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Cindi o'h update.

cindi o'h

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I just knew you would feel better when you got that financial load off your shoulders. Stress can make it hard to breath even without lung problems... I am so happy for you. You really, really deserve the good things that have come into your life, now.

I am so sorry about your friend. I know how important that family is to you, and I pray it all goes well for her.

You can provide a much-needed ray of hope to her.

love and fortitude


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All in all, I think I am better. And I am hopeful that the cancer is not back. How's that for an update?

I'm thinking that its a pretty good update. You are sounding good, Cindi. Am glad that you have settled into the apartment and into new slacks. OH, and shopping is always good. :wink:

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Ahhhh...the comforting CHA-CHING of Retail Therapy!

Good to see you dolling up the house, and I feel your pain on the larger size pants - since my sweats are so comfy, I'm considering the elastic waistband. :roll:

Hope you are enjoying summer and getting enough sunshine to last you all winter!

Take care, Cindi,


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Well, I'm late in responding to your post, so sorry. BUT, it was a pleasure to read that you are feeling better, both physically and mentally. Shopping is a good sign, so is decorating and getting around and BREATHING!!!! (That one is important :wink: )

Keep up the good work and positive attitude. I'll try to be better at staying up to date, as you know moving is very hard, by the end of each day I'm exhausted!


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