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Semi - permanent hall pass please


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Hello all. I find myself needing to ask Ry for a permanent hall pass. I'm still in a state of shock really and no, nothing's wrong with Claire, she's fine.

I, together with 16 colleagues, have been made redundant. Did not see it coming. I will be leaving this company in a few weeks and whilst I already have a new job lined up (right place right time) I will not have internet access to anything other than permitted sites of which this will not be one. Due to a salary cut I have to look at getting rid of a few non-essentials and have reluctantly decided that a home computer is not an essential. I will have access through friends' computers from time to time and so will check in when I can. I'll be around for the next few weeks (towards the end of August) as normal but then I'll be, well gone. I'm gutted :cry:


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Oh I am sorry to hear you've lost your job. I hope this turns out to be one of those things that down the road ends up being a good thing. Thanks for letting us know.

You know in the States we have people that stand on the road with signs that say, "Will Work for Food"-- you could try one that says "Will Work for Computer Access." :lol:

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Oh how awful!!! :cry::cry:

Dee, we will miss you so!! Library is a good idea...and you always have to love the friends that have computer access at their homes they're willing to share with you! Hoping you can find some time to come and visit with us and keep us updated on Claire and yourself!!

I was given my "walking papers" from the job i held last year, turns out that i ended up with more pay and less drive at the one i'm at now. Blessings sometimes sneak up on us in the most amazing way!

Prayers for you and Claire always!

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Oh my, Dee. I am very unhappy hearing this. Please do try to make use of the library and/or good friends for computer access.

Hopefully you will snag another job ~ better, of course. Then hoping a computer will be on the top of your list so you can get back to us. We will be missing you here :cry: !

Many ((((HUGS)))) to you, Dee.


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I saw the title of your post and thought, "Oh, No!" I'm glad nothing's happened to Claire (my first thought) but I'm so sorry life is going to be a little tougher for you for awhile. I hope the new employer appreciates you and makes you glad you had to switch jobs!

I'll miss your posts. Come back whenever you can, okay?


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