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Posts posted by annjael

  1. Beth,,,,,,Have a wonderful time at Kings Dominion!!!! Sounds like alot of fun!! Take a breather and get ready Beth, Disney here you come!!!!! You sure know how to vacation right!!

    Peace and prayers for many vacations to come


  2. Dave and Karen,,,,,,Have a wonderful trip to the Outer Banks!!! It is so beautiful there!!!!! Relax and enjoy!!!! You will beat this back again!!!!!!

    Peace and prayers


  3. Summer,,,, I would say get another opinion, and continue the fight. The onc my husband had just gave up,,,,,,,,,,,,,and so did my husband. If I had the support and this board 3 1/2yrs ago, things would have been very different, we would have sought a 2nd or even a 3rd opinion. My husband had no mets anywhere but the lung. The lung mass was 6cm and the doctor gave up based on the fact that after 5 rounds of chemo and radiation, the lung mass had not shrunk. So the doc said my husband couldnt take the 6th round of chemo. I really think this doc quit too soon, and no other options were offered to us. We took this onc at his word, and I feel we were not well informed. Truth is we didnt know where to go to get informed, other than his oncologist. We felt defeated. My husband was gone in less than 3 months. Soooo,,,, please dont call it quits yet.....go get those other opinions, and find out what other drugs out there could help, and make a well informed decision after you have all of the info. This board is a gift.

    Peace and blessings that you find the info you need and perhaps a new doc with a new outlook



  4. Dean, so glad to hear from you!!!!!! I live 4 blocks from the ocean, and you have made me think that I need to go and appreciate it more often. It is a magnificent sight. My son lives in San Diego and I have been to the Pacific Ocean and thought it was lovely. My best to you and Gay!!!! Keep on keepin on!!!!!!!

    Peace and blessings


  5. Thats our Beth,,,,,,,,,back in the groove.... Seriously,,, you are truly an inspiration to me. How you handle all that you have on your plate and still have a sense of humor. Beth,,, you are an amazing woman!!!!! I like eating out,,,, I hope you end up with a list a mile long, cuz you know you will have to try each one!

    Peace and blessings


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