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Remembering Dave

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I just cant stand it. I dont post much w/ its this kind of a post because I am a mess w/ this stuff, scared for you, scared for me. My heart goes out to you and Dave. I love his sense of humor. I have sat at my computer in the middle of the night, in the dark, feeling sorry for myself or been upset and read one of his posts only to laugh so hard I almost pee'd myself.

His attitude and sense of humor is infectious and inspiring. I just love him.

I am not much a prayer person, but I know how to send out my most postive, hopeful vibes.

Here they come. Please keep us posted.


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Dave, Karen, Faith,

My prayers accompany you as you trek steadfastly onwards.

Please don't forget that, like Dave, God has a sense of humour : make sure you recognise your miracle when it arrives. It will be yours alone, known to no man saving he that receiveth it (Ap 2, 17).

In faith and hope,


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