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Posts posted by annjael

  1. (((((((Karen))))))) I have been where you are. I read something on this board about faith that really caught my eye. It went something like this

    "Faith is still believing, when you are out of reasons to believe" I think this is true. At the time my husband was ill, I had decided to go through conversion to Catholisism and baptism. I had to go to classes each week, and a weekend of discovery with the church. I had a similar dilemma, how do I believe all I am being taught, but yet see the love of my life so ill? On the day of my conversion ceremony I really didnt think my husband could come and sit through that 4 hr mass, as sick as he was at the time, and he would normally not set foot in any church. Somehow that man came there and sat through the whole thing,,,,,,for me. I think that was a true gift of love from him and God. I thank them both. Try to take each gift you have, and savor it. Seek the best treatment you can, and if you read my blurb at the bottom, if one doc quits, find another, and keep on fighting. I wish I had the knowledge of this board and this wonderful support, when Bill was sick, this site is a true gift! I hope I made some sense here in my longwinded, round about way. Peace to you, Dave and Faith


  2. Patti,,,thank you for the update! Frank, so sorry you are experiencing a setback. Prayers going out to you for a speedy return home.



  3. Well I know a bit about how this goes. I had a total hysterectomy at 32 and went on estrogen therapy until I was 52. I was about 47 and I had a mammogram come back with a suspicious area that oddly enough showed up on mammogram, but not an ultrasound. I went to a cancer surgeon , it was biopsied ,and turned out to be a benign cyst. However, by the time they got though with the placing the needle in before surgery and taking more xrays, I thought I would probably glow in the dark :shock: I then had to be checked every 6 months and mammos once a year from then on. Right after my husband died I went for my usual mammogram and it came back with another suspicious area. I was terrified! Back again to my cancer surgeon who determined it was a cyst again, and that he wouldnt even mess with it as it was the size of a pea. That was 2001. I have had a yearly mammo since then and its gone, just some benign calcifications. We are called back if anything suspicious is seen. I think this is a good thing, it shows they are really looking these xrays over, and lets face it, if their liability keeps them on their toes, so be it! We are safer because of it. I understand your moms concern, it is scary and the first thing she would think is cancer. But hang in there, as another member wrote that so much of this stuff is benign, and call back isnt unusual or necessarily bad. Sorry I was so long winded. Prayers and good thoughts going out to you and your mom.



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