!!!!!! Shannon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No way, oh my god i am so so so so sorry. Honestly I am in shock, Shannon I am with you right now, all my thoughts and prayers are with you!! PLEASE PLEASE let me know if there is anything even so small I can do. Anyone know what paper it may be in??? I am so sad right now. Shannon My dad and Mike will be hanging out I am sure of it!!!!! Like i said to renee, my dad and her mom I am sure are swapping some stories about us. Again words can not express how sorry i am right now.

  4. I think you will do great! Main thing as most people will say to chemo is HYDRATION!!! Do you know what Chemo cocktail they plan on putting you on?? That would give you a better idea of what certain main side effects etc, you may experience. or some advice as hwo to advert some of them. Much Luck jay!

  5. Glad all went well!!!! And i have to laugh about the street drug value!!!!!! haha it is true it is hard for you NOT to enterain the thought even if it is only in the head!!!!! Trust me I have for my mothers sake but OBVIOUSLY would never. But i had to laugh :D

  6. I get angry EVERYDAY!!!! and i honestly do not think that is going to change. I try to put my anger and push it towards being an activist. I have a letter campaign going on that I am goign to share with all of you with in the next week or so I want to do a follow up and I am tryign to see if i could publish it somewhere to to REALLY get the ball rolling. But that is what i do when i get angry, someone gets a letter...hahaha I will post the info in the activism forum this week, and hopefully others can follow suit.

  7. Deb, you honestly are an amazing person. you handle this all with such grace! As far as your dad NOT wanting to go to the dr's i would maybe talk him into it cause he could be feeling a lot better if he did go. Have they put him on oxygen???

  8. How mad am i about this, got this probate thing thru the mail regarding my dad's death, will etc from the lawyer handling it since anyone named on the will gets one. well, they included the death certificate it is wrong! i swear jesus nothing goes right it says acute respiratory arrest, head and neck cancer....ummmmm that is not what he died of?? he had mouth and throat cancer 10 years ago??? the doctor at Salem technically NEVER met my dad since he was only there not even 24 hours and it was the holiday weekend and he was in a rush to sign it cause they held my dad body for 2 days and we were furious casue they made us call the funeral home at 2 am to arrnage his pick up at 9, so he is an idiot and probably looked at the wrong history *ss. I have to call him now cause i called Salem hospital and the lady was like NO you are right that is a legal document not to mention your family medical history it HAS to be right. I swear!!!! oh and the kicker he is now out til tuesday??? so crazy!!

  9. Shelley I agree with Katie, my dad went thru the same thing and he decided against that once he got on here and read the posts, he printed them out and showed his doctor that is how moved he was!!! Print them out and have her read them. or get her on her and discuss why she wants off, my dad did! it really helped!!!

  10. I can only reiterate what others have said. First off, those emails???? What pretentious pompous people. first off you are such a strong willed determined person, what makes them think laying a freakin guilt trip (cause that all it looked like to me) on you is going to change your mind??? MIKE wants to fight, and with that said you ARE honoring mike's wishes! so who are they to comment, and basically say give up for him...then he will loose his fight. THAT happened with my dad. the doctors, and some family members just were like we are done and you know what my dad WASN'T that is the thing. just give in to what is inevitable??? ummm, how can anyone say that....not making an option is what makes the cancer inevitable. My dad was so upset and i mean that thoroughly upset him when they told him they would do not more for him, he couldn't get a freakin word out he was so upset cause the doctor said you have about 2 weeks....what in gods name does a person DO with that info???? I came into that room and said get all your scans and reports we are getting a second option and he smiled and said ok exactly what do i have to do. if that was a man who was in pain and wanted to give up and lying in his bed with his children laying next to him (sorry but that part kind of disturbed me as to what that lady said cause she apparently has no clue that death sometimes is not that pretty and to have some young children watching granny pass away isn;t always peaceful, but hey that is her call) but my dad didn't want that if he was hurting so so bad and just wanted to pass away with his "dignity" no, he was still ready to fight fight fight and he was in pain, pain, pain. he wanted the day when he didn't have to have that thought of passing away! As far as the pain management, i honesly think that is what screwed my dad. they decided to put a PIC as they called it in his arm for pain management so when they decided to move him to hospice cause that is where he needed to be (again 2nd opinion was in the works) stupid mass general didn;t give the place the "key" as they say to it so he was in pain and without his meds for a whole day and then the next day he took the turn for the worse and even my mom said it, she said now i am not saying he would have lived for 10 years or even a year BUT i honestly think that whole mess up set him into this, cause the day before he was fine. ANd he was i can attests to that. ALL his functioning was perfect, he wasn't in and out he was like you or me in ever way except he had some cancer. i think the screw up in the transfer jogged his system to what ultimately just set the situation up for him to turn real bad, like a shock to his system.

    So you know what Shannon! ignore people, they have no idea!!!! you are not doing anything wrong by fighting. I also remember the doctor saying you know it isn;t giving up going into hospice? oh well it is when the man wants to get a second opinion before putting him in a place where now treatment isn't an option anymore??? I am here for you Shannon and will back you up all the way!!! fight the good fight!!!!!!

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