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Ron gets a good report


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Ron saw his oncologist on July 4 and had his 4th taxotere treatment on July 5. There is no recoccurance (at this point) of the pleural effusion. There is a "faint" change in the liver but the onc. is not going to biopsy it - he says it could be CA, but it can also be a change as a result of the many chemo treatments or the fluid that had built up in his body back in April. The onc. was quite pleased with the results. He is still going to try and push for 10 treatments. Three days following his last treatment, a benefit was held in Ron's honor at a local gymnasium with 500 people present. Following the fifth band's performance many of the musicians got on stage for a long version of "Mustang Sally" - some of you may remember that song. Guess who sat behind the drums? He played his heart out for 10 minutes and even fit in two solos with offtime beats etc. He finished with a bang and rose from behind the drums to a standing ovation and the odd tear. He gave an incredible speech with a strong, adrenalin pumped, stance and bellowing voice. With his vibrant Lance Armstrong yellow bracelet in full view he spoke about his battle over the past 16 months and how he's not finished living yet. He left people with little doubt. His oncology nurses were there. His ICU nurses were there. Everyone was standing and applauding him. It was quite an emotional night. It took Ron 4 days to bounce back from that night but it was worth every nap and ache. Those who were present at the end of the night have been talking about the guy with Stage IV cancer who beat the skins off the Ludwigs. We live in a small community so word travels fast. The energy in the room remained from beginning to end - the dance floor was never empty, people got to see old friends and Ron had so many hugs, kisses and well wishes it was amazing.

Ron appears to be doing well although I worry about his shortness of breath. He is functioning fine but seems to become very winded at times when he does too much. He doesn't appear to be feeling "short" of breath and doesn't have any interruptions in his sleep etc. I know that breathlessness is a side effect of Taxotere so we don't want to overreact. We're taking a few days off next week to get away for a little R & R.

My mom has been in the hospital for two weeks. Cancer cells have been found in the liver. The doctor feels that we may be looking at the pancreas or bowel as the primary. She is a four year breast cancer survivor. So things have been pretty hectic for us. Just when you think things can't get worse, they do. My dad has been in hospital since March 17 and is awaiting placement in a nursing home. The only consolation to having them both in hospital is that they can see each other daily. Life's a bowl of %%%*&( at times isn't it?

We will perservere though. I haven't been in tune with what's been going on but I'll try to catch up over the next few days.

Prayers to all.


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Hi Janet!

Just reading your post about Ron and his benefit...I kept saying outloud.."wow"...."wow"...."wow"...!!! and when I think about the tough shape he was in just a few short months ago...It gives those who are struggling hope and lots of it! So happy that Ron is doing so well and that your community is present for you all.

Sorry to read about your mom and dad now.

But, so very glad to get an update on what is going on and Ron's boost in attitude and life!

Cindi o'h

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Wow Janet, what an inspiring story about Ron and all his friends that came out for his benefit. That is PRICELESS!!

That is one evening that will be forever embetted in Ron, you and all who attending that special night.

Thank you for sharing that.

I am sending healing prayers to Ron, and your parents.

Take care,


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Wow - what a night! Sounds like you had quite a party there and as Cindi said, great that Ron's doing so well. I am sorry to hear the extent to which ill health has hit your nearest and dearest at the same time. I'll keep you and yours in my thoughts.


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