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Posts posted by annjael

  1. ((((((((Kim))))))))) So sorry to hear about your mom. So sorry for your dad too. Support each other, and take one day at a time. Come here whenever you can, and we will be here for you.

    Peace, prayers and my sincere sympathy


  2. Hi Patrice,,,,,,Welcome. Glad to see you are doing well and feeling pretty good with your treatment. This is a wonderful board, great caring people, with a wealth of information and support.

    Peace and blessings to you,


  3. ((((((((((Bet and Mom)))))))) Welcome Bet, sorry to hear about your mom. Please know that this is a wonderful board, with great, caring people. Your mom sounds like a very strong and determined woman, that will give this disease a real good kick back! We are here for you both.

    Peace and blessings


    P.S. And mom,,,,,you go girl!!!!!!!

  4. ((((((Thank you Dean Carl))))) Just when I was having a down day, I read your post, and thought about the awesome beauty of nature you described, and how it turned the bumps in the road, into fairly smooth grass again for you. Suddenly, the reasons for my down day, seemed so insignificant. As usual, you have once again given me your amazing gift of inspiration, and perspective.

    Peace and blessings,


  5. (((((((Curtis))))))) I am sorry about you and Alisa. I know that after losing a spouse, dating again can be difficult. I truly believe that timing is everything. Alisa may have been the right person for you, but the timing wasn't right. This happened to me, and even though this person and I are still friendly, he wouldn't have been right for me on so many levels. Thank goodness for bad timing huh? :wink:

    Peace and blessings


  6. Hi Ginny,,,,,,,Yep I remember quite a few retail therapy excursions with my girlfriends!! A few drinks and eating good stuff is great too!! Okay a few tears arent bad either, they cleanse the battered soul. Have a great time with your girls and nieces!!!! You certainly deserve this R & R!!!!!

    Peace, blessings, laugh, relax, and have fun!!!


  7. (((((((((((((((((Paddy, David, and Paddys family))))))))) Oh Paddy, what a special, lovely gift for David, from your family! They are truly wonderful. My prayers and thoughts for you and David, that Iressa will be your "magic bullet", and that David begins to get his strength back soon. You both have been through sooo much. It is lovely that your children will be able to spend time with you as well.

    Prayers and peace to you both,


  8. Dean Carl. Sorry you are not feeling up to par. I miss your wisdom and your special way of seeing our world. Blessings to you and your precious Gay...

    Peace,,,, Annjael

  9. (((((((((Sharlene)))))))) My thoughts and prayers are with you as you continue your fight. May you have good results come your way.

    Peace and blessings


  10. Hey Dean Carl,,,,,,Great to see you back here with us!!!!!! I will certainly take a page from your book! You have such a wonderful attitude. Peace and blessings to you and Gay, and congrats on the one year mark!!! May you have many more landmarks to celebrate!!!



  11. Hi All!!!! Well Dad and I are back from fleeing our 3rd hurricane in the last month and a half!!!! Thank goodness we have family inland!! Our beach is eroded so badly it is sad. The house is ok, no damage this time. We are still waiting for the insurance adjustor for our roof, so we can get the new one put on, from the damage from Frances. Main thing,,,we are ok. I sure feel bad for those that took the brunt of these storms,,,,geez,,,enough already!!!!!! I hope allof those here that were in the storms made it through well!!!!

    Peace and blessings


  12. Hi Xena,,,,Welcome. So sorry to hear about your dad. I would say take one step at a time, learn all you can about his type of lc once they have done the broncoscopy, and then begin to fight. Also, dont be afraid to question the docs, or get a second opinion, if you are not clear or satisfied, about any phase of your dads diagnosis or treatment plan.

    You have come to a very caring group of people that will try to help any way they are able. This board is wonderful!!! Please keep us posted on your dad

    Peace and blessings,


  13. ((((((((((Renee))))))))))) So very sorry to hear about Scott. My thoughts and prayers go out to you. It takes time and energy to heal. Remember to rest and eat. so you dont get physically run down.

    Peace, blessings, love, and heartfelt sympathy


  14. (((((((((((((((((((((((Beth))))))))))))))))))))))))) Sorry you are feeling so poorly. My prayers and thoughts are with you for a speedy recovery.

    Thanks David and Karen, for the update, and please keep us posted

    Peace and Blessings,


  15. HI Beth,,,, When my husband was diagnosed I read alot online. Bill didnt read anything at all. He went through alot of emotions and didnt talk about much of anything. I think he put his energy into the chemo and radiation and that was about all he was up for. I think it was normal for him to let me be caregiver and worrier, and he was the fighter. It worked well. It allowed him to concentrate on the battle.

    Peace and prayers


  16. (((((Melinda and little sister))))))) My thoughts and prayers are with you and your sister. I just went through Charley and Frances. My first hurricanes since I moved here 3 yrs ago. It is very scary, but please try to believe she will be ok. The authorities have excellent storm preparation and evacuation plans in place, for everyones safety, and fortunately they have ample time to implement them. Please keep us posted here, this is a wonderful group of caring people.

    Peace to you,


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