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First Post-Treatment Scan


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Had my first post-treatment scan yesterday. Of course my oncologist is out of town, so I won't know the results until I see him on 12/15. Very frustrating. I'm trying to remain positive, but I've been having regular back pain the last couple of weeks, so now I can't quit thinking it has spread to my spine. I get so frustrated worrying about every ache and pain. Oh well, just one of the many joys of having cancer! I keep reminding myself that I have had a bad back since I was in college and its just muscle ache. Plus I'm still having pain from my surgery, which I understand is not uncommon. Thanks all for letting me vent! Hope to NED on the 15th!

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Hi Kevin..

I am hoping that your scan says NED too!!

What is going on, though, with everyone having to wait so long for their reports.. ?

Sorry about your achin' back. I had one of those for way too many years too. And, yes. After the lc diagnosis, I think everyone can relate to "oooh.... what was THAT pain?"

I will be looking forward to hearing about what the oncologist has to say to you on the 15th. Other than the pain from the surgery and the back pain, how are you feeling? How is your energy? And are you back to your daily living?

Thanks for posting, Kevin.. I knew you were out there :)

Cindi o'h

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Nerves...healing nerves. First there's the pain...pure, nasty pain and the raw burning....then it itches, but hurts if you scratch it - IF you can find where you think it's itching 'cuz the nerves are all scrambled...then it burns....and itches, but you can hit more of the places that itch...

The nerves encircle your torso, heading down to the hip. Pain will follow the little superhighways back to your brain...

Back pain? How's this for an explanation (my opposite shoulder ached and ached with nothing visible and this is what I was told): You have pain, so you over compensate to avoid pulling that area of your body. That throws you "off center" causing some muscles to work much harder than others for jobs that they never had to do before - for example, hunching over so you are not pulling the cut taut for yet another barrage of nerve pain. Very simply, it's probably just your posture (along with previous "bad back" history) that is bugging you.

Of course, nothing I can say will take away your anxiety, until you know for sure on the 15th! Just try to relax until then...or see if you can get the doctor's nurse to call you and give you the results... :wink:

Take care,


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Just wanted to say that I want to add my "wishing for NED" along with the others. I would call the doc's office and ask that the results be sent to you or go by and pick them up. They are yours. Then if you have any questions you will have time to formulate them before you see the doctor. I have found that I can usually get the tech to fax them to me the day they are read. Here's hoping for only great news.


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I too had suspicions about the back pain, even tho Id had it for 15 yrs., it was twice as intense after lung surgery. If thats what you had, ....they move and spread the ribs to get in there, and they are all attached to vertebrae of course, so the back pain is aggravated by all that pressure, etc...We did a couple MRIs to be sure,....and no sign of cancer there, just aggravated arthritic inflammations, I guess. might be what u find out, too. Anyway, good luck.....Rich B.

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Hi Kevin..

I am hoping that your scan says NED too!!

What is going on, though, with everyone having to wait so long for their reports.. ?

Sorry about your achin' back. I had one of those for way too many years too. And, yes. After the lc diagnosis, I think everyone can relate to "oooh.... what was THAT pain?"

I will be looking forward to hearing about what the oncologist has to say to you on the 15th. Other than the pain from the surgery and the back pain, how are you feeling? How is your energy? And are you back to your daily living?

Thanks for posting, Kevin.. I knew you were out there :)

Cindi o'h

Thanks for the nice message. Other than the back pain and still sore ribs, I'm doing well. I went back to work three weeks after my surgery and was able to work through most of my chemo treatments. I would take off each infusion day, and the day after. Within a week I was usually back to normal. I feel very lucky.

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that an area of the bod goes off is worthy of note so it may be worth jotting down a note to review with someone who might use and assess the information. gut reactions are important to follow up on.

but, for me, reaching even tentative conclusions about the cause of particular aches and pains is ill advised. for you see, i don't have much of a clue for many things. though i've been following cancer issues pretty closely since '97 for myself and others.

i've always been able to get some kind of reaction to my concerns from the doctors. while it is clear that they sometimes don't have a clue either, they have been good enough to say so in the main i think when that is the case. when i want to follow further elsewhere i am, of course, free to do so but my m.d.s have been training in areas i am not really sufficiently familiar with and seem to know things from a big picture point of view that i often don't see.

so i have found it well advised to bring issues to an m.d.'s attention before deciding in my own mind i'm terminal, or nearly so, from something. it spares the mind from tragedies that won't occur.

best of luck and health to you.


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I sure do understand your worry about every ache and pain, I do the same thing now. I was always a very healthy person who had every confidence in my health till all this hit me, and now, everything is suspect to me. It's a terrible feeling and hard to distinguish between what's real and hypochondria.

But, I guess that's what our new normal is for us. For example, I had a sore throat all week last week that I woke up with but was gone by afternoon. On Saturday, it didn't go away, and I am so afraid of any kind of respiratory problem I went to the Quick Care office. They were thinking I was kind of nuts when I didn't have a fever or anything and a sore throat was my only symptom. Guess what--I was postive for strep throat. At least that's fixable. My point is, any other time, I would have waited a few days to see if it went away on its own. No more for that.

Anyway, we all understand around here the anxiety that any new pain brings and we hate it too.


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I sure do understand your worry about every ache and pain, I do the same thing now. I was always a very healthy person who had every confidence in my health till all this hit me, and now, everything is suspect to me. It's a terrible feeling and hard to distinguish between what's real and hypochondria.

But, I guess that's what our new normal is for us. For example, I had a sore throat all week last week that I woke up with but was gone by afternoon. On Saturday, it didn't go away, and I am so afraid of any kind of respiratory problem I went to the Quick Care office. They were thinking I was kind of nuts when I didn't have a fever or anything and a sore throat was my only symptom. Guess what--I was postive for strep throat. At least that's fixable. My point is, any other time, I would have waited a few days to see if it went away on its own. No more for that.

Anyway, we all understand around here the anxiety that any new pain brings and we hate it too.


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I sure do understand your worry about every ache and pain, I do the same thing now. I was always a very healthy person who had every confidence in my health till all this hit me, and now, everything is suspect to me. It's a terrible feeling and hard to distinguish between what's real and hypochondria.

But, I guess that's what our new normal is for us. For example, I had a sore throat all week last week that I woke up with but was gone by afternoon. On Saturday, it didn't go away, and I am so afraid of any kind of respiratory problem I went to the Quick Care office. They were thinking I was kind of nuts when I didn't have a fever or anything and a sore throat was my only symptom. Guess what--I was postive for strep throat. At least that's fixable. My point is, any other time, I would have waited a few days to see if it went away on its own. No more for that.

Anyway, we all understand around here the anxiety that any new pain brings and we hate it too.


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I sure do understand your worry about every ache and pain, I do the same thing now. I was always a very healthy person who had every confidence in my health till all this hit me, and now, everything is suspect to me. It's a terrible feeling and hard to distinguish between what's real and hypochondria.

But, I guess that's what our new normal is for us. For example, I had a sore throat all week last week that I woke up with but was gone by afternoon. On Saturday, it didn't go away, and I am so afraid of any kind of respiratory problem I went to the Quick Care office. They were thinking I was kind of nuts when I didn't have a fever or anything and a sore throat was my only symptom. Guess what--I was postive for strep throat. At least that's fixable. My point is, any other time, I would have waited a few days to see if it went away on its own. No more for that.

Anyway, we all understand around here the anxiety that any new pain brings and we hate it too.


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