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One year


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Last year, Thanksgiving day was the day that we were getting my mother's results tomorrow. The day after Thanksgiving was when she was to get the news as to wheter or not she had cancer.

It ended up not coming until the following week, but thanksgiving will always signify a year to me that she was diagnosed. Last Thanksgiving was horrible, I really could not stop thinking it was her last, then her last Christmas, last everything. The Oncologist told us the chances of her making it a year were slim to none.

Well this year, my mother is hosting Thanksgiving at her house, not for a huge amount of people, about 7. It is still a lot of work, and I never would have imagined that this would be possible. It is amazing to me how things changed in a year, how now she is howing no signs of cancer anywhere in her body, how now she has put all of her weight back on and seems healtheir than I can ever remeber.

I just wanted to put this out there for anyone who is at the beginning stages of a diagnosis for themselves or a loved one. One year ago, we honestly thought we wuold lose my mother in a matter of months. I spent this same weekend planning on how to get time off from work, talking to an Estate attorney, preparing Power of Attorneys and Living Wills. Now my mother is well enough to have spent all weekend shopping and preparing to cook for everyone. I thank God that she met another doctor got a second opinion and decided to fight this battle, and that we did not listen to the first Dr. and just go home and allow the disease to take over. I am sure if we had , this thanksgiving would be very sad for us. Happy Thanksgiving everyone,

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I want to say congragulations to your mother. I hate that it was when it was cause Thanksgiving will be etched in your mind forever. But you know what, perhaps the timing is perfect for someone else that may read your post. Perhaps you gave them that bit of hope that they may need to fight the disease. Thanks for posting.

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Yep, a hear ago on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, I started my chemo. As of the last x rays; I am in remission and am on Iressa to keep me that way. Hope it works.

At that time, I was thinking along the lines of my last Holiday with family also. I sure was fooled and hope I get to see many more. My only grandchild will be three this December and as most of you know; this is a great stage. We have a lot to be thankful for.

I hope everyone has a MOST HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY and will eat your fill. Marion

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Congratulations. I love good news. I am so happy for you.

It is a particular good reminder for me - I am cooking, my husband is feeling worse, I am thinking I will make this a lovely Thanksgiving for the family, maybe the last - probably the last. But none of us know that. It is in God's hands. Live today the best we can and give the rest to God.


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I remember the dumb things I thought when I first found out I had "the big C." It was June, and I'm a fan of West Wing (tv show), so I wondered if I'd find out if Donna made it through her surgery :P , and would I get to see the Olympics, would I get to vote, have another Thanksgiving and Christmas, another birthday, see so and so again, and should I go ahead and find homes for my kitties while I'm still able, and on and on.

What I didn't realize then and I believe in wholeheartedly now is that I want to live a LONG time. If I want to live another year, I have to first live another month, 12 times. If I want to live 2 years, I have to live a year, twice. And on and on.

The day before I found out I had cancer, I had no guarantee of how many days I'd have left on this earth, and knowing about the cancer didn't change that.

Thanks for your words. I'm truly amazed at the people in this forum, and the depth of emotion and feeling one can find here just reading through 1 day's posts.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


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Thank you for sharing with us and congratulations on one year!

I, too, didn't think my husband was going to make it through the holidays last year. He was diagnosed early Aug. 2003 with 8 brain mets, 7 cm lung tumor, Stage IV. After his WBR, chemo and lung radiation, he was knocked out totally flat on his butt for two months, and what with all I read on the internet, etc., I knew I was going to lose him before Christmas. I didn't find this website until March 2004, so I didn't know ANYTHING about hope.

Well, that old fart surprised all of us! Not only did he make it, but he's back to being his usual smart a** self - AND I LOVE IT!!!

Congratulations to you and to all our survivors. I pray that everyone has a wonderful, happy, and thankful, Thanksgiving!



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Well, thanks for all the replies, I am glad I could make some people feel better. thanksgiving was great, my mother cooked a feast and everyone has been comenting to me that they can't believe how much weight she has put on. My mother has always been a little underweight, her whole life. She actually looks a little plump now which is just great, she has probbaly put on about 30 pounds since she started feeling better.

She spent yesterday getting on a 3 hour bus ride with her firends from work and taking a day trip out to Deerfiled Mass, was gone form about 7am until 10pm. The fact that she felt good enought to do that is just more proof that you never know what can happen.

It has changed my whole view of the Holidays, and in a good way. Even though I will always assocaite the holiday season with her being diagnosed, I will also always associate it with her bouncing back and feeling so good.

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