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Posts posted by annjael

  1. Ray,,,,,Prayers going out to your wife and you. I have had 2 mammos that had to be referred to a surgeon. One was biopsied and removed and was a cyst. Another was a cyst that was so small the surgeon said he wouldnt remove it, and now it is gone. I also have calcifications that are benign. So it can be sooo many things, and usually if it is something of real concern, the hospital will fax the results to the doctor immediately and not wait to send a letter to the patient. It is to your wifes benefit, that they are being very precise about her films, and wanting a second look. Please try not to worry!!

    Peace and blessings to you both


  2. (((((((Angie)))))))) I am familiar with those feelings. Just try to hang in there and be as positive as possible for your dad. Then when you have the facts,,,,you can figure out the plan of attack. I think you showed tremendous courageand love, letting your dad speak freely to you. My continuing prayers for you and your dad, to give you both strength in this battle.

    Peace and blessings,


  3. Hi Beth!!!!! That is a great idea. When my husband was fighting this monster we had no support group at all. I think it would have been very helpful to both of us, to have face to face support, and to give face to face support. I think the addage there is strength in numbers applies here. You go girl!!!!!! Keep us posted ok?

    Peace and blessings


  4. (((((((((Cat)))))))) We will all be here with you as you go the distance. Cheering you on with all the positive vibes we can muster up. I have a feeling that will be a whole lot of positive thoughts comin at ya!

    Peace and blessings


  5. ((((((Renee))))))) So glad you checked in. You are in my thoughts and prayers as you are on this journey. I was where you are 3 yrs ago. It is tough and it takes time. I think you will eventually learn to cope with your life, but for now take time for you, eat, rest, and take each day as it comes. Also take as long as you need to grieve, it is an important process, and very individual. Thank you for letting us know how you are doing.

    Peace and blessings


  6. Hi,,,, I am a little over 3 yrs out, and I still have bad days. I went from my home to my dads to caregive for him, a couple months after Bill passed away. Dad needed me and that was it. My grown girls are still a bit put out that I left, but they had their own families and agendas. I guess I didnt have time to grieve, going right on to care for dad, but it sure has hit me in the last 6 months or so. I miss Bill so much. I think I was in a fog, but reality does hit, sooner or later. What I want to say here, is that I think a widow really doesnt recover from the death of a spouse. She learns to cope with the death of a spouse. and hopefully move into another phase of her life. The phrase " moves on",, somehow bothers me. To me that phrase sort of negates a life that we had with our spouses.

    Just my thoughts on this,,, oh yeah I disliked the paperwork too.

    Peace and blessings to all of you........Annjael

  7. ((((((Dave)))))) Sorry you are in a funky place right now, and having a rough go with the chemo. Prayers are going out to lift your spirits. We are all in this boat together, and when you can't row, we can row for you, so you can rest, cuz we are family. Karen, you hang in there girl, and prayers to lift your spirits as well.

    Peace and blessings


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