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Posts posted by annjael


    To new beginnings for all of us. That this new year is all we could hope for and more. Thanks to the Lord for giving us another day here, for good friends, for the folks who put this board together and maintain it faithfully, and for the courageous people on this board who share their time,hope and advice, to anyone who needs it. Blessings and good cheer to all,



  2. Hi Angie,,,,,My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your dad. This cancer is a horrible, unpredictable disease. Please hang in there, and try to be as positive as you can for your dad. The oncologist treating my husband gave up way too soon, I believe. When the doc gave up, so did my husband. I wish I had known about this group, and all I have been taught here about lung cancer. So many more meds to use even in 3 yrs, its amazing. If I could do it all over, that doctor would have been trying anything and everything, I would have insisted. Try to take one step at a time, remember to breathe, and don't give up hope.

    Peace and blessings


  3. ((((((((Joni)))))))) I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your sweet husband. You are where I was, 3 yrs ago this past August. I was married for 29 yrs. I know this is a terrible time for you, it is overwhelming. The feelings you have are normal. Please just take one day at a time, get as much rest as possible, and remember to eat, even if it is several small meals per day. Grief takes alot of energy. There is no magic time frame for grief, it is very individual. I can tell you it gets easier, but it also takes time to get to that point. You don't ever forget, you learn to cope. Please know that my prayers and thoughts are with you.

    My sincere sympathy

    Peace and blessings


  4. ((((((((((HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAMI)))))))))) and many more to come!!!!! You are a survivor! Go out there and seize the day. No matter how you end up spending it,,,,,it is still your day!!

    Peace and blessings


  5. ((((((((Jen)))))))) I know you are tired, who wouldnt be! Rest for the month or so between treatments and then you go back and fight!! Please?

    Remember my PM to you about Bill? We would have given anything for the doc to say "lets try this". You have the chance to win against the beast.....take it.....don't let him have another shot.

    Prayers and thoughts are comin at ya!



  6. ((((((( Jen ))))))) I pray you get the best news on the rest of your tests and scans. I hate waiting for results. Makes me crazy er. I go through it with mammos every year. It was a bit easier with my husband there for support. I wish they would just go away,,,,,but,,,, I can't let that happen. Try to hang in there and know that prayers and good thoughts are comin your way.

    Peace and blessings


  7. Hi, I too am a staunch believer. My husband was not, he thought it was pure nonsense.....but.....when he was dying, I asked him to send me a sign, just so I would know, and to my suprise he said ok. I had lost a rosary and a little clock, which he knew meant alot to me and I had been looking for for 6 months. A couple nights after he passed, I found my rosary in his chair, tucked down into one of the arms,(actually was looking for an earring that fell off). When I looked on the floor I didnt see the earring, but got this message that I should look in the chair. I looked in one arm and the cushions and then thought,,,no it has to be on the floor. Another message said....look in the other arm,,,, lo and behold as I live and breathe, there was my rosary!!!! When I looked back on the floor,,,,,there was my earring,,plain as day, no way I could have missed it. As for the clock,,, I was sitting in the room with my grandkids and left to get some water,, when I came back the clock was sitting on the coffee table, I said ,,,,where did this come from? My grandson said..Oh I found it under that little box next to grandpas chair....I had cleaned under that box so many times I couldnt count, I asked him why he looked under the box,,,he said......I don't know grandma,, I just did..........I was shaken to the core by both of these incidents.....Very strange but as God is my witness,,,,absolutely true!!!! My husband was a total skeptic,,,,but he knew those two items had great meaning to me,,,, I think that was his way of letting me know that he is ok, and that he really is still here. A footnote here.......with all that had happened,,, I certainly was not thinking about either of those items at the time.

    This is just my experience for what it is worth

    Peace and blessings,


  8. (((((((((Debi, Casey, and Son)))))))) I am so sorry for the loss of your Casey. They are like people you know? I had to put my little Yorkie Gabby down about a yr and half after my husband died. The vet had no diagnosis for her illness, but thought it was her liver. Actually when I think about it rationally, she was 13yrs old, and her poor little body was allowed to fail. She was 91 in dog years. I know she had a wonderful life and was loved alot, so as any loving "parent" would do, I didn't let her suffer. She gave me soooo much,,this was all I could give in return. You did the same thing for your Casey,,,,Please try to hold on to that thought.

    Peace and blessings


  9. Oncodoc, clueless? :shock::shock: Not on your life!!!! It must be so hard for you, as a medical professional, to tell a patient that there is nothing furthur you, or medicine can do for them. Families will grab onto all of the hope and possibilities that are out there. I know from my experience with my husband, that those words were very hard to hear. I wish I knew about this board at that time. Our oncologist, I feel gave up on my husband, especially after reading so many posts here about trying different regimens and new drugs, my husband was offered nothing. The radiologist said there would be no scans at the end of the radiation series to see where the tumor was,,,he said" Bill, if you are still here in a year, then it worked" :roll: I am happy to say that from reading your posts, that you present yourself with compassion and honesty. People can take the honesty if it is presented in the right way, and they feel they havent been abandoned. I think you are truly an asset to your profession and to this board. We are truly blessed to have such a knowledgeble, kind person to help us understand this terrible disease. Thank you for coming here, and taking your time to be a part of this family. Peace,,,Annjael

  10. (((((((((Elaine and Husband))))))) This kind of stuff makes me physically ill!!!!! Something has to be done about the lack of health care in the USA. This country should be ashamed to allow this state of affairs. We are larger and wealthier than most of the countries that offer free health care to there citizens!!!!!! Now I will step down from my soapbox.

    I wonder if writing your local congressman, or better yet going to the local TV station and telling them would help? The TV here in Fla loves this kind of story!!! It might be worth a shot to get them involved and bring it out in the open? An attorney is a good idea. I wish you all the luck in the world in this> As though you don't have enough on your plate

    geez................................. Prayers, and blessings comin at ya



  11. ((((((((((((Karen, family and Paddy)))))))))) So very sorry to hear about the loss of your dad. My sincere condolences to you all, and my prayers to you for healing.



  12. Karen,,,,so very sad to hear this. Please know that your dad, mom, and all of you are in my thoughts and prayers. I pray that your dad gets home, and that he is comfortable and at peace.



  13. ((((((Beth))))) My thoughts and prayers go out to you. You go girl, and do what you have to do, to be able to come back to us. We will be here for you, whenever you are ready.

    Peace and blessings


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