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saying thank you


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Has anyone gone back to where their loved one was treated after they had passed to say thank you to the health care providers. It has been six months and I feel that I might be ready to walk back into the hospital and see her chemo nurse and doctors. We spoke after my mom passed away on the telephone but that was it. They were as shocked as we were that she had passed. I just feel the need to see them and say thank you because I feel that they probably gave us more time with her than if she didn't have treatment maybe we wouldn't got 8 months with her. Some places would have said it is too far gone and to go home and get your affairs in order but not MGH in Boston, they were all great right down to the parking attendants at the oncology unit of the hospital. Do many family members go back afterwards and said hi?

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Dear Joan,

After reading your post about going back to thank you Mom's medical team, it really made me think. These wonderful people who have helped so many of us with their knowledge and compassion deserve to be thanked in whatever way makes us comfortable. Saying 'thank you', I believe, is never wrong. It comes from the bottom of your heart and they will know that and appreciate that. And I bet your Mom would approve. :)


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hi joan,

i'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. i went to visit my mom's onco/rad/primary doctors the week after my mom passed away to thank them for all of their help. i took some gifts that my mom had requested for me to buy and give these docs/nurses too. i was my mom's primary caretaker, so all of them knew me. i also donated all of my mom's meds/supplemental drinks. it kind of made everything come full circle for me, so it was a good experience. the docs/nurses didn't know what to say to me, but i know that they appreciated my visit. i'm thinking about stopping by again before christmas to give them all cookies. i know that my mom would've wanted me to show our appreciation. i hope that this helps you make your decision.

happy holidays,


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I went back to where my mom would get her chemo about a month after to donate materials. It's the same hospital where my mom passed. It was extremely difficult, but I'm glad I went. There were four nurses there that knew us and they all came and hugged me and shared their stories of people they've lost. They also spoke wonderful words of my mom. I needed to hear those words from them because I was so proud at how strong and brave she was. I felt that no one understood outside of my world of cancer and these nurses understood...they went through it with me, so to see them was a thing I needed at the time. It was a very nuturing experience for me. If you can get yourself to go visit those wonderful people I recommend it.

Take Care

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I never went back to visit with Dad's oncologist after we lost him but, I did send him a card thanking him for the treatment and respect he had given my Dad when he was ill and I also took a few minutes to thank him personally when Dad left the hospital and went under Hospice care at home. He was so good to Dad and I still think of him often.

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