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Hello All,

Back from a weeks vacation and car event in Chocolate town USA, Hersehy, PA. Great time and now need to get ready to go back to work on Tuesday after three months recovery from surgery. Not really looking forward to it. I was getting used to the time off especially with the hot weather here in the Northeast. But need to be thankful that I can go back. Just wanted to check back in and hopefully everyone is doing well.

Bill In PA

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Hi Bill,

Congrats on getting back to your normal routine. We sure do take that for granted till the bad stuff hits the fan and we can't have normal for a while. I was so grateful to be able to resume normal activities, I couldn't believe it. I'm happy for you and hope you just slide back into the life you were meant to lead.....


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Hi Bill,

Congrats on getting back to your normal routine. We sure do take that for granted till the bad stuff hits the fan and we can't have normal for a while. I was so grateful to be able to resume normal activities, I couldn't believe it. I'm happy for you and hope you just slide back into the life you were meant to lead.....


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Hi Bill,

Congrats on getting back to your normal routine. We sure do take that for granted till the bad stuff hits the fan and we can't have normal for a while. I was so grateful to be able to resume normal activities, I couldn't believe it. I'm happy for you and hope you just slide back into the life you were meant to lead.....


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