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I would like to apologize for the capital letters in some of my correspondence. I did NOT realize that typing in capital letters was the same as screaming in computer talk. I am not that computer literate. Someone mentioned this in one of their letters. Please excuse. Marion

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No need to apologize. Someone had to tell me that too! I had no idea. Like everything else, it depends on the context if someone will get offended by words they see in caps. I never thought you were shouting! I just thought you had your cap lock on!

love and fortitude


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I'm one of those who capitalizes out of laziness. I do it for EMPHASIS because it's a lot more trouble to use italics or the bold function....in that I have to use the mouse to do the latter. If I just DO THIS...my fingers never have to leave the keyboard. :) I don't mean it as shouting...I mean it to emphasize.

The only time capitalizing really bothers me is when someone is on caps lock and the whole thing is in capitals. It bothers me not because it implies shouting...but cuz it's harder to read all caps. Old eyes, ya know! :roll:

But I never assume someone means to be shouting....I'm more inclined to assume they don't know that all caps means they're a-hollerin'!

If they just capitalize SOMETIMES...I figure they're like me.....too lazy to use the bold or italics functions! :wink:

I guess this is MY wordy way of saying, I apologize too, if anyone figures I'm yellin' cuz I don't mean to be. I'm also probably too old to change my habit. :? But I can try...

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Yea, HECK..we all got more serious things to worry about than our typin..I think anyone who's reasonable knows that either the typer is unaware of meaning, doesnt mean to shout...or just forgets the cap lock on. I doubt that anyone here would take offense of it, least I wouldnt.

I simply read the message...easy to tell if someone is angry or not. So....NO PROBLEM..heheheh Look forward to your posts, however you type it. Rich B.

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Apology, although unnecessary, kindly accepted, Marion. The 'Net is a fascinating thing - it is a society all its own, complete with legends and rumors, societal norms, self-appointed "police", heroes, deviants and saints. Hang around a little longer and you'll catch up. Meantime, a slip-up or two is just fine, especially here, where you are among friends. Welcome.

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No big deal. I never thought of it as shouting. I like others just found it difficult to read.

Another thing I find difficult to read is when people write just one big paragraph. Even if not grammatically correct, I try and start new paragraphs often so it is easier to read.

I have always heard that it is easier if there is a lot of white space. Just my 2 cents.

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Oh Dear Sweet Kind Marion,

We're not here on LCSC to point out how to type and how not to. We're here for Lung Cancer Support. I'm going out on a limb here, and say, if we were all here to type things correctly, non of us would be here! :wink::roll: No need to apoligize my friend! Your among friends, and we accept our friends with warmth, love and support, and, just the way they are.

Much Love & Support,


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It is weird how the cyber community grew to become another social organization, complete with its own "rules" and etiquette. It seemed to have been almost immediate. Those of us who "came to it" in the middle had and have a lot to pick up.

I can still remember the time someone "said"--"You don't have to yell!" I was really confused, lol as I hadn't been saying a word!

The weird thing is that it didn't take long for me to also begin to see caps as "yelling." It happened subconsciously, I guess.

Basically, I have learned to be careful of caps when I am giving any kind of advice, opinion or directions.

The other thing, are the tons of abreviations that somehow became standarized. LOL, for example meaning, "Laughing out loud"--even if you are just smiling.!

I'm not big on emoticons--there needs to be many more of them for me, because the standard ones don't fit right. I think there are really hundreds of them, I just don't know the key strokes.

And last but not least, is what I call, "reading typo." I seldom proofread things I post--I revise the content sometimes, but for some reason, I just don't proofread like I would in other situations. I guess "typo" has become it's own language!

I also have forgotten how to spell. I have relied on spell check so long, I honestly have trouble spelling and I usually won the spelling bees!

Ginny is right about the white space. It does help, especially those of us with, let's say, "old eyes."

I am just rambling, but I really want to say, I am glad you are here and don't worry, we all have a lot to learn.

love and fortitude


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