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Connie B

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Lisa, I wanted to start a NEW thread on this so NOONE will miss it.

Lisa O wrote:

The show is scheduled to air on Sunday night during the ABC World News tonight. I am very nervous about which footage they will use, but I guess I will find out with the rest of the Country. I really hope they put a positive slant on it!

YOU GO GIRL! I'll be watching and I'm SURE you did a GREAT JOB! :D:D

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Not a thing to worry about, Lisa. You'll come off like a STAR....I just know it!

And if anything isn't "quite right"...it'll be THEIR fault and not yours! :wink:

Keep that right hand pampered...cuz it's gonna get a workout signing autographs!! :lol:

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Thank you for starting this new thread Connie, as this is very important to Lisa and us.

I will print out your thread and post it next to my tv so I will not forget.

Lisa, what time is it going to air?


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