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Whole Brain Radiation-"Expect Fatigue" ????


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Last Thursday, May 12, I finished my WBR, 14 days of it. Got a paper about what to do and expect. All kinds of warnings! One line said to "expect fatigue." No kidding! I feel like a rag doll; no energy at all! If I sit down to rest I fall asleep! Talking to two friends, it is not unusual! Will take 2-3 more weeks to feel more alive! I hope!

I do feel it is wonderful that they can do this to kill the brain mets! God bless our Doctors!

Love, Marge

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Congratulatlions on your treatment being finished. :mrgreen:

Now just rest, and take some Marge time. Little by little your strength will return, and you will be fine. Rest and sleep is a healing agent. Don't rush into anything until you are stronger.

Praying for a fast recovery... :wink:


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I'm so glad you've got the treatments behind you. Rest up, I remember my husband couldn't get enough sleep for about 10 days and then his energy began to slowly return. Great days ahead for you I'm sure!

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I didn't have all that, but the PCI I did have sure knocked the wind out of my sails for a while. While I was having it, it was just freaky to put on that mask every day (groan) and see the "lights" during the treatment, but no side effects that I could tell.

Shortly after the treatments ended, I'd say within 2-3 weeks, the worst fatigue came, and my hair fell out. Loved the bald head (still do!) and I just learned to cut my day a little shorter, go home from work, and rest every day. I've done that ever since. I come in earlier and leave early so I can have some sofa time every evening!

Glad to hear from you -- what you write just "sounds" like it has a big smile behind it!


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....well....i'm weird...but i finished PCI in mid Dec.....and i'm still effected. my onco said he'd never had a patient be effected w/it for over 6 months though...

but this is pci....and it rarely effects most people like it did me....i was told 2 weeks is the norm....


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