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update on Joel/ one week since thyroid pill


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Hi All,

Well this is week one of the radioactive iodine pill they gave Joel to kill the thyroid.

And........ HE IS DOING GREAT!!! :D Like a 90 degree turn from last week. He is actually eating me out of the house :shock: Even his voice is much more in control and not that whimpy whisper anymore.

His strength is coming back little by little. He even took out the trash today and was doing work on his computer. That is a first since the operation back in December.

I guess I should have put this in the good news column. But I always post in here and I wanted all of you to know.

I also want to thank every one who PM me with words of encouagement.

Thanks all.... hopefully when he gains his weight (the rate he is going should be soon) and we can get on with the chemo. I don't want him to wait too long, or it won't work.

take care all, will keep you posted.


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Great news. Now please don't forget to at least get him to do range of motion of his affected shouder ( the side he had surgery). Besides they say exercise is good for you and it makes you happy. Donna G

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