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Anyone had to deal with cancer to brain and spine??


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Have not posted for a while but have been keeping up pretty much with the latest here..Wife was just told today that she has lesion's on both side's of brain and lower spine..They have set her up for her radiation to start this coming monday...

Can anyone tell me of there experience with this DX ..She want's to keep working but there is some town driving involved but only about 5 mile's each way...Your input's will be appreaciated....


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My mother had mets to spine, they gave her some radiation treaments (it was one big treatment). She had some secondary effects 2-3 days later: nausea, fatigue, which lasted for one week. The treatment really helped controlling the pain, better than painkillers I would say...


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Can't help on the brain mets, but the spine we can input on. Lucie, my wife, had the main met on her upper spine, which was very painful and caused some functional loss in her left hand. It was treated with radiation, as well as chemo, two years ago, and it has been fine for far. She does have to take low doses of time-release morphine twice a day because the damage to the spine still causes pain. She drives some, and does most of the things she did before. Good luck. Don

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Just to thank everyone for your input on this subject. Wife will meet with her regular onocologist Wednsday and give more info on what the cat scan show's . So ill let you all know about that , were of course hoping for at least some hopeful aspect's. Wife's humor and demeanor is great as she laugh's and say's she's tired of everyone thinking she's drunk when she walk's so hope's the radiation will resolve that much....

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I don't have any info about brain mets but Dennis did have mets to the lower spine. Our doctor thought the chemo would help the spinal mets but it did not. We finally had radiation for the mets to the spine. That treatment seemed to reduce the pain level.

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