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goods news

Guest mona61

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After 6 weeks of chemo and 36 radiation treatments they say that my husband is in a partial remission. The tumor has shrank 50% initially it was 6cm and they only see one lymph node that is suspicious. They still want more rounds of chemo carbol and taxol (which he received the first time once a week) every three weeks. He still has hair but very thin. (he is so proud of that) but the doctor seems to think that this will take the rest. Not that we care about the hair. He wants to go back to work but the doctor wants him to stay off a little while longer. Hopefully he will return soon. We will be having a PET scan done next week to be certain that it is still cancer, but doctor seems pretty sure that it still is. I am confused about this because the last time they ruled out the PET scan with an MRI regarding the adrenal gland (which wasnt involved). I am confused about a lot of things that has went on at doctor. They couldnt find the original CAT scan today that was done initially, so nothing really to compare excepts notes. I was not pleased. My husband said we didnt need them because they were the bad ones. You got to love him. We will be getting a second opinion with Siteman Cancer Center in St. Louis, Mo. They were to fax the information for them to look at today. I still want to believe that they have staged him to high (3B), because of the progression that he is having. They are still not talking surgery and now I am even second guessing that because of the progress. I am also not sure whether we should go ahead next week with another round of chemo if we havent saw the other doctor. But, we do thank God for where we are now. I do believe in the power of prayer and I will keep praying for everyone with this terrible monster.

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in 6 weeks - 50 % reduction. Boy that sounds like good news! second opinions never are wasted. Either you get more knowledge, or even just confirmation . Keep us posted. Donna G

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That does sound like good news...

I would see no reason to delay the chemo unless I thought there was absolutely no reason for it. That does not seem to be the case.

Good luck with the second opinion. Maybe he'll communicate a bit better than the original doctor.


Prayers always,


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I would continue the chemo if the Dr. suggests it, my Mom also went into remission after her very first rounds of chemo last year, she was diagnosed at Stage IV NSCLC, so needless to say we were in shock and so happy about the remission! My Mom's case was similar to your husbands in the fact that they didnt have the 1st CAT scan to compare. We thought that was strange. Anyway, to make a long story short..........my Mom went off treatments for a while since she was in remission (her Dr. didnt suggest continuing at that point), it was within 2 months that her pain and shortness of breathe returned and of course that was a sign that the cancer had returned, at that point more tests showed it had spread to distant areas (Liver and Brain), she then of course started up treatments again, including radiation this time for the brain mets. My Mom did pass away in Feb. of this year...not to scare you into thinking there is no hope, because many people go into remission and stay there!! :D Im just strongly suggesting not to quit treatments yet. Just my opinion. God Bless and keep us posted!!

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