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Smoking in Italy


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I was truly amazed at the number of people that are smoking in Italy. While it appears that most restaurants, hotels etc. have become non smoking, (which they were not 3 years ago), the number of people smoking on the street is much higher than here in the states.

I would think we would have many more members from Italy, since, if smoking is really the number one cause of lc, than they must have an astronomical number of cases.

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Hi Ginny...

How nice for you and your friend to see Italy...I am Italian and have never been there....althou my sis and my Mom and many friends have been and told me I would love it....looks so beautiful there...but WHY do they all want to come to THIS country...ha....and I am not suprised much more smokers on the street's in Italy...They are hardheaded..ha...no pun intended cause remember I AM Italian :-)

take care...Pam S.

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How funny...I thought the same thing when I was over there and Austria! We actually had a couple of conversations about the number of heavy smokers we saw in public, but the fact that we never saw anyone there on oxygen. Do they have better health care? Better genes? Hide their sick? I honestly didn't know.

:) Kelly

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We noticed that same thing here in downtown Nashville this past spring, and figured we see more on the streets because they are being run out of buildings to smoke! Maybe there are more taking up the habit, but some of the buildings down here that had smoking areas no longer have them, so the people go outside. One of the local stations did a story about state employees spending a lot of time outside, off the job, on "smoking breaks."

If you're in or around Oregon, you'll know that your state now allows public sex acts in bars. You can't smoke in them, but you can, uh, you know ... :oops:

What a country!


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Italy has it's own branch of the group,

ALCASE, and it holds a large, yearly conference for Thoracic Oncology Specialists.

Not certain why we don't have more Italian Members here, but I'm wondering if it has to do with Internet Access for the average person. I know when I lived in Europe a lot of folks had Internet Access at work, but were not allowed to access it for personal use, and the companies really did check out each employee's account.

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Can't speak for Italy or anywhere else with first hand knowledge but i do know that American's live the softest life of all country's and most European's and Asian's definately walk more or ride Bicycle's far more than we do and i know we also eat much more processed food's. But i remember hearing one time that during the 30's that American's smoked more than any other country but we were more physical in our work and ate more home grown food and our life span's were growing at a rapid rate.Also i understand Japanese people (in Japan ) smoke more than any other country and there lung Cancer rate is lower than our's but once again they eat more natural food's and get more exercise.

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I don't know about the number of smokers here but I do know that it is less than, say, 20 or 30 yrs ago.

Many people try to quit.

Also, we have a lot of extra tax on cigarets.

I don't know if the extra tax helps people to stop smoking. I guess the government hopes not, because they 'need' the extra tax-money. I don't think they use it for research on LC or LC-prevention!

I don't know about Italy, but we have a lot of LC patients!


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Hi Ginny,

Where I work we used to have Korea's from Samsung working with us. They chain smoke I don't know how they got any work done since they were always outside. I wonder if it's like that over seas?

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