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Posts posted by annjael

  1. (((((Renee & Scott))))),,, So very glad Scott is home. I hope he is as comfortable as possible. Please ask for as much help as you need from Hospice and family if they are available. It will lessen some of your stress, and give you quality time with Scott. Also take care of yourself, so you can be there for him. My thoughts and prayers to you and Scott.



  2. Geesh,,, I wish I had known of this fine group of handholders when my husband was so sick. I think the willingness to handhold, and have a soft touch with words, when others are down, to me anyway, is something this whole world could use more of. I just hope I can give back as much as this group as already given to me.



  3. Hi All,,,, Just got back to beachside after evacuation from Frances. Today I am back home cleaning out the fridg and assessing damage. I live with my 83 yr old dad and am caregiver, so he is still with family in Winter Park. Lost quite a few roof shingles :? but,,,,,,all in all I feel blessed, hope our other Florida folks are okay. My prayers go out to all our members, for whatever they are facing...



    PS....Bracing for Ivan the terrible :roll: Here we go again!

  4. Lois Welcome!! So sorry to hear about your husband. I had similar feelings about my husbands treatment, the what ifs are still there, at times, even after 3 yrs. I also wish I had found this site before,,,,,but,,,,,I am sure glad I found it now. The people here are wonderful!!!!! They are so open, and honest, and kind. They have really helped me sooo much, in coming to terms with this disease. I hope you can find alot of good here.



  5. (((((((Ray))))))) I pray you get your surgery as scheduled. As for the heart attack thing,,,, I went in for a total hysterectomy at 32yrs old, and when they did the EKG, the cardiologist said I had a heart attack. I was being treated for high blood pressure, but hadnt had any chest pains or anything. They did the surgery, and all was fine. Only thing is each time I have an EKG, it shows this heart attack. The cardiologist said this will show up forever in my EKGS, so just let any new doc know this ahead of time. I pray all goes well with your surgery and recovery. I think your docs are just being cautious, so you can have the very best outcome.


  6. Hi Connie,,,, Such wonderful news!!!!! I am new here and am trying to get to know everyone. I really feel we are fortunate to live in an age of cutting edge medical procedures, that certainly can change lives for the better!! Prayers to you, your precious grandson, and his family!!!

    Peace,, Annjael

  7. Dean Carl....So glad for the update. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well, still you have such an upbeat attitude. I am learning so much from you, and the others on this board,,,,,,about strength through adversity. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Peace and blessings


  8. Hi All,,,,, My sweet husband Bill lost his battle with sclc on 8/21/2001. His 3 yr mark was last Sat. On that sad day came the good news,,,, my great grandson, Cameron, was born on 8/21/2001!!!!!!! My oldest daughter, grandmom to Cameron, has always had an extremely difficult time on this day. I think my husband had a hand in giving her, and of course all of us, something to be happy about on that day!!!!! :D



  9. Dean Carl,,,,,,,Glad to hear you are okay! You sent me such a warm welcome to this wonderful group, and I was missing your posts. You always have something positive and informative to say......Please come back when you can.



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