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Diabetic Cat


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2004 was quite the medical year for my family.

Geez, cancer for me early and the year - I am ending the year with a cat diagnosed with diabetes. I am not joking, I have never heard of this. Looks like I get to begin insulin shots to my loving feline friend Felix.

I have now filled my medical quota for at least 10 years, right?


Anyways, Cheers to a healthy and happy new year to one and all,


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Cheers to you as well.

I have a friend that has to give her cat, Seymour, a shot each morning. He gets better for a while, gets off the shot routine, then has to go back on it.

Weird thing though is that her other cat, Nittney, is very belligerent with Seymour when his sugar is out of whack. My theory is that Seymour's body gives off ketone bodies and Nittney can smell it and it is something different, thus the erratic behavior.

More info than you asked for probably.

Have a great new year, All.


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Wendy ,

My sister, who lives with mom and dad, takes care of their diabetic cat. He is 13 years old and has been diabetic for , I think , 3 years now. He became quite thin and walked all hunched up etc... You would not believe he was the same cat now.. She gives him insulin shots twice a day & feeds him special food from the vet. Now the cat, has gained his weight back, has a beautiful shiney coat, and plays like a kitten. It took a while to get him regulated on the amount of insulin, but once they did it worked like magic. I have to tell you that she would have been voted the most unlikely to be sticking a needle in anyone or any animal, but to save his life, she did it . Anyhow, just know that you aren't alone in that journey either.. My best to you.


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My cat TOC (The Other Cat) also had diabetes. I had to give him 2 shots a day. Didn't bother him at all. I was a basket case for an hour before each shot.

BTW, my big, strong husband was afraid of needles and couldn't do it. I always teased him that if a robber came in with a great big gun, Earl would protect me, but if he came in with a hypodermic needle, I was on my own.

Wishing you and your kitty a happy and healthy new year.

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I have a friend, also a nurse, who has a diabetic cat, too. Not only does she give him insulin shots, but somehow she manages to get a urine sample for testing. I have NO idea how she does that! I always say Frankie (the cat) picked the right owner. :D

Happy new year, and many more, to you all. - Teresa

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Its good to here that there are other cat owners going the insulin road for the diabetes. When I was told about it I was simply floored that you ever worried about things like that! From the sounds of it, it isn't too difficult and I love the little critter too much not to do it.

As far as the needles go, after all the chemo and surgery I've had.....hopefully it will be a piece of cake.



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