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Stage III & IV questions


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I have some questions that maybe some of you can answer.. My dad has been diagnosed with stage III NSLC. Thats all i know as of now but will find out exactly within the next 24-48 hours. I'm wondering if some of you can pass along some stage III or IV NSLC (65 and older) success stories about people to keep the positive vibes going. Your insights are appreciated. Thanks

Sam :)

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Hi Sam,

My Dad was diagnosed with Stage 1V in January of 2001 - He is still here and doing well - had chemo for about 6 months and some radiation to a met on the hip.... First Chemo was Taxol which didn't really affect his tumor at all - Second Chemo was Gemzar and Carbo and shrank it considerably... he continues to go for scans every 3 months and so far so good.... Keep your chin up - I will pray for your family. Sharon

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I am 31 years old stage four met to brain and liver. I comtine to work and exercise. Normalcy is wha you need in your life as hard as that is right no. I have two small children to raise and no time for cancer. Please for gve this post I am nder the Influence of ambien, but definitely evercise

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  • 4 weeks later...

My mom is a SURVIVOR of NSCLC stage IV, which was diagnosed in March, and after only about 4 months of chemo.......im now so happy to say the cancer is in REMISSION!!! Miracles DO happen, this is proof, since the Dr. basically gave my mom 6-12 months to live!! That was not acceptable, I did tons of research (got my mom on some supplements) she quit smoking immediately (she gives the credit to God for this, since she was a heavy smoker for over 40 years!!), I did plenty of praying myself for my mom, shes only 58 and my best friend, and losing her was not an option for me!! We stayed positive (very hard at times). NEVER GIVE UP........stay positive, do all your own research (I recommend going to a local health food store) and lots of prayers!! I get goosebumps when I think of how my mom has came thru this so well, it really has to be GOD!! and I thank him every night when I go to bed!!!!!! I hope everyone can read this and feel that anyone can beat the odds!!!!! It happens all the time. TAKE CARE!! and God Bless!!

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My dad was diagnosed last year 8/02 and was a stage IIIb did a combo or radiation and chemo and now we are sitting back and waiting. So my dad is so far a 1 year survivor and it feels great to say it.. Don brought it to my attention and im glad that you all accept him as a survivor.. cuz he keeps on keepin on ! =) Stay positve and believe always.

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Thanks for all your help and input. I appreciate it.

An update on dad..

He will be starting week 4 of his radiation treatments on Monday. He's still here after being diagnosed about 7 weeks ago. Its been very rough though because he's 71 years old, and seems to be fighting age factors as a addition to the cancer. Right now radiation is our only option, because even the lower tier chemo drugs wouldnt really help him. It's either the "platinum" drugs or nothing, and they feel that he cant handle chemo at this point. He's been in a lot of pain. He's taking time released morphine along with vicodin. I think he'll be increasing those dosages this week, because his body has gained some tolerance to those drugs. I'm hoping the pain will subside with the radiation in time, but i know we have a long way to go before that happens. I hope he can make it through this point in his life. He's fighting. We're hoping and staying positive. Anyhow thanks again. Cheers!


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