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Posts posted by Justakid

  1. I had radiation in the center of my chest (33 treatments), I ended up with third degree burns at the radiation point on the third week.

    I wouldn't say my skin was sensative, It was burnt to a crisp. I also have what looks like a scar from where two pieces of skin rolled together and touched when my arms where over my head.

    The scar and are still feel weird when touched. Don't know it that helps. Hope so.

  2. Betty

    I am speechless! All I can say is be strong, I will pray for a miracle and I would also like to THANK YOU for all the support you have given me over the past year!

    Your post shows your strength and I can only say if I were faced with your challenges I only hope I could be so graceful! Hang in there, ther are lots of us pulling for you!

  3. Just heard today that someone else I use to work with, her husband was just dx with LC, it's in his brain too because it's affecting his vision.

    This crap has gotten yet another one!

    I'm going to do my usual.... welcome to my world call....offer support, tell them about the website, ask if I can do anything, share stories and listen. Hopefully I can get their home phone number and call on Monday.


  4. You are so right, it's up under the boob and it just tightens up and I sit here and think oh my gosh...then it will go away and come back again (sometimes). I asked the Pulmonary doc, he doesn't know. I'll ask the Oncologist this coming Wed when I have chemo.

    At lease someone else knows what I'm talking about! Guess it wouldn't hurt to eat some potasium (sp?).


  5. Starry-

    Same thing happened to me, went into surgery thinking it was stage 1, came out stage 3A (which is sounds like your mom is).

    I know how hard it is, you can handle this. 3 generations from the same mold, if your Mom has all this strength......so do you! You just have to find it. It took a lot of courage to pick up and move your baby to CA! We are the same age, although I don;t have a child as young as you (mine are 13 and 8)......I too draw strength from my Mother BUT she and my husband can't be there with me always....sometimes I'm alone. Even the CT Scans are starting to stress me out....just having them. When I can't handle it (and that a lot of the time) I come here....and people who are in my shoes and understand what I am going through HELP ME!

    Cancer sucks and has changed all our lives! I had a CT Scan the other day and started to crack during the test and cry........I don't like crying in front of people, have a hard time with it. This CT Scan was to determine if chemo was working. I lay there and thought about Lucie Wood (her husband Don posts here all the time). Lucie has been through so much and she's not my age! I kept thinking about everything that she has been through and if she could do it at her age then I could stop crying during a CT Scan and be strong. Coming here HELPS a great deal.

    Good luck and keep us posted on your Mom!

  6. Is anyone out there having leg cramps? Hand cramps or tightening of the chest muscles?

    Don't know if it's from the prednisone, the beta blocker or the cancer. So far all my blood counts have been good cause I've always gotten my chemo.

    Anyone have craps like me (except David C - I know he has them).

    The chest tightening - muscle cramp thing is really weird! That I think is stress, gotta stop stressing about everything!


  7. My story is the same as Barb's, I lost all mine once I had the stronger chemo.

    I had long hair that was cut very short after surgery, then we used the clippers when handfuls started to fall out, then (I was bad) I used a razor to get the rest cause the tiny pieces were still falling out.

    It was kinda cool pulling handfuls of hair out and it not hurting.

    Like Fay said....it comes out everywhere else too! I was mostly upset about the loss of my eye lashes, they were my most beautiful feature.

    Good luck!

  8. LOST 4 POUNDS SINCE MONDAY! Skinny little smart a** Doctor told me I had 100 to to go, almost sat on him!

    Go back in a month, staying on 20mg prednisone till then. He is weaning me off my beta blocker, he thinks between the two meds and the pollen/mold that's why I'm having so many problems. Also said I had Asthma, first I'd heard of it! He was gonna bump the steriod up a little and I begged him not too.

    He said if my heart rate went to 150 to go to the emergency room, I said I would. He said it could be a month before my body would settle down from coming off the beta blocker.

    I have a Peak Flow Meter I'm supposed to use to monitor my wheezing twice a day.

    That's about it, supposed to take it easy this weekend.

    Thanks for everyone's support!!!!! Couldn,t make it without you guys!

  9. My Pulmonary Doc has been cutting back my beta blocker and steriods. Woke up last night with a racing heart and wheezing. Get to go see him at 12:30 today.

    I pray he doesn't put me in the hospital!

    I am so ready to quit this whole thing! Everytime I get one step forward, I take two steps back!

  10. OK, so now I'm two days late!

    So glad about the results! Sorry about the shoulder! I have had both mone done....in fact I have had surgery every year around by b-day for the past 3yrs....Had both shoulders fixed then my lung!

    No surgery this year for my b-day and I'm putting my foot down!

    Should surgery wasn't too bad, just take your pain meds. Don't let the pain get out of control, but you know know all that garbage!

  11. My A/C broke last week and we called the technician out and he was working on it outside the window where my computer is...........don't remember what post on the site set me off but I started bitching at my husband about Frank and Lucie and everyone who was having problems and how mad I was etc.

    The next day when the technician came back (I wasn't here) he said he over heard me talking and that he had found out that his daughter had something on her lung. Talked to him yesterday when he finished the A/C work up..........don't know what it is that is on her lung, she is having surgery soon. She is only 23 with a little boy. Gave him the website and told him/her and her mother to come here for education and help.

    It's just amazing, it's everywhere. Hopefully it;s not cancer, maybe it's something else......but it just seems to be everywhere. Either that or I was totally ignorant before I was dx.

  12. Thank Goodness!

    Doctor called....I am responding to Alimta, lymph nodes are shrinking and nodules are shrinking. I asked if I could be happy and he said yes! I asked if I was responding and he said yes.

    I see him next week for chemo #4 on the 20th and we will discuss it more then. But you could hear it in his voice when I answered the phone, he said he wanted to call me as soon as he had gotten the report.

    Now I can relax (till next time :wink: ).

    Thanks for everyone's support, I really need ya'll to get through this. :)

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